Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/399

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PLANUDES. Dedicaioria, to p. 207 ; SepulcraJia, to p, 326 ; Epigrammata S. Gregorii, to p. 357 ; 'E7rt5etKT(/ca, to p. 488 ; npoTpcnriKo., to p. 507 ; 'S.vfj.iroTiKa^ to p. 517; SKWTTTtKo, to p. 568; Stratonis Musa Puerilis, to p. 607 ; Epigrammata variis metris consciipta, to p. 614 ; Problemata arithmetica et aenigmaia, to p. 643 ; Joannis Gazae Ecphrasis^ to p. HQn ; Syrinx Theocriti, &c. pp. 670 — 674 ; Anacreontis Carmina^ to p. 692 ; Cannina quaedam Gregorii et aliorum, to p. 707 ; Epigrammata in Hippodromo Constantinopolitano, to p. 7 1 0. These contents are divided into fifteen books, which do not however include the first two heads of the above list, pp. 1 — 49 of the MS. ; but the first book begins with the Christian Epigrams, on p. 49. In this respect, as well as in the number of books, the actual arrangement is the same as that of the index given above ; but the titles of the books are not the same throughout, as will be seen by the following table, which represents the contents of the fifteen books of the Palatine Anthology, and the number of epigrams in each of them, and the pages of the MS., as printed in Jacobs's edition : — I. XpLariaviKot 'E7r/7pa/XjUaTO. 123, pp. 49 — 63. II. XpiaToddpov eKcppacris. 416 lines, pp. 64— 74. ■ ^ III. 'Emypd/xnara iv Kv^ik^. 19, pp. 76 — 81. IV. To, irpool/jLia twv Siacpopuu dvOoXoyiwv. 4, pp. 81—87. V. 'EiriypdixfiaTa ipwTiKa. 309, pp. 87 — 140. VI. 'Auae-nixariKd. 358, pp. 141—207. VII. 'ETTiTi/'/igia. 748, pp. 207—326. VIII. 'Ett. rpT}yopiou Tov &6ok6yov. 254, pp. 326 —357. IX. 'EiriSeLKTLKd. 827, pp. 358—488. X. UpoTpewTiKd, 126, pp. 489—507. XI. 'Sv/nroTiKci KoL CKunrnKd. 442, pp. 507 — 568. XII. "SiTpdroovos ixovcra iraiSiK-^. 258, pp. 569 — 607. XIII. ^Eiriypd/xfJ-ara 5La(p6puu fx^rpwv. 31, pp. 608—614. XIV, IIpo§TqixaTa dpi6ixr]Ti<d^ aluiyixara^ XP'T^' jioi. 150, pp. 615— 643. XV. ^v/jL/jLucTd Tiya. 51, pp. 665 — 710. Jacobs supposes that the chapter containing the uouaa TraiSiKTj of Straton was the last in the An- thology of Cephalas, and that the remaining parts were added by copyists, excepting perhaps the section which contains the epigrams in various metres. His reason is, that these latter portions of the work are without prefaces. Of the compiler, Constantine, and his labours, the only mention made is in the MS. itself. In one passage (p. 81) a marginal scholion states that Constantine arranged the Garland of Meleager, dividing it into different chapters ; namely, amatory, dedicatory, monumental, and epideictic. The work itself, however, shows that this is not all that Constantine did, and that the mention of Meleager and of the titles of each section are only given by way of example. There are also prefaces to each book or section, in which the copyist quotes Con- stantine (sometimes by name, sometimes not) as explaining the character and design of the work (pp. 141, 207, bis, 358, 489, 507, 517). In one of these passages he is called 6 fxaKapios koX dd- ixv-qaTos teal TpnrddrjTos dvQpuiros. There are also three passages, in which an unknown person of the PLANUDES. 387 name of Gregory is mentioned (if the meaning is rightly interpreted) as having copied inscriptions which Cephalas received from him and included in his work (pp. 254, 255). Another mention of Gregory furnishes an indication of the age of Cephalas. It is this: — p. 273, tovto rb 'Etti- ypa/xfia 6 KecpaXds 7rpoc§deTO fu ry cxoA.^ ttJ9 Ne'as 'EKiiXTjalas eirl rod /xaKuplou Tpriyopiov tou MayiffTopos. Now, this New Church was built by the emperor Basilius I. Macedo, who reigned from 867 to 886 A. d. It could not, therefore, have been till towards the end of the 9th century that Cephalas frequented this school. Now, at the beginning of the 10th century, literature sud- denly revived under Constantinus Porphyrogenitus, who devoted especial attention to the making of abridgements and extracts and compilations from the ancient authors. This, therefore, seems the most probable time, to which the Anthology of Cephalas can be referred. The conjecture of Reiske, that Cephalas Avas the same person as his contemporary Constantinus Rhodius, has really no evidence for or against it, when we remember how common the name of Constantine was at this period. The Anthology of Cephalas seems to have been compiled from the old Anthologies, as a basis, with the addition of other epigrams. He appears to have extracted in turn from Meleager, Philip, Agathias, &c., those epigrams which suited his purpose, and his work often exhibits traces of the alphabetical order of the Garland of Meleager. With respect to arrangement, he seems to have taken the KvkXos of Agathias as a foundation, for both works are alike in the division of their subjects, and in the titles prefixed to the epigrams. The order of the books, however, is different, and one book of Agathias, namely, the descriptions of works of art, is altogether omitted by Constantine. It is also to be observed that the Palatine Antho- logy contains ancient epigrams, which had not appeared in any of the preceding Anthologies, but had been preserved in some other way. For example, Diogenes Laertius, as above mentioned, composed a book full of epigrams, and the same thing is supposed of Palladas and Lucillius. These writers were later than Philip, but yet too old to be included among the '* recent poets" of Agathias. Their epigrams are generally found together in the Vatican Codex. There remains to be mentioned an interesting point in the history of the Vatican Codex. We learn from the Codex itself (pp. 273, 274) that a certain Michael Maximus had made a copy of the book of Cephalas, and that this copy was fol- lowed in some parts by the tmnscriber of tlie Vatican Codex. All other important details respecting the Vatican Codex, with a careful estimate of its merits, and a proof of its great excellence, will be found in Jacobs's Prolegomena, and in the preface to his edition of the Palatine Anthology. 7. The Antlbology of Planudes is arranged in seven books, each of which, except the fifth and seventh, is divided into chapters according to subjects, and these chapters are arranged in alpha- betical order. The chapters of the first book, for example, run thus: — 1. Els ^ Ay wvas, 2. Els aiJ-TTeXov, 3. Els dvaQn'iiiara, and so on to 91. Eli upas. The contents of the books are as follows : — I. Chieflv i-niSeucTiKa, that is, displays of skill in cc 2