Page:EB1911 - Volume 02.djvu/462

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Fig. 91.
1. Reading Clerk. 23. Peers’ Staircase. 45. Dining Room of the Deputy Sergeant-at-Arms. 67. Speaker’s Counsel.
2. Dressing Room. 24. Inner Office. 46. Turret Room. 68. Speaker’s Counsel’s Clerk.
3. Clerk of the Parliament. 25. Printed Papers Office. 47. Private Stairs of the Deputy Sergeant-at-Arms.  69. Vote Office.
4. Clerk Assistant’s Dressing Room. 26. Private Bills and Taxing Office. 48. Journal Office Stores. 70. Bar Lobby.
5. Clerk Assistant. 27. Earl Marshal. 49. Police. 71. Speaker’s Lobby.
6. Clerk, House of Lords. 28. Strangers’ and Reporters’ Stairs. 50. Ministers. 72. Ministers.
7. Messengers. 29. Peers’ Standing Order Committee Room. 51. Opposition Ministers. 73. Clerk Assistant.
8. Waiting Room. 30. The Thrones. 52. Members’ Entrance Stairs. 74. Train Bearers.
9. Lord Chancellor’s Secretaries. 31. Bar of the House. 53. Members’ Conference Room. 75. Speaker’s Retiring Room.
10. Lord Chancellor. 32. Leader of the Opposition in the House of Lords. 54. Members’ Private Secretaries 76. Old Prison Rooms Lobby.
11. Lord Chancellor’s Dressing Room. 33. Premier. 55. Members’ Small Conference Room. 77. Sergeant-at-Arms’ Smoking Room.
12 Permanent Secretary. 34. Telegraph. 56. Votes and Proceedings. 78. Clock Weight Shaft.
13. Sergeant-at-Arms. 35. Solicitor-General. 57. Accountant and Chief Public Bill Office. 79. Air Shaft.
14. Yeoman Usher of the Black Rod. 36. Attorney-General. 58. Old Treasury Stairs. 80. Smoking Room Lobby.
15. Private Bill Office. 37. Lord Advocate. 59. Post Master. 81. Butler.
16. Chairman’s Dressing 38. Resident Superintendent. 60. Strangers’ Stairs. 82. Speaker’s Secretary.
17. Chairman of Committees. 39. Archbishops. 61. Cistern Tower. 83. Audience Room.
18. Clerk to Private Bill and Taxing Office.  40. Principal Stairs. 62. Irish Whips. 84. Times Reporters.
19. Chairman of Committees Counsel. 41. Residence of the Yeoman Usher of the Black Rod.  63 Government Whips. 85. Strangers’ Gallery.
20. Royal Staircase. 42. Sitting Room. 64. Opposition Whips. 86. Waste Paper.
21. Clerk to Public Bills. 43. Residence of the Clerk of Parliament. 65. Deputy Sergeant-at-Arms. 87. Mess.
22. Minutes. 44. Members’ Entrance. 66. Clerk to Deputy Sergeant-at-Arms.