Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/812

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800 SEVERUS. Tunnunensis, Chronicon ; Theophanes, CTironog. pp. 130—142, ed. Paris, pp. 104—113, ed. Venice, pp. 233 — 255, ed. Bonn ; Evasrrius, H. E. II. cc. ; Concilia^ II. cc. ; Liberatus, Breviarium. Caussae Nestonanorum et Eulychianorum., c. 19 ; Nicepho- rus Callisti, H. E. lib. xvi. 29—32, 34, 45, xvii. 2, 8, 9, xviii. 45, 49, 50 ; Cave, Hist. Litt. ad ann. 513, vol. i. p. 499; Tillemont il/ewozVes, xvi. pp. 682, &c. 709, &c. ; Le Quien, Oriens Christianus, vol. ii. col. 730 ; Abulpharagius, Hist. Dynastia- rw/tt, pp. 93, 94 of Pococke's Latin Version, 4to. Oxon, 1663; L'Art de verifier les Dates, 8vo. Paris, 1818, vol. iv. p. 16, &c.) That Severus was a man of indomitable courage and perseverance is obvious from his history. He was, in fact, the leader of the Monophysite party, and may be regarded as the principal author of the great Jacobite schism. His career was consistent, and, to all appearance, guided by integrity : and if he largely partook of the bitter and uncharitable temper which the religious struggles of his day had generated, the general prevalence of his fault may be pleaded as extenuating the guilt of the individual. To which it must be added, that we know him almost entirely from the representations of his opponents. His life was written by a con- temporary ; but the work is lost, and is known to us only in the citations and references of Evagrius (H.E.iu. 33), and Liberatus {Breviar. c. 19). A life of Severus in Syriac was noticed by Asse- mani among the MSS. of the Syriac convent of St. Mary, at Scete in the desert of Nitria, in Egypt, but it is not certain if it was the life of Severus of Autioch. (Assemani, Bibl. Orient, vol. iii. part 1, p. 19). Some statements of very doubtful credit, made by the Nestorians respecting ■ KJi-ihe numerous ^,R...T3ani (ibid. p. 384,&c.). ments remain. There are citatioA^'erus only frag rZ/f '"^^ .•« Genesim, in ^oi^^, ,„ "l^him ii

  • n Matthaeum. in Lucam ,« r . ' ^m

."JS^rrnV'Hr (^^-^"•p-'^sl- quae tn^pulcro Domini contigerunt : Hem de Sab SEVERUS. extract from a work of Severus is given under the title of 'AttSkpktis, Responsum, to the question, n«s vor}Teov r-i^v rov Kvpiov rpi-qixepov racp-^v koa. dvd(TTa(nv ; Quomodo sit inteUigenda triduana Domini sepultura et resurrectio? was given in the Quaestiones {Qu. Iii) of Anastasius Sinaita [Anastasius Sinaita, No. 3] ; and was pub- lished by Gretser in his edition of that work. Fabricius has inaccurateh' confounded this extract with the fragment published bj' Montfaucon. 2. Severus wrote a vast number of Aoyoi, Sermoiies. ASyos /3|', Sermo CLX., is cited in a MS. Catena in Prophetas Majorcs et Minores, in the King's Library at Paris (Montfaucon, I. c. p. 53), and there may have been many more than that number. Many of these Sermoiies are extant in MS. in a Syriac version, by Jacobus of Edessa [Jacobus, No. 8] and others (Assemani, Biblioth. Oriental. vol. i. p. 494). Of the Aoyoi of Severus some were designatL'd 'EvOpoviaariKoi, Inaugnrales ; and a fragment of one of these was published by Le Quien, in his edition of the works of Joannes Damascenus (vol. i. p. 504), by whom it was cited in the Appendix to his Letter or Tract Hepl tcvj/ djidcu i/riareiav,De Sanctis Jcjuniis [Damascenus, Joannes], Another citation from a discourse of Severus, entitled Homilia de Epithronio, appears in the Latin version by Masius of the Paradisus of Moyses Bar Cepha (Assemani, Biblioth. Orient, vol. ii. p. 129), published first at Antwerp, a. d. 1569, and reprinted in various editions of the Bibliotheca Patrum (vol. vi. ed. Paris, 1575, vol. i. ed. Paris, 1589 and 1654, vol. x. ed. Cologne, 1618, and vol. xvii. ed. Lyons, 1677). The polemical works of Severus, as might be expected from his cha- racter and position, were numerous. Citations are extant in MS. from his writings. 3. Kara tou Tpajj-ixaTLKOv, Contra Grammaticum, or Karci 'ludfuou rov •ypajXfj.aTiKQv toO KaiaapfCiiis, Cordra Joannem Caesareensem Grammaticum., in three t^ooks at least, written while in exile at Alexandria, ^^W his deposition ( Anast. Sinait. Hodegus, s. Viae . "'^' *^'"' 6.). 4. Kara ^iKiKKTalfiov, Contra Fe- licissimm^-^^ in four books at least. 5. Upvs 'lov- Kiavdi/ 'AAi)ffgtca/3vaa-ea, Contra Julianum Halicar- nassensei?i, iii.,-^j^ several books, or more probably several successi 'e works ; from this work a short passage is quotd^hoj by Photius {Bihl. Cod. 225). o. Kar^ 'AAe|aV5^ Q-fJOu, Contra Jlexandrum; or Kara koiSikiKAuu 'Ai^epAf|«5/30u, Coidra Codicillos Alexandri, in several to^ooks. 7. Kara t^s Sta- SfiKT)s AttfiTreTLov, ControKs, p; Testamentum Lampetii, 1. e. the work of Larapetf pfiiis the Massalian, en- titled Aia0r,'«77, which as^e I well as the reply of ^everus, is noticed by Photimk p? {Biblioth. Cod. 52). feeyerus wrote this work befordhooc hie elevation to the i-atriarchate. Severus wrote alsiJtes 1*^0 works against the Council of Chalcedon : - -^ < ^ ^ • --- or rJ;r .^i'^^^'^^do": one, utho (comp. Anastas. Sinait. /. c.^ , .uical '.); thical, 8. Id *iAaA7]077, s. Amaior Veri f. other,' 9, in /;r^,w«^(c3) to vol.xi. ofhu defence of the fonner, under'tU ti'.war thif f 'AtoAo7'<» _ . / /» 18 only another title fk««c. •^^"- work of Sevl414)T"^ Pairui land in the whiVh ,h • " ." ^'^ bibliotheca Which the piece is reprinted. An 10. Fabricius mentions Of the other works of L ""'/^'" ^ author^"^^' "r.:x^.:«5|^-jftt£r Tw.^ and f:ie^"s.n,t^r':?