Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/506

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494 POMPONIUS. cullus in the third Mithridatic war. His real name was Pompeius. [Pompsius, No. 29.] 11. M. PoMPONius, one of the legates of Pom- pey in the war against the pirates, b. c. 67, to whom Pompey assigned the superintendence of the gulfs washing the south of Gaul and Liguria. (Appian, MUhr. 95.) 12. P. PoMPONii/s, accompanied P. Clodius, when he was murdered by Milo, B. c. 52. (Ascon. in Mil. p. 33. ed. Orelli.) 13. M. PoMPONius, commanded the fleet of Caesar at Messana, the greater part of which was burnt in B. c. 48, by C. Cassius Longinus (Caes. B. a iii. 101.) 14. PoMPONius, was proscribed by the trium- virs in B. c. 43. He was in Rome at the time, but escaped by assuming the insignia of a praetor, and accompanied by his slaves as lictors, left Rome, travelled through Italy as a public magis- trate, and eventually crossed over to Sex. Pompey in one of the triremes of the state. (Appian, B. C. iv. 45.) Valerius Maxiraus relates (vii. 3. § 9) this circumstance of Sentius Saturninus Vetulio or Vetulo. POMPO'NIUS, SEXTUS. Some writers are of opinion that there was only one jurist of this name : some think that there were two. (See the references in Zimmern, GescUchte des Romiscken Privairechts^ vol. i. p. 338, n. 6.) Pomponius is often cited by Julianus (Dig. 3. tit. 5. s. 6. § 6—8 ; Dig. 17. tit. 2. s. 63. § 9), and also under the name of Sextiis. Puchta (Cursus der Institutionen, vol. i. p. 444), says there is no reason for assuming that there were two Pomponii. As to the passage (Dig. 28. tit. 5. s. 41), at the head of which stands the name of Pomponius, he observes that the words " ut refert Sextus Pomponius," at the end of the extract, merely show that the compilers did not take the extract immediately from the work of Pomponius, but from some other work in which it was cited. He adds, that this kind of repetition is not unusual in the Digest ; and he refers to another passage (Dig. 22. tit. 1 . s. 26 ; Julianus, lib. vi. ex Minucio), in which the repetition is avoided, but in other respects it is exactly like Dig. 28. tit. 5. g. 41. As to the passage (Dig. 30. s. 32), " tam Sextus quara Pomponius," he observes that the expression would be highly inapt, if the name Pomponius be- longed to both jurists. The weakest ground of all, as he considers it, for supposing that there were two Pomponii is that Julianus often cites Pompo- nius ; and it is supposed that as Pomponius was a younger man than Julianus, and of less note, that Julianus would not have cited him. Pomponius is the author of a long extract in the Digest (Dig. 1. tit. 1. s. 2), which is taken from a work of his in one book, entitled Enchiridion. His period may be approximately determined from the fact that Julianus is the last of the jurists whom he mentions, and the period of the activity of Julianus belongs to the reign of Hadrianus. The number of extracts from Pomponius in the Digest is 585. He was a Cassianus (Gains ii. 218), " sed Juliano et Sexto placuit:" where Sextus means Sextus Pomponius. In another pas- sage he alludes to C. Cassius under the name of Caius noster (Dig. 45. tit 3. s. 39) ; for in this passage, and in a passage of Julianus (Dig. 24. tit. 3. 8. 59), Caius or Gaius means C. Cassius, and not the later jurist, now known by the name POMPONIUS, of Gaius. The same remark applies to Dig. 46. tit. 3. 8. 78, which is an extract from C. Cassius made by Javolenus. The works of Pomponius are the Enchiridion, which is not mentioned in the Florentine Index ; "Variae Lectiones, of which the Index mentions only fifteen books, though the twenty-fifth, the thirty-fourth, and even the fortieth and forty-first books are cited in the Digest (Dig. 8. tit. 5. s. 8. § 6) ; twenty books of Epistolae ; five books of Fideicommissa ; libri lectionum ad Q. Mucium ; libri ad Plautium ; liber singularis regularum ; libri ad Sabinum ; libri V. SCtorum ; and the two books of an Enchiridion, which is mentioned in the Index. Some other writings of Pomponius are cited. The extract from the single book of the Enchiridion, De Origine Juris, is our chief au- thority for the Roman jurists, to the time of Ju- lianus, and for our knowledge of the two sectae or scholae. [Capito.] The question of the two Pomponii is discussed by W. Grotius, VitaeJurisconsultorum, with which may be compared the works of Zimmern and Puchta, which have been already referred to. [G. L.] POMPO'NIUS A'TTICUS. [Atticus.] POMPO'NIUS BASSUS. [Bassos.] L. POMPO'NIUS BONONIENSIS, the most celebrated writer of Fabulae Atellanae, was a native of Bononia (Bologna) in northern Italy, as his surname shows, and flourished in B. c. 91. (Euseb. Chron.) The nature of the Fabulae Atellanae is described at length in the Diet, of Antiq. ; and it is therefore only necessary to state here that these farces were originally not written, but produced by the ready fertility of the Italian improvvisatori ; and that it is probable that Pom- ponius and his contemporay Novius [Novius] were the first to write regular dramas of this kind. (Comp. Veil. Pat. ii. 9; Macrob. Saturn, i. 10.) Pomponius is frequently referred to by the Roman grammarians, who have preserved the titles of many of his plays. The fragments which have thus come down to us are collected by Bothe, Foetae Scenici Latin, vol. v., Fragm. vol. ii. pp. 103 — 124, and by Munk, De L. Pomponio Bononiensi, ^c, Glogaviae, 1827. (Comp. Schober, Ueber die At- iellanischen Sckauspiele, Leipzig, 1 825.) There is an epigram of four lines, which Priscian attributes to Pomponius (p. 602, ed. Putschius) ; but in the passage of Varro (de L. L. vii. 28, ed. Mliller), from which Priscian took it, the author of the epigram is called Papinius. M. POMPO'NIUS DIONY'SIUS,afreedman of T. Pomponius Atticus, received his nomen from Atticus, his former master, according to the usual custom, but had the praenomen Marcus given him in compliment to M. TuUius Cicero (Cic. ad Aft. iv. 15, comp. iv. 8, 11, 13). It is erro- neously stated in Vol. I. p. 1039, a. init. that his full name was T. Pomponius Dionysius. POMPO'NIUS FESTUS. [Festus.] POMPO'NIUS FLACCUS. [Flaccus.] P. POMPO'NIUS GRAECl'N US, consul suf- fectus, a. d. 1 6, was a friend and patron of Ovid, who addressed to him three of the epistles which were written by the poet from his place of banish- ment (ex Pont. i. 6, ii. 6, iv. 9). This Pomponius Graecinus was the brother of Pomponius Flaccus [Flaccus, Pomponius, No. 2], and probably also the father of the Pomponia Graecina, who lived in the reign of Claudius. [Pomponia Grakcina.]