Page:Dido and Aeneas (1689).pdf/5

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Perform’d at
Mr. JOSIAS PRIEST’s Boarding-School at
By Young Gentlewomen.
The Words Made by Mr. NAT. TATE.
The Muſick Compoſed by Mr. Henry Purcell.


Phœbus Riſes in the Chariot,
Over the Sea, The Nereids out of the Sea.

Phœbus, FRom Aurora’s Spicy Bed,
Phœbus tears his Sacred Head.
His Courſers Advancing,
Curvetting and Prancing.

1. Nereid, Phœbus ſtrives in vain to Tame ’em,
With Ambroſia Fed too high.

2. Nereid, Phœbus ought not new to blame ’em,
Wild and eager to Survey
The faireſt Pageant of the Sea.

Phœbus, Tritons and Nereids come pay your Devotion

Cho. To the New riſing Star of the Ocean.

Venus Deſcends in her Chatiot,
The Tritons out of the Sea.
The Tritons Dance.

Nereid. Look down ye Orbs and See
A New Divinity.

Phœ. Whoſe Luſtre does Out-Shine
Your fainter Beams, and half Eclipſes mine,
Give Phœbus leave to Prophecy.
Phœbus all Events can ſee.
Ten Thouſand Thouſand Harmes.
From ſuch prevailing Charmes,
To Gods and Men muſt inſtantly Enſue.

Cho. And if the Deity’s above,
Are Victims of the powers of Love,
What muſt wretched Mortals do.

Venus Fear not Phœbus, fear not me,

A harmleſs Deity.