Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/918

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me STEPHANUS. Thej' are particularized by Westermann in his preface. From a careful examination of the references, it appears that the author of the Etymohgieum Mag- num^ Eustathius, and others of the grammarians, possessed the original work of Stephanus. It also seems probable that the work, as it now exists, is not a fair representation of the epitome of Hermo- laus, but that it has been still further abridged by- successive copyists. The former part of the work is pretty full ; the portion from liarpai to the middle of 2 is little more than a list of names ; the articles in T and T become fuller again ; and those from X to n appear to be copied, almost without abridgement, from the work of Stephanus. The work is arranged in alphabetical order ; but it was also originally divided into books, the exact number of which cannot be determined ; but they were considerably more numerous than the letters of the alphabet. The following are the chief editions of the Epi- tome of Stephanus : — ( 1 ) the Aldine, Venet. 1502, fol. ; (2) the Juntine, Florent, 1521, fol. ; (3) the edition of Xylaiider, with several emenda- tions in the text, and with Indices, Basil. 1568, fol. ; (4) that of Thomas de Pinedo, the first with a Latin version, Amst. 1G78, fol. ; (5) the text corrected by Salniasius, from a collation of MSS. ; various readings collected by Gronovius from the Codex Perusinus, with notes ; a Latin Version and Commentary by Abr. Berkelius, Lugd. Bat. 1688, fol., reprinted 1694, fol. ; (6) that of the Wet- steins, containing the Greek text, the Latin version and notes of Thomas de Pinedo, and the various readings of Gronovius, with Indices, Amst. 1725, fol. ; (7) that of Dindorf, with readings from a newly-found MS., and the notes of L. Holstenius, A. Berkelius, and Thomas de Pinedo, Lips. 1825, &c., 4 vols. 8vo. ; ( 8 ) that of A. Westermann, con- taining a thoroughly revised text, with a very valuable preface. Lips. 1839, 8vo. : this is by far the most useful edition for ordinary reference. The chief fragment was published separately, by S. Tennulius, Amst. 1669, 4to. ; by A. Berkelius, with the Periplm of Hanno and the Monumentum Adulitanum of Ptolemy Euergetes, Lugd. Bat. 1 674, 8vo., reprinted in Montfaucon's Catalogus Biblio- tlwcae Coislinianae, pp. 281, &c., Paris. 1715, fol. ; by Jac. Gronovius, Lugd. Bat. 1681, 4to., and in the Theaaurus Antiq. Graec. vol. vii. pp. 269, &c. ; and it is contained in all the editions, from that of Thomas de Pinedo downwards. There is a German translation of the fragment, with an Essay on Stepha- nus, by S. Ch. Schirlitz, in the Epliem, Litter. Scholast. Univ. vol. ii. pp. 385—390, 393—399, 1828, 4to. (Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. iv. pp. 621 — 661 ; Vossius, de Hist. Graec. pp. 324, 325, ed. Wester- mann ; Wellauer, de Extrema Parte Opens Slepha- niani de Urbihus^ in Friedemann and Seebod's Mi^cell. Crit. vol. ii. pt. 4, pp. 692, &c. ; Wester- mann, Stephani Byzantini 'EduiKwv quae supersunt, Praef. ; Hoffmann, Le,r. Bibl. Script. Graec. s. v.) There are several other Greek writers of this name, but not of sufficient importance to require notice here. (See Fahvic. Bibl. Graec. Index.) [P.S.] STE'PHANUS, artists. 1. A sculptor, who exercised his art at Rome in the first century B. c, was the disciple of Pasiteles and the instructor of Menelaus, as we learn from two inscriptions ; the one on the trunk of a naked statue in the Villa Albani, CTE*ANOC nACITEAOTC MA0HTHC STEPHANUS. EnOIEI (Marmi, Jtiscriz. d. nilaJlbatii,^. 174); and the other on the base of the celebrated group in the Villa Ludovisi, MENEAAOC CTE*ANOT MA0HTHC EnOIEI. [Menelaus.] Stephanus is also mentioned by Pliny (//. A^. xxxvi. 5. s. 4. § 10) as the maker of Hippiades in the collection of Asinius PoUio ; but what he means by Hip- piades is not very clear. From the connection, tlie word would appear to be a feminine plural. (Thiersch, JiJpochen, p. 295.) 2. A freedman of Li via, in whose household he practised the art of a worker in gold, as we learn from a Latin inscription, in which he is designated AuRiFEX. (Gori, Nos. 114 — 122 ; Bianchini, p. 67, No. 220 ; Welcker, Kunstblatt, 1827, No. 84 ; Osann, Kunstblatt, 1830, No. 84 ; R. Rochette, Leitre a M. Schorn, p. 407, 2d ed.) [P- S.J STE'PHANUS, was ordained bishop of Rome A. D. 253, in the place of Lucius, and suffered mar- tyrdom four years afterwards. He is known to us solely by the dispute which he maintained with Cyprian upon baptizing heretics, which became so fierce, that Stephanus, not content with refusing audience to the deputies despatched by the African prehate, positively forbad the faithful to exercise towards them the common duties of hospitality. He appears to have published two epistles in connection with this controversy. 1. Ad Cyprianum. % Ad Episcopos Orientates contra Hdenum et Firmilianum, Neither of these has been preserved, but a short fragment of the former is to be found in the letter of Cyprian Ad Pompeium (Ixxiv.), and is printed in the Epistolae Pontificum Romanorum of Constant (fol. Paris, 1 721 , p. 210). [W. R.] STE'PHANUS (2Te(|)avos), the name of se- veral physicians : — 1. Probably a native of Tralles in Lydia, as he was the father of Alexander Trallianus. (Alex. Trail, iv. 1, p. 198.) He had four other sons, Anthemius, Dioscorus, Metrodorus, and Olympius, who were all eminent in their several professions. (Agath. Hist. V. p. 149.) He lived in the latter half of the fifth century after Christ. 2. A native of Edessa, who was one of the most eminent physicians of his age. He was of great service to Kobadh (or Cabades) king of Persia, early in the sixth century after Christ, for which he was richly rewarded. During the siege of Edessa by Cosra (or Chosrots) the son of Kobadh, A. D. 544, Stephanus was sent with some of his fellow-citizens to intercede in behalf of the place ; and in his address to the king he claims for himself the credit not only of having brought him up, but also of having persuaded his father to nominate him as his succcessor to the throne in place of hiff^ elder brother. (Procop. de Bello Pers. ii. 26."" His intercession had no effect, but the king wa shortly afterwards forced to raise the siege. 3. A native of Alexandria, author of a shot Greek treatise on Alchemy, who must have lived^ in the early part of the seventh century afti Christ, as part of his work (p. 243) is addressed to the Emperor Heraclius (a. d. 610—641). It consists of nine npd^eis or Lectures (see FabricJ BU)l. Gr. vol. xii. p. 694, note, ed. vet), the first of which is entitled ^T€<pdvov *AAc|o»'Sp€a)S oikow*] fiiViKov (piKoffo^ov KoX SiSacTKaXov 7ijs fieydrifi Kol Upas Texvrjs ircpl Xpuaoiroitas irpa^is aitv @($l irpwrr], where it is not quite clear whether Ufpll Xpuaonouas^ De Chrysopoeiay is meant to be th«|