Page:Egyptian Literature (1901).djvu/119

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Shall not the god Ur-ma pass over it as [he] journeyeth forward with vigor? Have I not overcome(?), and have I not spoken to the gods? Behold, he that is the heir of Annu hath been destroyed. I, even I, know for what reason was made the lock of hair of the Man. Rā spake unto the god Ami-haf, and an injury was done unto his mouth, that is to say, he was wounded in [that] mouth. And Ra spake unto the god Ami-haf, saying, ‘O heir of men, receive [thy] harpoon;’ and the harpoon-house came into being. Behold, O god Ami-haf, two divine brethren have come into being, [that is to say], Senti-Rā came into being, and Setem-ansi-f came into being. And his hand stayed not, and he made his form into that of a woman with a lock of hair which became the divine lock in Annu, and which became the strong and mighty one in this temple; and it became the strong one of Annu, and it became the heir of the heir of Ur-maat-f (i.e., the mighty one of the two eyes), and it became before him the god Urma of Annu. I know the Souls of Annu, namely, Rā, Shu, and Tefnut.”


[From the Papyrus of Nu (British Museum No. 10,477, sheet 18).]

Another Chapter of knowing the Souls of Khemennu (Hermopolis). The chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, saith:

“The goddess Neith shineth in Matchat, and the goddess Maāt is carried by the arm of him who eateth the Eye, and who is its divine judge, and the Sem priest carrieth me over upon it. I will not declare it unto men, and I will not tell it unto the gods; I will not declare it unto men, and I will not tell it unto the gods. I have entered in being an ignorant man, and I have seen the hidden things. Homage to you, O ye gods who dwell in Khemennu, ye know me even as I know the goddess Neith, and [ye give] to the Eye the growth which endureth. There is joy [to me] at the judgment of the things which are to be judged. I, even I, know the Souls of Annu; they are great at the festival of the month, and are little at