Page:Dido and Aeneas (1689).pdf/7

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Enter the Country Shepherds and Shepherdeſſes.

He, Tell, Tell me, prithee Dolly,
And leave thy Melancholy.
Why on the Plaines, the Nymphs and Swaines,
This Morning are ſo Jolly.

She, By Zephires gentle Blowing,
And Venus Graces Flowing.
The Sun has bin to Court our Queen,
And Tired the Spring with wooing.

He, The Sun does guild our Bowers,

She, The Spring does yield us Flowers.
She ſends the Vine,

He, He makes the Wine,
To Charm our happy Hours.

She, She gives our Flocks their Feeding,

He, He makes ’em fit for Breeding.

She, She decks the Plain,

He, He fills the Grain,
And makes it worth the Weeding.

Cho. But the Jolly Nymph Thitis that long his Love ſought,
Has Fluſtred him now with a large Mornings draught.
Let’s go and divert him, whilſt he is Mellow,
You know in his Cups he’s a Hot-Headed Fellow.

The Countreys Maids Dance.


ACT the Firſt,

Scene the Palace

Enter Dido and Belinda, and Train.

Bel. SHake the Cloud from off your Brow,
Fate your wiſhes do Allow.
Empire Growing,
Pleaſures Flowing,
Fortune Smiles and ſo ſhould you,
Shake the Cloud from off your Brow,

Cho. Baniſh Sorrow, Baniſh Care,
Grief ſhould ne’re approach the Fair.

Dido, Ah! Belinda I am preſt,
With Torment not to be Confeſt.
Peace and I are Strangers grown,
I Languiſh till my Grief is known,
Yet wou’d not have it Gueſt.

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