Page:Elementary Color (IA gri c00033125012656167).djvu/139

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For the use of teachers we prepare a number of ready-made charts relating to the subject of color.

Rainy Day Spectrum.—A small spectrum made from our colored papers, about an inch wide and thirteen inches long, mounted on cardboard, 4 x 16 inches.

Large Spectrum.—About five inches wide and thirty inches long, made from colored papers and mounted on cloth.

Chart of Pure Spectrum Scales, No. 1, X.— A Cardboard chart, 9 x 24 inches, hinged in two sections and folding to 9 x 12 inches. This chart contains ninety papers one inch square, arranged in five vertical columns of eighteen squares each. Each horizontal row forms a scale of five tones.

Chart of Pure Spectrum Scales, No. 2, X.—A Cardboard chart folding into four sections each twelve inches square, with papers each two inches square, arranged as in chart No. 1, X.

Chart of Broken Spectrum Scales, No. 1.—Similar in form and size to Chart of Pure Spectrum Scales No. 1, X, with papers one and one-half inches square, comprising twelve scales of three tones each, light, medium, and dark.

Chart of Broken Spectrum Scales, No. 2.—Same form and size as Chart of Pure Spectrum Scales, No. 2, with papers three inches square, arranged in twelve scales of three tones each.

Chart of Complementary Colors.—This is a Cardboard chart with printed lines and colored paper disks showing at a glance the complementaries of the six standard colors, and serves to refresh the memory of a class regarding these complementaries. The card is eighteen inches square.


This is a small book about three inches long and one inch wide, bound at the end and containing one leaf of each of our colored papers with its technical name. The collection consists of nearly 175 colors which are divided by fly leaves into four classes : "Pure Spectrum Scales," "White, Black, and Grays," "Broken Spectrum Scales," and "Engine Colored Papers."


These Water Colors have been made to supplement the Bradley educational colored papers and rotary disks, thus completing the only logical system of elementary color instruction ever devised. The box contains the six standard colors and two grays, and from these every material color in nature and art can be imitated as well as with a much more complicated palette.