Page:Egyptian Literature (1901).djvu/189

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fore is it, Dedi, that I have not yet seen thee?” And Dedi answered: “He who is called it is that comes; the King (life, wealth, and health) calls me, and behold I come.” And his Majesty said, “Is it true, that which men say, that thou canst restore the head which is smitten off?” And Dedi replied, “Truly, I know that, O King (life, wealth, and health), my lord.” And his Majesty said, “Let one bring me a prisoner who is in prison, that his punishment may be fulfilled.” And Dedi said: “Let it not be a man, O King, my lord; behold we do not even thus to our cattle.” And a duck was brought unto him, and its head was cut off. And the duck was laid on the west side of the hall, and its head on the east side of the hall. And Dedi spake his magic speech. And the duck fluttered along the ground, and its head came likewise; and when it had come part to part the duck stood and quacked. And they brought likewise a goose before him, and he did even so unto it. His Majesty caused an ox to be brought, and its head cast on the ground. And Dedi spake his magic speech. And the ox stood upright behind him, and followed him with his halter trailing on the ground.

And King Khufu said, “And is it true what is said, that thou knowest the number of the designs of the dwelling of Tahuti?” And Dedi replied, “Pardon me, I know not their number, O King (life, wealth, and health), but I know where they are.” And his Majesty said, “Where is that?” And Dedi replied: “There is a chest of whetstone in a chamber named the planroom, in Heliopolis; they are in this chest.” And Dedi said further unto him, “O King (life, wealth, and health), my lord, it is not I that is to bring them to thee.” And his Majesty said, “Who, then, is it that shall bring them to me?” And Dedi answered to him, “It is the eldest of the three children who are in the body of Rud-didet who shall bring them to thee.” And his Majesty said: ‘“Would that it may be as thou sayest! And who is this Rud-didet?” And Dedi replied: “She is the wife of a priest of Ra, lord of Sakhebu. And she has conceived these three sons by Ra, lord of Sakhebu, and the god has promised her that they shall fulfil this noble office (of reigning) over all this land, and that the eldest of them shall be high-priest in Heliopolis.” And his Majesty’s heart be-