Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/922

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910 STHENELUS. Mnasippus, and the withdrawal of the Lacedae- monian fleet even before the arrival of Iphicrates, who had superseded Timotheus [Mnasippus]. There can be no question as to the identity of the Stesicles of Xenophon with the Ctesicles of Dio- dorus. But the latter writer tells us that Ctesicles had been sent some time before to Zacynthus, to take the command against the Spartans of the Zacynthian exiles, whom Timotheus had restored. Schneider would reconcile the two authors by sup- posing that he was ordered to proceed from Zacyn- thus to Corcyra ; nor does this seem so inconsistent with the language of Xenophon as Thirlwall and Rehdantz represent it. (Xen. Hell. vi. 2. §§ 10 —26 ; Diod. XV. 46, 47 ; Sclineider, ad Xen. Hell. vi. 2. § 10 ; Wesseling, ad Diod. xv. 47 ; Thirl- wall's Greece., vol. v. p. 60, note ; Rehdantz, Vitae Iph. Chabr. Timoth. iv. § 3.) [E. E.] STESI'MBROTUS (5T770-£>^poToy),of Thasos, a rhapsodist and historian in the time of Cimon and Pericles, who is mentioned with praise by Plato and Xenophon, and who wrote a work upon Homer, the title of which is not known. He also wrote some historical works, for he is frequently quoted by Plutarch as an authority. There is also a quotation in the Etymologicum Magnum (s. v. 'iSatoi) from a work of his on the mysteries, Trepl TeAeTwj'. (Plat. /o«, p. 550, c. ; Xen. Mein. iv. 2. § 10, Sympos. iii. 5 ; Plut. Them. 2, 24, Cim. 4, 14, 16, Per. 8, 10, 13, 26, 36 ; Strab. x. p. 472 ; Ath. xiii. p. 598, e. ; Tatian. adv. Graec. 48 ; Fabric. BM. Graec. vol. i. pp. 524, 358,512 ; Vossius, de Hist. Graec. pp. 43, 44, ed. Wester- mann.) [P. S.J ■ STHEINO or STHENO (59ejj/ft5 or 20e»/a5), one of the Gorgons. (Has. Theog. 276 ; Apollod. il 4. § 2.) [L. S.] STHENEBOEA (20e»/egom), a daughter of Jo- bates, or Amphianax or Apheidas, was the wife of Proetus. From love of Bellerophon she made away with herself, whence Bellerophon is called heros Stlienehoeitis. (Apollod. ii. 2. § 1, iii. 9. § I ; comp. Proetus and Hipponous.) [L. S.] STHENELA'IDAS (20ei'eAdrSos), a Spartan, who held the office of ephor in b. c. 432, and, in the congress of the Lacedaemonians and their allies at Sparta in that year, vehemently and successfully urged the assembly to decree war with Athens. The speech which Thucydides puts into his mouth on this occasion is strongly marked by the charac- teristics of Spartan eloquence, — brevity and sim- plicity. (Thuc.i.85,86, viii.5 ; Pans. iii. 7.) [E. E.] STHE'NELAS(206i/eAas), a son of Crotopus, father of Gelanor and king of Argos. (Paus. ii. 16. § 1, 19. § 2.) [L. S.] STHE'NELE(20€V€ATj),the name of two mythi- cal personages, one a daughter of Danaus (Apollod. ii. 1. § 5), and the other a daughter of Acastus and mother of Patroclus. (iii. 12. § 8.) [L. S.] STHE'NELUS (20eVeAos). 1. One of the sons of Aegyptus and husband of Sthenele. (Apollod. ii. 1. § 5.) 2. A son of Melas, who was killed by Tydeus. (Apollod. i. 8. § 5 ; comp. Oenkus.) 3. A son of Perseus and Andromeda, and hus- band of Nicippe, by whom he became the father of Alcinoe, Medusa, and Eurystheus. (Hom.//. xix. 116; Ov. Her. ix. 25, Met. ix. 273 ; Apollod. ii. 4. § 5, &c.) He was slain by Hyllus, the son of Heracles. (Hygin. Fob. 244.) 