Page:Drawing for Beginners.djvu/45

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lower jaw of Teddy Bear is small and retracting, and his mouth curves upward in a pleased little smile.

His upper arms are very thick, and they scoop downward and outward and end in rounded paws. Teddy Bear might carry our study further. In all probability he will wear a coat or tunic. Then draw the little garment carefully. Draw the folds under the arms, and the belt round the waist, and the pattern about the edge of it.

Teddy Bear is different from the wooden creatures of the ark or the velveteen of Bunny Rabbit. He has a furry coat.

Try to indicate with several strokes of the pencil the furry shadows in his ears, behind his ears, in the bend of his arms and legs, and the shaggy little fringe of his paws and hind-legs.

Draw the furry lines lightly. His coat is of a soft substance. Draw some of the thick curls with their queer little twists, and the shadows on the curve of the ragged edges.

His eye is dark and bright. It has a shiny light, being of a shiny substance. Draw the dark shadow of the little eye with strong, dark touches, leaving the light untouched.

There, you see, we have the fur of the coat, the velvet of the dress, and the button of an eye. Three different substances requiring different handling of the pencil.

Dobbin, who has carried us so many miles round the nursery-floor that all his tail and most of his mane has sprinkled the highway of our fancy, Dobbin, after all is said and done, is a horse. He has four legs, a stout body, an arched neck, and a spirited eye and nostril.

See how smooth and round is his body, and how firmly the four legs are fastened to the corners, and how squarely the neck is placed! His hoofs are stoutly fixed on the ground, the left fore-leg and the right hind-leg stepping forward.

First note the barrel shape of his body and draw that firmly, placing the legs at each corner and simply marking the angle from the top of the leg to the hoof. Then place the curved neck on the square shoulders and trace the long face. (The 'horse-faced,' a rude nickname we sometimes hear, suggests a man or woman with a very long face.)