Page:Diplomacy and the Study of International Relations (1919).djvu/118

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The Literature of International Relations

Empire, Dante and the De Monarchia, and Bartolus, and on the theory of the Empire and independent kingdoms; ch. iii, Le Christianisme et la Guerre; ch. vii, La Guerre contre les Infidèles et contre les Hérétiques; ch. viii, L'Équilibre Européen; ch. xiv, La Diplomatie et les Ambassades permanentes; ch. xvi, La Liberté des Mers; ch. xvii, Les Irénistes, including sections on L'Église et la Trève de Dieu, Le grand dessein de Henri IV, and L'Abbé de Saint-Pierre et la Paix perpétuelle.

(c) Walker, A History of the Law of Nations, vol. i (1899)—From the earliest times to the Peace of Westphalia, pp. xxx + 361: the only volume published. The work supplements Wheaton's History on ancient times and the Middle Ages, and on the times and the teaching of Gentilis and Grotius. Pages 31–137 treat of 'The Evolution of International Law' to the close of the Middle Ages—pp. 31–6 on the Israelites, pp. 37–43 on the Greeks, pp. 43–57 on the Romans,[1] pp. 57–79 on the Roman Empire, and pp. 79–137 on the Middle Ages.

2. Treatises of International Law. It is well for the student of modern history, from at least about the middle of the eighteenth century, to come to know something of works on International Law that were actually used, and were influential, in each age—those, for example, of Vattel (Le Droit des Gens (1758)), of G. F. von Martens (Précis du Droit des Gens moderne de l'Europe fondé sur les Traités et l'Usage (1788)), and of Wheaton (Elements of International Law (1836)).

The Law of Nations Vattel defined as 'the science which teaches the rights subsisting between nations or states, and the obligations correspondent to those rights'.[2] Vattel's general

  1. See Phillipson, International Law and Custom of Ancient Greece and Rome.
  2. The Law of Nations … from the French of Monsieur de Vattel, by Joseph Chitty (1834), liii. Heeren (The Political System of Europe, transl.,