Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/164

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152 PAULUS. 8vo. 1837. In this last edition, beside the De- scriptio of Ducange, there is given a De Aede Sop/liana Commentariiis of Bandurius, written by him as a commentary on the fourth book of an anonymous work, De AniiquUatibus CPoliianis, with plans and elevations of the building. The work of Paulus was also published by Graefe, 8vo. Leipzig, 1822. 2. EKcpoaais rod (S/xgwyos, Descriptio Amhonis^ consisting of 304 verses, of which the first twenty-nine are iambic, the rest hexameter. This poem is in fact a second part of the former, and, as the title informs us, was read after the first. It was not given by Ducange, or in the Venetian reprint. It was published by Graefe, and in the Bonn edition of the Byzantine writers, subjoined to the former work, with some various readings, but without any preface, version, or notes. 3. A number of Epigrammata^ eighty-three in all, given in the Anthdogia (vol. iii. p. 71, &c. ed. Brunck, vol. iv. p. 41, &c. ed. Jacobs). Among these is a poem, EiS to iv Ilvdiois ^cp/xa, De Thermis Pythiis^ improperly inserted by the first editors of the Anthologia, and was entitled in their edition, 'Vifxia^Sa Zijxerpa Trpos rov )8a- (TtAea Tov KoovaravTlvov tov nop(pvpoy4vr]Tov^ Semiiambi ad Imperatorem Consiantinuvi Porphy- rogenitum. This title led Fabricius and others to the conclusion that it was written by a younger Paul. But the title is omitted in some MSS., and there is reason to believe that it is erroneous, and that the poem is the production of the Paul of Jus- tinian's time. (Ducange, Paul.Silentiar.; Jacobs, Catalogus Poetarum Epigrammaticorum^ subjoined to the Anthologia ; Vossius, De Historicis Graeds^ l. c. ; Oudin, Coinmentar. de Scriptoribus Eccles. vol. i. col. 1439 ; Fabric. Biblioilu Graec. vol. iv. p. 487, vol. vii. p. 581.) 19. Simplex, the Simple (o dTrAoCs), so called on account of the child-like simplicity of his character. He was a countryman, with a wife and family, who, at sixty years of age, embraced a life of religious solitude, in which he attained great eminence. His native country appears to have been Egypt, but the place of his residence is not described. His retire- ment into the desert was occasioned by his sur- prising his wife, who was exceedingly beautiful, and must have been much younger than himself, in the act of adultery with a paramour with whom she appears to have long carried on a criminal inter- course. Abandoning to the care of the adulterer, not only his guilty wife, but also his innocent children, according to Palladius and Socrates, he took his departure, after having, " with a placid smile" (vp^iJ-a iiriyeXdaai), or " a decorous smile" (7€Aocras <Tfixv6v said to the adulterer, Well, well ; truly it matters not to me. By Jesus ! I will not take her again. Go ; you have her and her children ; for I am going away, and shall be- come a monk." The incident affords a curious illustration of the apathy which was cherished as a prime monastic virtue ; and offers an instance of what was probably in that day still rarer, monastic swearing. A journey of eight days brought him to the cell of St. Antony [Antonius, No. 4], then in the zenith of his reputation. " What do you want ?" said the saint. " To be made a monk," was Paul's answer. ,>* Monks are not made of old men of sixty," was the caustic rejoinder. But the perti- nacity of Paul overcame the opposition of Antony, and sustained him through the ordeal of the stern discipline by which Antony hoped to weary him. PAULUS. The assiduity of Paul in the exercises of an ascetic life was rewarded, according to his cre- dulous biographer Palladius, with miraculous gifts, and " he surpassed even his master in vexing the daemons, and putting them to flight" (Sozomen). The date of Paul's retirement, and the time of his death, are not known ; but an anecdote recorded in the Eccles. Graec. Monumenta oi Cotelerius (vol. i. p. 351) shows that he was living at the accession of the emperor Constantius II., a. d. 337. (Pal- ladius, Hist. Lausiac. c. 28, in the Biblioth. Patrum, fol. Paris, 1654, vol. xiii. p. 941 ; Sozomen, H. E. i. 13 ; Tillemont, Afemoires, vol. vii. p. 144, &c.) 20. SoPHiSTA. [No. 22.] 21. SoPHisTA. the Sophist, of Lycopolis in Egypt, son of Besarion or Didymus, lived in the reign of the emperor Constantine, and wrote a work now lost, described by Suidas as 'Ttto^uj/tjuo, Commentarius. (Suidas, s. v. IlauAos At7i;7rTtos.) 22. Of Tyre, a sophist or rhetorician of the time of Hadrian. He was deputed, apparently by his countrymen, as their delegate to the emperor, and succeeded in obtaining for Tyre the rank of a me- tropolis. He wrote the following works enume- rated by Suidas, but all now lost. 1. Tex"^ p-qro- piKTi, Ars Bhetorica, 2. npoyvfxvdcriJLaTa^ Progym- nasmata. 3. MeAerat, Declamationes. (Suidas, S.V.; Eudocia, 'Iwv/a, s.v.; Fahric. Bibl. Graec. vol. vi. p. 135 ; Tillemont, Hist, des Einpereurs, vol. ii. p. 278.) [J. C. M.] PAULUS AEGINETA (UaOXos Alyiu^rris), a celebrated Greek medical writer, of whose per- sonal history nothing is known except that he was born in the island of Aegina, and that he travelled a good deal, visiting, among other places, Alex- andria (iv. 49, p. 526). He is sometimes called 'laTpoao(piaTijs (see Diet, of Ant. s. v.) and Tlepio- SeuTT^s, a word which probably means a physician who travelled from place to place in the exercise of his profession. The exact time when he lived is not known ; but, as he quotes Alexander Tral- lianus (iii. 28, 78, pp. 447, 495, vii. 5, 11, 19, pp. 650, 660, 687), and is himself quoted by Yahya Ibn Serabi or Serapion (PracL vii. 9, pp. 73, 74, ed. Lugd. 1525), it is probable that Abu- 1-Faraj is correct in placing him in the latter half of the seventh century after Christ. (Hist. Dynast. p. 114.) Suidas says he wrote several medical works, of which the principal one is still extant, with no exact title, but commonly called " De Re Medica Libri Septem." This work is chiefly a compilation from former writers ; and the preface contains the following summary of the contents of each book : — " In the first book you will find every thing that relates to hygiene, and to the preservation from, and correction of, distempers peculiar to the various ages, seasons, temperaments, and so forth ; also the powers and uses of the dif- ferent articles of food, as is set forth in the chapter of contents. In the second is explained the whole doctrine of fevers, an account of certain matters relating to them being premised, such as excre- mentitious discharges, critical days, and other appearances, and concluding with certain symptoms which are the concomitants of fever. The third book relates to topical affections, beginning from the crown of the head, and descending down to the nails of the feet. The fourth book treats of those complaints which are external and exposed to view, and are not limited to one part of the I body, but affect various parts. Also, of intestinal