Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/177

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PEDUCAEUS. not to scrutinize the proper signification of words, but mainly what the testator has intended to de- clare ; in the next place, what is the opinion of those who live in each district" {De Instrudo vel Iiistrumento Legato^ Dig. 33. tit. 7. s. 18. § 3). In anotlier passage quoted by Ulpian (Dig. I. tit. 3. s, 1 3), Pedius observes " that when one or two things are introduced by a lex, it is a good ground for supplying the rest which tends to the same useful purpose, by interpretation, or at least by jurisdictio." (Grotius, Vitae Jurisconsultorum ; Zimmern, Ge- schichte des Jivm.Privatrechts, p. 333 ; the passages of the Digest in which Sextus Pedius is cited are collected by Wieling, Jurisprudentia Restitula^ p. 335.) [G. L. PEDO ALBINOVA'NUS. [Albinovanus.] PEDO, M. JUVE'NTIUS, a judex spoken of with praise by Cicero in his oration for Cluentius (c. 38). PEDO, M. VERGILIA'NUS, consul a. d. 115 with L. Vipstanus Messalla, PEDUCAEA'NUS, C. CU'RTIUS, praetor B. c. 50, to whom one of Cicero's letters is ad- dressed {ad Fam. xiii. hd). He was probably a son of Sex. Pedi.caeus, who was propraetor in Sicily B. c, 76 — 75 [Peducaeus, No. 2], and was adopted by C. Curtius. In one of Cicero's speeches after his return from banishment, he speaks of M'. Curtius or Curius, as some editions have the name, to whose father he had been quaestor {post Red. m Seiiat. 8). The latter per- son would seem to be the same as the praetor, and the praenomen is probably wrong in one of the pas- sages quoted above. , PEDUCAEUS, a Roman name, which first occurs in the last century of the republic, is also written Paeduceus ; but it appears from inscriptions that Peducaeus is the correct form. 1. Sex. Peducaeus, tribune of the plebs, B. c. 113, brought forward a bill appointing L. Cassius Longinus as a special commissioner to investigate the charge of incest against the Vestal virgins Li- cinia and Marcia, whom the college of pontiffs had acquitted. (Cic. de Nat. Deor. iii. 30 ; Ascon. in Milon. p. 76, ed. Orelli.) For a full account of this transaction, see Licinia, No, 2. 2. Sex. Peducaeus, was propraetor in Sicily during B. c. 76 and 75, in the latter of which years Cicero served under him as quaestor. His govern- ment of Sicily gained him the love of the pro- vincials, and Cicero in his orations against Verres constantly speaks of his justice and integrity, calling him Vir optimus et i?moceniissimus. During his administration he took a census of the island, to which Cicero frequently refers. But in conse- quence of his being an intimate friend of Verres, he was rejected as judex by Cicero at the trial of the latter. At a later time Cicero also spoke of Peducaeus in terms of the greatest respect and esteem. (Cic. Ferr. i. 7, ii. 56, iii. 93, iv. 64, de Fin. ii. 18, ad Att. x. 1.) There is some diffi- culty in determining in the letters of Cicero, whether this Peducaeus is meant or his son [No. 3] ; but the two following passages, from the time at which the letters were written, would seem to refer to the father {ad Att. i. 4, 5). Besides the son Sextus mentioned below, Peducaeus appears to have had another son, who was adopted into the Curtia gens. [Peducaeanus.J 3. Sex. Peducaeus, was an intimate friend both of Atticus and Cicero, the latter of whom PEGASUS. 165 frequently mentions him in his correspondence in terms of the greatest affection. During Cicero's absence in Cilicia Peducaeus was accused and acquitted, but of the nature of the accusation we are not informed. (Caelius, ad Fam. viii. 14.) On the breaking out of the civil war between Caesar and Pompey, Peducaeus sided with the former, by whom he was appointed in b. c. 48 to the govern- ment of Sardinia. In B. c. 39, Peducaeus was propraetor in Spain, and this is the last time that his name is mentioned. (Cic. ad Att. vii. 13, a., 14, 17, ix. 7, 10, X. 1, xiii. 1, xv. 13, xvi. 11, 15 ; Appian, B. C. ii. 48, v. 54.) 4. L. Peducaeus, a Roman eques, was one of the judices at the trial of L. Flaccus, whom Cicero defended B. c. 59. (Cic. p-o Flacc. 28.) 5. T. Peducaeus, interceded with the judices on behalf of M. Scaurus, B. c. 54. (Ascon. in Scaur, p. 29, ed. Orelli.) 6. C. Peducaeus, was a legate of the consul, C. Vibius Pansa, and was killed at the battle of Mutina, b. c. 43, (Cic. ad Fam. x, 33,) 7. M. Peducaeus Priscinus, consul A. d. 110 with Ser. Salvidienus Orfitus, 8. M. Peducaeus Stolga Priscinus, consul A. D. 141, with T. Hoenius Severus. PEGANES, GEORGIUS. [Georgius, No. 18, p. 247, a.] PE'GASIS {Yl-nyaais), i. e. descended from Pegasus or originating by him ; hence it is ap- plied to the well Hippocrene, which was called forth by the hoof of Pegasus (Mosch. iii, 78 ; Ov. Trist. iii. 7. 15). The Muses themselves also are sometimes called Pegasides, as well as other nymphs of wells and brooks. (Virg. Catal. 71, 2 ; Ov. Hc' roid. XV, 27 ; Propert, iii. 1.19; Quint. Smvrn. iii. 301 ; comp. Heyne, ad Apollod. p. 301.) '[L. S.j PE'GASUS (nTjVo-os). 1. A priest of Eleu- therae, who was believed to have introduced the worship of Dionysus at Athens. (Pans. i. 2. § 4,) 2, The famous winged horse, whose origin is thus related. When Perseus struck off the head of Me- dusa, with whom Poseidon had had intercourse in the form of a horse or a bird, there sprang f(/rth from her Chrysaor and the horse Pegasus, The latter obtained the name Pegasus because he was believed to have made his appearance near the sources (ttiJ- •yai) of Oceanus, Pegasus rose up to the seats of the immortals, and afterwards lived in the palace of Zeus, for whom he carried thunder and lightning (Hes. Theog. 281, &c, ; Apollod. ii. 3. § 2,^4. § 2 ; Schol. ad Aristoph. Pac. 722 ; comp. Ov. Met. iv. 781, &c. vi. 119), According to this view, which is apparently the most ancient, Pegasus was the thundering horse of Zeus ; but later writers de- scribe him as the horse of Eos (Schol. ad Horn. II. vi. 155 ; Tzetz. ad Lye. 17), and place him among the stars as the heavenly horse (Arat. Phaen. 205, &c. ; Hygin. Poet. Astr. ii, 18 ; Ov. Fust. iii. 457, &c.). Pegasus also acts a prominent part in the fight of Bellerophon against the Chimaera (Hes. Theog. 325 ; Apollod. ii. 3. § 2). After Bellerophon had tried and suffered much to obtain possession of Pegasus for his fight against the Chimaera, he con- sulted the soothsayer Polyidns at Corinth. The latter advised him to spend a night in the temple of Athena, and, as Bellerophon was sleeping, the goddess appeared to him in a dream, commanding him to sacrifice to Poseidon, and gave him a golden bridle. When be awoke he found the bridle, M 3