Page:EB1911 - Volume 18.djvu/301

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studying the depth of the ocean breeze on the coast of New Jersey, but the later revival of interest in the subject
Fig.7.—Marvin Kite Reel for hand power.
dates from the work done in England in 1882 by E. D. Archibald, who used the kite to carry up anemometers to very considerable heights, and thereby determined the relative movement of the air in the free atmosphere. In 1883 Alexander McAdie used the kite in his studies of atmospheric electricity, Professor Cleveland Abbe proposed to use it for a complete exploration as to temperature, moisture and wind, but W. A. Eddy of New York first forced its varied capabilities upon public attention, and accepted the suggestion of Professor Cleveland Abbe to employ it for meteorological work. Having flown his kites at the Blue Hill Observatory, and having carried up with them the self-registering apparatus devised by Mr Ferguson, Eddy left the further prosecution of this work to Mr Rotch, who has made this a prominent feature of the work at his observatory, having carried up meteorographs to the height of 15,000 feet by means of a series of kites flying in tandem. The officials of the U.S. Weather Bureau have developed the admirable cellular kite, invented by Hargrave of Australia, and Professor Marvin’s works on the theory and construction this form are well known.

The general appearance of the Marvin or Weather Bureau kite, his reel and other apparatus that go with it, and his meteorograph, are shown in Figs. 6, 7, 8. The size ordinarily used carries about 68 sq. ft. of supporting surface of muslin tightly stretched on a light wooden frame. The line, made of the best steel piano-wire, is wound and unwound from a reel which keeps an automatic record

Fig. 8.—Marvin Kite Meteorograph.

of the intensity and direction of the pull. The reeling in and out may be done by hand, but ordinarily demands a small gas-engine. The observer at the reel makes frequent records of the temperature, pressure and wind, the apparent angular elevation of the kite, and the length of wire that is played out. At the kite itself the Marvin meteorograph keeps a continuous record of the pressure, tempera ture, humidity and velocity of the wind. The meteorograph, with its aluminium case, weighs about two pounds, and is so securely lashed behind the front cell of the kite that no accident has ever happened to one, although the kites sometimes break loose and settle to the ground in a broken country many miles away from the reel. On four occasions the line has been completely destroyed by slight discharges of lightning; but in no case has the kite, the observer, or the reel been injured thereby. Of course, such lightning is preceded by numerous rapidly increasing sparks of electricity from the lower end of the wire, which warn the observer of danger. During the six months from May to October 1898, seventeen kite stations were maintained by the U.S. Weather Bureau in the region of the lakes, the Upper Mississippi and the Lower Missouri valleys, in order to obtain data for the more thorough study of atmospheric conditions over this particular part of the country. During these months 1217 ascents were made, and as no great height was attempted they were mostly under 7000 or 8000 feet. There was thus obtained a large amount of information relating to the air within a mile of the earth’s surface. The general gradients of temperature, which were promptly deduced and published by H. C. Frankenfield in 1899 in a bulletin of the Weather Bureau, gave for the first time in the history of meteorology trustworthy observations of air temperatures in the free atmosphere in numbers sufficient to indicate the normal condition of the air.

The kite and meteorograph have now been adopted for use by all meteorologists. The highest flight seems to be that of the 3rd of October 1907, at Mt Weather in Virginia, when 23,110 ft. above sea-level or 21,385 ft. above the reel was attained by the use of 37,300 ft. of wire and 8 kites tandem.

The balloon was used for the scientific exploration of the atmosphere quite freely during the 19th century. The first important voyages were those of Gay-Lussac and Biot at Paris in August and September of 1804. The next important ascent was that of Bixio and Barral in 1850 at Paris. The most remarkable high ascents have been Balloon. those of James Glaisher, 2nd of September 1862, and Berson at Berlin in 1889; on both of these occasions the aeronauts attained altitudes of from 30,000 to 35,000 feet. Systematic ascents at many points in Europe simultaneously on pre-arranged dates were made during the years 1895–1899, and led to the development of a general international system of ascension on pre-arranged days of the year that is now a very important feature in the study of the atmosphere.

Fig. 9.—Chart of Isotherms in Free Air above Trappes.

This diagram shows the height at which the isotherms of 0°, −25°, −40°, −50° C. were encountered on the respective dates. Below the ground-line are given both the dates and the temperatures of the air observed at the ground when the balloon started on each ascent. The isotherms of −40° and −50° are not given for certain ascents, because in these the balloon did not rise high, enough to encounter those temperatures.

Owing to the great risk of human life in these high ascents and especially to the fact that we desire records from still greater heights, efforts have been made to devise self-recording apparatus that may be sent up alone to the greatest heights attainable by free hydrogen balloons carrying the least possible amount of ballast. The pioneer in this new field of work was Léon Teisserenc de Bort of Paris. As these ascensions are made with great velocity, and therefore as nearly vertical as possible, he called them “soundings,” because of their analogy to the mariner’s usage at sea, and his balloon is called a “sounding balloon.” The balloons of silk collapse, those of india-rubber explode, and descend about as rapidly as they ascended,