Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/727

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STEMMA SASSANIDARUM. 715 Sassan. i Babek. I I Shapur. . 1. Ardishir Babigan or Artaxerxes, A. d. 226—240. I 2. Shapur or Sapor I., a. d. 240—273. 3. Hormuz or Hormisdas, a. d. 273 — 274. I 4. Bahrain or Varanes I., a. d. 274 — 277. I 5. Bahram or Varanes II., a. d. 277 — 294. I I 6. Bahram or Varanes III., a. d. 294. 7. Narsi or Narses, a. d. 294 — 303. i 8. Hormuz or Hormisdas II., a. d. 303 — 310. 9. Shapur or Sapor II., Postumus, a. d. 310 — 381. Issue doubtful. See Nos. 11 and 12. 10. Ardishir or Artaxerxes, prince of royal blood, A. D. 381—385. Shapur Zuiaktaf, prince of royal blood.

I I 11. Shapur or Sapor III., perliaps, with 12. Bahram or Varanes IV. Kermanshah, his brother Bahram, sons of Sapor II., A. d. 390 — 404. A. D. 385—390. [ I 1,. Yezdijird I. Ulathim (the Sinner), or Yezdigerd, sou or brother of Bahram IV., A. D. 404 — 420. 14. Bahram or Varanes V., sumamed Gour, or the Wild Ass, a.d, 420 — 448. 15. Yezdijird or Yezdigerd II., a.d. 448 — 458. I I ^ . I 16. Hormuz or Hormisdas III., A. d. 458. 17. Firose or Peroses, A. D. 458 — 484. 1 I 18. Pallas or Palash (Valens or 19. Kobad or Cobades, 20. Jamaspes or Zaraes, xisurps Vologeses), a. d. 484 — 488. a. d. 488 — 498. then the throne, and loses it again, dethroned, and restored a.d. 498 — 502. A. D. 502—531. 21. Khosrew or Chosroes I., sumamed Nushirwin, A. d. 531 — 579. 22. Hormuz or Hormisdas IV., a. d. 579 — 590, murdered. 23. Bahram or Varanes VI., a prince of royal blood, usurps the throne, A. d. 590 — 591. 24. Khosrew or Chosroes II., Purwiz, son of Hormuz IV., A. d. 591 — 628. i ^ 1 1 25. Shirweh, or Siroes, reigned Merdaza. 27. Puran-Dokht, queen. 29. Arzem-Dokht, 8 months, a. d. 628. queen. 26. Ardishir, an infant, put to 28. Shah-Shenendeh, cousin death a few days after his and lover of Puran- accession ; last' of the Sas- Dokht, reigns one sanidae. month. 30. Kesra, said to be a Sassanid, put to death. 31. Ferokhzad, said to be a son of Chosroes Purwiz, put to death. 32. Yezdijird or Yesdegerd, murdered A. D. 651, last of the dynasty, but neither he nor Nos. 29. and 30. were Sassanidae in the male line.