Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/606

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594 PTOLEMAEUS. 3. Another daughter, also named Cleopatra, who was afterwards married to her uncle Ptolemy Euergetes. [E. H. B.] PTOLEMAEUS VII. (nToAe/xoTos) king of Egypt, bore the surname of Euergetes, whence he is styled Euergetes II., to distinguish him from Ptolemy III., but he is more commonly known by the name of Physcon {^vctkuv), an appellation bestowed on him by the Alexandrians on account of his bloated and unwieldy appearance. He was the second son of Ptolemy Epiphanes, and conti- nued in a private station during the regency of his mother Cleopatra and the first years of the reign of his brother Philometor. But when the latter had fallen into the hands of Antiochus Epiphanes, the Alexandrians declared the younger brother king, and he assumed the title of Euergetes, toge- ther with the royal diadem, b. c. 170. The sub- sequent events — the repulse of Antiochus, the re- conciliation of the two brothers, their joint reign, and their subsequent dissensions — have been al- ready related in the preceding article. From the time of his last defeat in Cyprus, b. c. 154, Ptolemy Physcon appears to have acquiesced in the arrange- ment then concluded, and remained quiet in the government of Cyrene until the death of his brother Philometor, B.C. 146. On that event Cleopatra, the sister and widow of the late king, proclaimed her infant son king of Egypt, by the title of Ptolemy Eupator, and assumed the reins of government in his name. But her brother immediately assembled an army, and marched against Alexandria. Hos- tilities were, however, prevented by the interven- tion of Roman deputies, and it was agreed that Euergetes should obtain the crown of Egypt, and marry his sister Cleopatra. Their nuptials were solemnized accordingly, and on the very day of their celebration the king caused his unfortunate nephew to be put to death. (Justin, xxxviii. 8.) A reign thus commenced in blood was continued in a similar spirit. Already during his former brief rule at Alexandria, as well as in his separate kingdom of Cyrene, Euergetes had given abundant proofs of his tyrannical and cruel disposition, which had alienated the minds of his subjects, and led them to term him in derision Kakergetes. But when he found himself established on the throne of Egypt, he gave free scope to his sanguinary disposition. Many of the leading citizens of Alex- andria, who had taken part against him on the death of his brother, were put to death without mercy, while the populace were given up without restraint to the cruelties of his mercenary troops, and the streets of the city were repeatedly deluged with blood. Thousands of the inhabitants fled from the scene of such horrors, and the population of Alexandria was so greatly thinned that the king found himself compelled to invite foreign settlers from all quarters to re-people his deserted capital. At the same time that he thus incurred the hatred of his subjects by his cruelties, he rendered him- self an object of their aversion and contempt by abandoning himself to the most degrading vices. In consequence of these, he had become bloated and deformed in person, and so enormously cor- pulent, that he could scarcely walk. (Justin. I. c. ; Diod. xxxiii. Exc. "Vales, p. 594 ; Athen. iv. p. 184,0., vi. p. 252, e., xii. p. 549. d.) His union with Cleopatra was not of long dura- tion. At first, indeed, he appears to have lived on good tonns with her, and she bore him a son, to PTOLEMAEUS. whom he gave the name of Memphitis. But he afterwards became enamoured of his niece Cleo- patra (the offspring of his wife by her former marriage with Philometor), and he did not hesitate to divorce the mother, and receive her daughter instead, as his wife and queen. By this proceeding he alienated still more the minds of his Greek sub- jects ; but the abilities and vigour of his general Hierax enabled him for a time to defy the popular discontent. Meanwhile he was careful still to court the alliance of Rome, and received Scipio Africanus and his colleagues, when they visited Egypt, with every demonstration of respect. (Justin, xxxviii. 8 ; Diod. Exc. Vales, xxxiii. pp. 593—595, 598, xxxiv. G02, Exc. Leg. p. 630; Liv. Epit. lix. ; Oros. v. 10 ; Athen. xii. p. 549, d.) At length, however, his vices and cruelties be- came too much for his subjects to bear. His palace was burnt in a popular tumult, and he deemed it expedient to give way to the fury of the people, and make his escape secretly to Cyprus, B.C. 130. On this the Alexandrians declared his sister Cleopatra queen. Irritated at this, but unable to assail her by open force, Euergetes had recourse to the barbarous expedient of putting to death Memphitis, his son by Cleopatra, and send- ing his head and hands to Alexandria, where they were presented to his unhappy mother on her birthday. This atrocious act excited the most violent indignation among the Alexandrians, who took up arras for Cleopatra ; but that princess had the indiscretion to apply for assistance to Deme- trius II., king of Syria, and by so doing alienated the minds of her subjects to such a degree that she was soon after compelled in her turn to fly from Alexandria, and Ptolemy found himself unex- pectedly reinstated on the Egyptian throne, b. c. 127. (Liv. Epit. lix. ; Justin, xxxviii. 8, 9 ; Diod. xxxiv. Exc. Vales, pp. 602, 603 ; Val. Max. ix. 2, ext. § 5.) From this time he appears to have adopted a milder and more moderate system of government. His first act of clemency was to pardon Marsyas, who had been the general of the revolted Alex- andrians (Diod. Exc. Vales, p. 603) ; and though we have little information concerning the remain- ing events of his reign, we do not find that it was again disturbed by any civil disorders. His attention was principally directed to the affairs of Syria, where Demetrius had espoused the cause of Cleopatra, and advanced as far as Pelusium to her support, but was compelled, by the disaffection of his own troops, to retire without effecting anything. In order to revenge himself for this attempt, Pto- lemy now set up against him a new pretender in the person of a youth named Zabinas or Zebina, who assumed the title of Alexander II., and with the forces furnished him by the Egyptian king, was able to establish himself for a time on the throne of Syria. But inflated with this success, the usurper forgot his obligations to Ptolemy, and behaved with such haughtiness to his benefactor, that the latter suddenly changed his policy, became recon- ciled to his sister Cleopatra, whom he permitted to return to Egypt, and gave his daughter Try- phaena in marriage to Antiochus Grypus, the son of Demetrius, whom he also supported with a large auxiliary force. Antiochus was thus enabled to recover possession of the throne of his fore- fathers, B, c. 125, and from this time the friendly relations between Syria and Egypt continued