Page:Egyptian Literature (1901).djvu/151

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powers. The Osiris Nu is the lord of right and truth which the goddess Uatchit worketh. The strength which protects the Osiris Nu is the strength which protects the god Rā in heaven. O god Rā, grant thou that the Osiris Nu may travel on in thy boat in peace, and do thou prepare a road whereon [thy] boat may journey onward; for the force which protecteth Osiris is the force which protecteth thee. The Osiris Nu driveth back the Crocodile from Rā day by day. The Osiris Nu cometh even as doth Horus in the splendors(?) of the horizon of heaven, and he directeth Rā through the mansions of the sky; the gods rejoice greatly when the Osiris Nu repulseth the Crocodile. The Osiris Nu hath the amulet(?) of the god, and the cloud of Nebt shall not come nigh unto him, and the divine guardians of the mansions of the sky shall not destroy him. The Osiris Nu is a divine being whose face is hidden, and he dwelleth within the Great House [as] the chief of the Shrine of the god. The Osiris Nu carrieth the words of the gods to Rā, and he cometh and maketh supplication unto the divine lord with the words of his message. The Osiris Nu is strong of heart, and he maketh his offering at the moment among those who perform the ceremonies of sacrifice.”

[this chapter] shall be said over a figure of the deceased which shall be placed in [a model of] the boat of the sun, and behold, [he that reciteth it] shall be washed, and shall be ceremonially pure, and he shall have burnt incense before ra, and shall have offered wine, and cakes, and roasted fowl for the journey [of the deceased] in the boat of ra. now, every khu for whom such things are done shall have an existence among the living ones, and he shall never perish, and he shall have a being like unto that of the holy god; no evil thing whatsoever shall attack him. and he shall be like unto a happy khu in amentet, and he shall not die a second time. he shall eat and he shall drink in the presence of osiris each day; he shall be borne along with the kings of the north and of the south each and every day; he shall quaff water at the fountain-head; he shall come forth by day even as doth horus; he shall live and shall become like unto god; and he shall be hymned by the living ones, even as is ra each and every day continually and regularly forever.