Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/654

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642 REGILLUS. upon one occasion a larger sum of money than was ordered, whereupon Tiberius wrote back to him that he wished him to shear, not shave his sheep. (Dion Cass. Ivii. 10 ; comp. Suet. Tib. 10 ; Oros. vii. 4.) REDICULUS, a Roman divinity, who had a temple near the Porta Capena, and who was be- lieved to have received his name from having in- duced Hannibal, when he was near the gates of the city, to return (redire) southward (Fest. p. 282, ed. Miiller). A place on the Appian road, near the second mile-stone from the city, was called Campus Rediculi (Plin. H. N. xliii. 60. § 122 ; Propert. iii. 3, 11). This divinity was probably one of the Lares of the city of Rome, for, in a fragment of Varro (ap. Non. p. 47), he calls him- self Tutanus, i. e., the god who keeps safe. [L. S.] REDUX, i. 6., "the divinity who leads the traveller back to his home in safety," occurs as a surname of Fortuna. (Martial, viii. 85 ; Claudian, de Consol. Hon. vi. 1.)


REGALIA'NUS, P. C, as the name appears on medals ; Regallianus, as he is called by Victor {de Cues.) ; or Regillianus, according to Victor, in his Epitome, and Trebellius Pollio, wlio ranks him among the thirty tyrants [see Aureo- Lus], was a Dacian by descent, allied, it is said, to Decebalus, distinguished himself by his military achievements on the Illyrian frontier, was com- mended in the warmest terms by Claudius, at that time in a private station, and promoted to a high command by Valerian. The Moesians, terrified by the cruelties inflicted by Gallienus on those who had taken part in the rebellion of Ingenuus, sud- denly proclaimed Regalianus emperor, and quickly, with the consent of the soldiers, in a new fit of alarm, put him to death. These events took place A. D. 263. (Aurel. Vict, de Caes. xxxiii. JSpii. xxxii.; Trebell. Poll Trig. Tyrann. ix.) [W. R.] REGILLA, the wife of Herodes Atticus. (Phi- lostr. Vit. Soph. ii. 1. §§ 5, 8.) [Atticus, Hk- RODES.J REGILLENSIS, an agnomen of the Claudii [Claudius], and of the Albini, a family of the Postumia gens [Albinus]. REGILLUS, the name of a family of the pa- trician Aemilia gens. L M. Aemilius Regillus, had been declared consul, with T. Otacilius, for B. c. 214, by the cen- turia praerogativa, and would undoubtedly have been elected, had not Q. Fabius Maximus, who presided at the comitia, pointed out that there was need of generals of more experience to cope with Hannibal, and urged in addition, that Regillus, in consequence of his being Flamen Quirinalis, ought not to leave the city. Regillus and Otacilius were therefore disappointed in their expectations, and Fabius Maximus himself was elected, with M. Claudius Marcellus, in their stead. Regillus died in B. c. 205, at which time he is spoken of as Flamen Martialis. (Liv. xxiv. 7, 8, 9, xxix. 11.) 2. L. Aemilius Regillus, probably son of the preceding, was praetor B. c. 190, in the war against Antiochus. He received as his province the command of the fleet, and carried on the naval operations with vigour and success. Supported by the Rhodians, he defeated the fleet of Antiochus, commanded by Polyxenidas, near Myonnesus, a small island off the Ionian coast, and afterwards took the town of Phocaea [Polvxenidas]. He obtained a triumph on his return to Rome in the REGULUS. following year. (Liv. xxxvi. 45, ixxvii. 2, 4, 14 —32, 58 ; Appian, Syr. 26, 27.) 3. M. Aemilius (Regillus), a brother of No. 2, whom he accompanied in the war against An- tiochus : he died at Samos in the course of the year, b. c. 190. (Liv. xxxvii. 22.) It would appear that this family became extinct soon afterwards. We learn from a letter of Cicero {ad Att. xii. 24. § 2) that Lepidus, probably M. Aemilius Lepidus, consul b. c. 78, had a son named Regillus, who was dead at the time that Cicero wrote. It is probable that Lepidus wished to re- vive the cognomen of Regillus in the Aemilia gens, just as he did that of Paulus, which he gave as a surname to his eldest son. [See Vol. II. p. 765, b.] L. REGPNUS, tribune of the plebs, b. c. 95, is cited by Valerius Maximus (iv. 7. § 3) as a striking instance of a true friend. He was not only content with liberating from prison his friend Q. Servilius Caepio, who had been condemned in that year on account of the destruction of his army by the Cimbri, but he also accompanied him in his exile. REGI'NUS, C. ANTFSTIUS, one of Caesar's legates in Gaul (Caes. B. G. vi. 1, vii. 83, 90). This Regions appears to be the same person as the one whom Cicero mentions as his friend in B. c. 49 {ad Att. X. 12), and who had then the command of the coast of the Lower Sea. He is also in all probability the same as the C. Antistius Reginus, whose name appears as a triumvir of the mint on the coins of Augustus. On the coin annexed the obverse represents the head of Augustus, and the reverse various instruments used by the pontitFs. (Eckhel, vol.v. p. 137.) COIN OP c. antistius reginus. REGI'NUS, T. POMPEIUS, lived in Further Gaul, and was passed over by his brother in his testament. (Val. Max. vii. 8. § 4 ; Varr. R. R. iii. 12.) RE'GULUS, M. AQUFLIUS, was one of the delatores or informers in the time of Nero, and thus rose from poverty to great wealth. He was accused in the senate at the commencement of the reign of Vespasian, on which occasion he was defended by L. Vipstanus Messalla, who is described as his frater., whether his brother or cousin is uncertain (Tac. Hist. iv. 42). Under Domitian he resumed his old trade, and became one of the instruments of that tyrant's cruelty. He survived Domitian, and is frequently spoken of by Pliny with the greatest detestation and con- tempt {Ep. i. 5, ii. 10, iv. 2, vi. 2). Martial, on the contrary, who flattered all the creatures of Do- mitian, can scarcely find language strong enough to celebrate the virtues, the wisdom, and the elo- quence of Regulus. {Ep. i. 13, 83, 112, iv. 16.) RE'GULUS, ATI'LIUS. 1. M. Atilius Re- gulus, consul B. c. 335, with M. Valerius Corvu<«, marched with his colleague against the SidicinL (Liv. viii. 16.)