Page:Elmer Gantry (1927).djvu/98

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tinence—just take it out in prayer and good hard exercise."

"Oh, sure, Eddie, you bet; what a help you're going to be to the young men in your church," purred Harry Zenz.

Frank Shallard was meditating unhappily. "Just why are we going to be preachers, anyway? Why are you, Harry, if you think we're all such liars?"

"Oh, not liars, Frank—just practical, as Elmer put it. Me, it's easy. I'm not ambitious. I don't want money enough to hustle for it. I like to sit and read. I like intellectual acrobatics and no work. And you can have all that in the ministry—unless you're one of these chumps that get up big institutional outfits and work themselves to death for publicity."

"You certainly have a fine high view of the ministry!" growled Elmer.

"Well, all right, what's your fine high purpose in becoming a Man of God, Brother Gantry?"

"Well, I— Rats, it's perfectly clear. Preacher can do a lot of good—give help and— And explain religion."

"I wish you'd explain it to me! Especially I want to know to what extent are Christian symbols descended from indecent barbaric symbols?"

"Oh, you make me tired!"

Horace Carp fluttered, "Of course none of you consecrated windjammers ever think of the one raison d'être of the church, which is to add beauty to the barren lives of the common people!"

"Yeh! It certainly must make the common people feel awfully common to hear Brother Gantry spiel about the errors of supralapsarianism!"

"I never preach about any such a doggone thing!" Elmer protested. "I just give 'em a good helpful sermon, with some jokes sprinkled in to make it interesting and some stuff about the theater or something that'll startle 'em a little and wake 'em up and help 'em to lead better and fuller daily lives."

"Oh, do you, dearie!" said Zenz. "My error. I thought you probably gave 'em a lot of helpful hints about the innascibilitas attribute and the res sacramenti. Well, Frank, why did you become a theologue?"

"I can't tell you when you put it sneeringly. I believe