Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/645

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QUIETUS. gerations which disfigured the productions of his cuiiteiviporary Valerius Antias. It is somewhat remarkable that he is nowhere noticed by Cicero. By A. Gellius, on the other hand, he is quoted re- peatedly, and praised in the warmest terms (ix. 13. § 14. xiii. 28. § 2. xv. 1. § 4, xvii. 2 ; Krause, Vitae et Fragm. Historic. Rom. p. 243 ; Giese- brecht, Ueher Claudius Quadrigarius, attached to a programme of the Gymnasium of Prenzlau, 4to, 1831 ; Lachmann, l)e Fontilms Historiarum T. Livii, Commentut. i. § 10, p. 34, 4to, Gotting. 1822, Cummentat. ii. § 12, p. 22, 4to, Gotting. 1828.) [W. R.] QUARTI'NUS, a friend of the emperor Alex- ander Severus, who, after the murder of that prince, was dismissed from the camp by his suc- cessor, and having been encountered by some sol- diers of Osrhoene deeply attached to the memory of their late sovereign, was forced by them to place himself at their head, and reluctantly assumed the purple. Soon after, while sleeping in his tent, he was assassinated by a certain Macedo, who had formerly commanded this body of foreign troops, and had been the chief instigator of the insur- rection, but who now sought to ingratiate himself with Maximinus by presenting him with the head of his rival. He received the reward which he merited. Maximinus accepted the offering with joy, and then issued a command that the double traitor should himself be put to death, as the original author of the revolt. (Herodian. viii. 3, 4.) This Quartinus seems to be the same person with the Tycus mentioned by Capitolinus {Maxim. 0.11), and with the Titus of Trebellius PoUio {Triq. Tyrann. xxxix.). [W. R.] QUERQUETULA'NAE, or Querquetulanae vi- rae, nymphs presiding over the green oak forests, near the porta querquetularia, or querquetulana, were believed to be possessed of prophetic powers. (Festus, p. 261, ed. MUller ; Plin. H. N. xvi. 10, 15. § 37.) It should be observed that the word vira is the ancient feminine of vir, and signifies women. Hence virago or virgo. [L. S.] QUIES, the personification of tranquillity, was worshipped as a divinity by the Romans. A chapel dedicated to her stood on the via Lavicana, pro- bably a pleasant resting-place for the weary tra- veller ; anotht r sanctuary of her was outside the porta Collina. (Liv. iv. 41 ; August. De Civ. Dei, iv. 16', 21.) [L. S.] QUIE'TUS, AVFDIUS, a contemporary of the younger Pliny, had been a friend of Paetus Thrasea, and used to relate to Pliny many things concerning that distinguished man. He supported Pliny when the latter accused Publicius Certus in the senate, in a. d. 96, on account of the share he had had in the condemnation of Helvidius by Do- niitian. (Plin. Ep. vi. 29, ix. 13. § 15.) QUIE'TUS, CLUVIDIE'NUS, was impli- cated in Piso's conspiracy against Nero, and was banished to one of the islands in the Aegaean Sea. (Tac. Ann. xv. 71.) QUIE'TUS, C. FU'LVIUS, included in the list of thirty tyrants enumerated by Trebellius Pollio [see AuREOLUs], was one of the two sons of that Marianus who assumed the purple after the cap- ture of Valerian. Having been associated with his father and brother in the empire, he was entrusted with the government of the East when they marched upon Italy. Upon receiving intelligence of their defeat and death, he took refuge in Eraesa where QUINTIA GENS. 633 he was besieged, captured and slain by Odenathus in A. D. 262 (Trebell. Poll. Trig. Tyrann.). He is called Quintus by Zonaras (xii. 24). [W. R.] COIN OP QUIETUS. QUIETUS, Q. LU'SIUS, was an independent Moorish chief, not belonging to the Roman pro- vince of Mauritania. He served, however, with a body of Moorish cavalry in the Roman army, but in consequence of some offence which he had com- mitted, he was dismissed from the service with disgrace. At a later time, A. D. 101, when Trajan was going to carry on war against the Dacians, and was in want of Moorish cavalry. Quietus offered his services again of his own accord, and was received with welcome by the emperor. In this war, and still more in the Parthian war, which began in A. d. 114, Quietus gained great distinction, and became one of the favourite ge- nerals of Trajan. He took the towns of Nisibis and Edessa, and subdued the Jews, against whom he had been sent. Trajan made him governor of .Judaea, and rewarded him still further by raising him to the consulship in a.d. 116 or 117. His name does not appear in the Fasti, and he must, therefore, have been only one of the consules suf- fecti for the year. The honours conferred upon him by Trajan excited much envy ; but so great a favourite was he with the emperor, that there was a report, if we may believe Themistius, that Trajan destined him as his successor. Quietus is represented on Trajan's column at the head of his Moors. After Trajan's death he returned to his native country, but he was suspected by Hadrian of fomenting the disturbances which then pre- vailed in Mauritania. He was first deprived of the tribes whom he governed, and was then sum- moned to Rome. There he was accused of enter- ing into a conspiracy against Hadrian's life, and was murdered on a journey, probably while tra- velling from Mauritania to Rome. (Dion Cass. Ixviii. 8, 22, 30, 32, Ixix, 2 ; Themistius, Orat. xvi. p. 205, ed. Petavius, Paris, 1684 ; Euseb. H. E. iv. 2, with the note of Valesius ; Spax'tian. Iladr. 5, 7 ; Amm. Marc. xxix. 5.) QUI'NTIA GENS, originally patrician, but subsequently plebeian also. The ancient and more correct form of the name is Quinctius., which occurs on coins and the Fasti Capitolini. The Quintia gens was one of the Alban houses removed to Rome by Tullus Hostilius, and enrolled by him among the patricians (Liv. i. 30). It was con- sequently one of the minores gentes. (Niebuhr, Hist. ofRome, vol. ii. pp. 291, 292.) Its members often held throughout the whole history of the republic the highest offices of the state, and it produced some men of importance even during the imperial period. For nearly the first forty years after the expulsion of the kings the Quintii are not mentioned, and the first of the gens, who ob- tained the consulship, was T. Quintius Capitolinus