Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/99

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PALAEOLOGUS. PALAEOLOGUS. B7 STEMMA PALAEOLOGORUM. Andronicus Palaeologus Comnenus, Magnus Domesticus ; married Irene Palaeologina. MrCHAEL VIII., emperor 1 2f>0- 1 282 ; jn. Theodora. Joannes, Magnus Domesticus. Constantinus Sebastocrator. Two daughters. Manuel, Andronicus II., emperor 1282— 1328; dethroned bjr his grandson Andronicus III.; died ris a monk, 1.^32 ; m. 1. Anna, daughter of Stephen, of Hungary. 2. Irene, or lolanthe, daughter of William VI., and sister of John of Montlferrat. I Constantinus Porpljyrogennetus, died 1306 ; m. daughter of Protovestiarius Joannes. Joannes Panhypersebastos. married Irene, dr. of the Logothetes Theodorus Metochita. I Theodorus, despotes. Three daughter*. Maria, 1. Stephen, king of Hungary. Michael IX., associated with his father in the empire; died 1320. Constantinus, despotes. Joannes, despotes. Theodorus, succeeded his uncle John in the principality of Montferrat ; died 1338. Demetrius, Simonis, despotes. married Dragutin king of Servit. Andronicus III., emperor 1328—134 1 ; in. 1. Agnes or Irene, of Brunswick. 2. Anna of Savoy. Manuel, I Anna, , 1. Thomas Angelus, of Epeirus. 2. Thomas, of Cephalonia. Theodora, married two Bulgarian princes. Joannes VI., emperor 1355—1391. He did not immediately suc- ceed his father, as his guar- dian Joannes Cantacuzenus_ usurped the throne. m. 1. Helena Cantacuzena. 2. Eudoxia Comnena, of Trapezus. Manuel, despotes. Theodorus. Three daughters. Andronicus, died a monk. Manuel II., associated with his father in the empire ; sole emperor 1391—1425; married Irene, daughter of Constantini of Macedonia Theodorus Porphyrogennetu.s. Demetrius, Irene, m. Basilius II. Comnenus, emperor of Trapezus. Joannes VII. emperor 1425—1448; m. I. Anna of Russia. 2. Sophia I'alaeolovjina, dl. of John Palaeologus, of Montferrat. Theodorus, despotes of Selymbria, died 1448. Andronicus, prince of Thessalonica, died a monk. Constantinus XIII. emperor 1448-1453; last emperor of Constan- tinople. I , I Demetrius, Thomas, prince of the prince of Achaia ; Morea. died at Kome 1465 m. Catharina, daughter of a noble of (ienca. Andreas, Manuel, went to Constantinople, and became a Mohammetian. Helena, Zoe. m. Ivan of llussia.