Page:Dido and Aeneas (1689).pdf/10

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Sorc. But e’re we, we this perform,
We’l Conjure for a Storm.
To Mar their Hunting Sport,
And drive ’em back to Court.

Cho. In our deep-Vaulted Cell the Charm wee’l prepare,
Too dreadful a Practice for this open Air.

Eccho Dance.
Inchantereſſes and Fairees.

Enter Æneas, Dido and Belinda, and their Train.

Scene the Grove.

Bel. Thanks to theſe Loveſome Vailes,

Cho. Theſe deſert Hills and Dales.
So fair the Game, ſo rich the Sport,
Diana’s ſelf might to theſe Woods Reſort.

Gitter Ground a Dance.

2d. Wom. Oft ſhe Viſits this Loved Mountain,
Oft ſhe bathes her in this Fountain.
Here Acteon met his Fate,
Purſued by his own Hounds,
And after Mortal Wounds.
Diſcovered, diſcovered too late.

A Dance to Entertain Æneas, by Dido Vemon.

Æneas, Behold upon my bending Spear,
A Monſters Head ſtands bleeding,
VVith Tuſhes far exceeding,
Theſe did Venus Huntſmen Tear.

Dido. The Skies are Clouded, heark how Thunder
Rends the Mountain Oaks aſunder.
Haſt, haſt, to Town this open Field,
No Shelter from the Storm can yield. [ Exit.

The Spirit of the Sorcereſs deſcends
to Æneas in likneſs of

Spir. Stay Prince and heat great Joves Command,
He Summons thee this Night away.

Æn. To Night.

Spir. To Night thou muſt forſake this Land,
The Angry God will brook no longer ſtay;
Joves Commands thee waſt no more,
In Loves delights thoſe precious Hours,
Allowed by the Almighty Powers.
To gain th’ Heſperian Shore,
And Ruined Troy reſtore.

Æn. Joves Commands ſhall be Obey’d,

To Night our Anchors ſhall be weighed,