4. A 8on of Androgeos and grandson of Minos ; STHENIS. he accompanied Heracles from Paros on his ex- pedition against the Amazons, and together with his brother Alcaeus he was appointed by Heracles ruler of Thasos. (Apollod. ii. 5. § 9 ; comp. Apollon. Rhod. ii. 911, who confounds him with No. 5.) 5. A son of Actor, likewise a companion of He- racles in his expedition against the Amazons ; but he died and was buried in Paphlagonia, where he afterwards appeared to the Argonauts. (Apollon. Rhod. ii. 911.) 6. A son of Capaneus and Evadne, belonged to the family of the Anaxagoridae in Argos, and was the father of Cylarabes (Hom. //. v. 109; Paus. ii. 18. § 4, 22. § 8, 30. in fin.); but, according to others, his son's name was Conietes. (Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 603, 1093; Serv. ad Aen. xi. 269.) He was one of the Epigoni, by whom Thebes was taken (Hom. II. iv. 405 ; Apollod. iii. 7. § 2), and commanded the Argives under Diomedes, in the Trojan war, being the faithful friend and com- panion of Diomedes. (Hom. //. ii. 564, iv. 367, xxiii. 511; Philostr. //er. 4; Hygin. F«6. 175.) He was one of the Greeks concealed in the wooden horse (Hygin. Fab. 108), and at the distribution of the booty, he was said to have received an image of a three-eyed Zeus, which was in after- times shown at Argos. (Paus. ii. 45. § 5, viii. 46. § 2.) His own statue and tomb also were believed to exist at Argos. (ii. 20. § 4, 22. in fin. ; comp. Horat. Carm. i. 15. 23, iv. 9. 20 ; Stat. JcAz7/.i.469.) 7. The father of Cycnus, was metamorphosed into a swan. (Ov. Met. ii. 368.) [L. S.] STHE'NELUS (20eVeos), a tragic poet, con- temporary with Aristophanes, who attacked him in the Gerytades and the Wasps. (Aristoph. Vesp. 1312, and the &Ao^,) The scholiast here speaks of him as a tragic actor*, which is evidently a mis- take, for Harpocration (s. v.) expressly tells us that he was mentioned in the Didascaliae as a tragic poet, and there are several references to him as such. He is mentioned by Aristotle {Poet. 22) with Cleophon, as an example of those poets whose words are well chosen, but whose diction is not at all elevated. The insipidity of his style is happily ridiculed by Aristophanes in the question, " How shall I eat the words of Sthenelus, dipping them in vinegar or in dry salt ? " {Geryt. ap. Schol. ad Vesp. I. c. ; Ath. ix. p. 367.) The comic poet Plato also, in his Lacones, attacked him for plagia- rism. (Harpocr. and Phot. s. v.) There are no fragments of Sthenelus, except a single verse quoted by Athenaeus (x. p. 428, a.), which, being an hexameter, can hardly belong to a tragedy. Per- haps Sthenelus composed elegies. How long he lived is not known : from his not being mentioned in the Frogs, Kayser supposes that he had died before the exhibition of that play in B. c. 406. (Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. ii. p. 323 ; Welcker, die Griech.Tragod. p. 1033 ; Kayser, Hist. Crit. Trag. Graec. pp. 323 — 325 ; Wagner, Frag. Tray. Graec. in Didot's Bibliotheca, p. 91.) [P. S.] STHENIS or STHENNIS (20eVty, 206'ms, the former is the form used by the ancient writers, the latter in extant inscriptions), a statuary of Olyn- thus, is mentioned by Pliny as contemporary with Lysippus and others, at the 114th Olympiad, a c. 323. (//. N. xxxiv. 8. s. 19. The false reading of this passage, in the common editions, makes

  • That is, in the common editions. In the best

manuscripts the word inroKp'mis is omitted.