Page:Egyptian Literature (1901).djvu/38

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glad in the horizon of Manu, and the holy beings therein rejoice. Thou shinest there with thy beams, O thou great god, Osiris, the everlasting Prince. The lords of the zones of the Tuat in their caverns stretch out their hands in adoration before thy Ka (double), and they cry out to thee, and they all come forth in the train of thy form shining brilliantly. The hearts of the lords of the Tuat (underworld) are glad when thou sendest forth thy glorious light in Amentet; their two eyes are directed toward thee, and they press forward to see thee, and their hearts rejoice when they do see thee. Thou hearkenest unto the acclamations of those that are in the funeral chest,[1] thou doest away with their helplessness and drivest away the evils which are about them. Thou givest breath to their nostrils and they take hold of the bows of thy bark in the horizon of Manu. Thou art beautiful each day, O Rā, and may thy mother Nut embrace Osiris . . .,[2] victorious.”


[From Lepsius “Todtenbuch,” Bl. 13.]

The Chapter of the Chaplet of Victory. Osiris Auf-ānkh, victorious, born of Sheret-Amsu, victorious, saith:

“Thy father Tem hath woven for thee a beautiful chaplet of victory [to be placed] on [thy] living brow, O thou who lovest the gods, and thou shalt live forever. Osiris-khent-Amentet[3] hath made thee to triumph over thine enemies, and thy father Seb hath decreed for thee all his inheritance. Come, therefore, O Horus, son of Isis, for thou, O son of Osiris, sittest upon the throne of thy father Rā to overthrow thine enemies, for he hath ordained for thee the two lands to their utmost limits. Atem hath [also] ordained this, and the company of the gods hath confirmed the splendid power of the victory of Horus the son of Isis and the son of Osiris forever and forever. And Osiris Auf-ānkh shall be victorious forever and ever. O Osiris-khent-Amentet, the whole of the northern and southern parts of the heavens, and every god and every goddess, who are in heaven and who are upon earth [will] the victory of

  1. I.e., the dead.
  2. The name of the deceased is wanting.
  3. I.e., “Osiris, Governor of Amentet,”