Page:Embroidery and Fancy Work.djvu/218

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To make the little fluffy balls so much used in connection with crochet in wools, cut two circular pieces of card board, regulating the size by the size it is desired to have the balls. For ordinary use, a fifty cent piece would be a good guide. Cut a hole in the centre, and with a needle and wool sew evenly over both cards until the central hole is quite filled up. Cut the wool between the cards with a sharp penknife or scissors, and tie the wool tightly in the centre between the cards. Remove the cards, rub the ball in the hand, steam it over boiling water, and trim the edges with a pair of scissors.

Good parlor balls for children can be made with single or double Zephyr wool of all colors over cards measuring four inches in diameter, with a hole in the centre one and a half inches in diameter, tied strongly between the discs with fine twine. Fig. 100 shows the ball before the discs are removed.

Fig. 100.


Make a chain of the required length, and work one row of plain afghan stitch. Then in the next row, * work up stitch; work up second stitch and make three chain; put the needle through the same stitch the chain started from, throw the wool round the needle and pull it through last two stitches, repeat from * to the end of row, working off the stitches as usual.

In the next row reverse the order of the beads.