Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/146

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134 rATERCULUS. in some excellent remarks upon this artist, in the Amalthea^ vol. iii. pp. 293 — 297. This correction being made also in a passage of Cicero {dc Dwin. i. JJ6), we obtain another important testimony re- specting our artist ; and we learn that in one of his silver-chasings he represented the prodigy which indicated the future renown of the infant Roscius as an actor. The true reading of this passage was first pointed out by Winckelmann {Gesch. d. Kunst, B. ix. c. 3.§ 18). [P.S.] PASFTHEA {TVaaieU). 1. One of the Charites. (Horn. //. xiv. 268, 276 ; Pans. ix. 35. §1.) 2. A daughter of Nereus and Doris. (Hes. TJieog. 247.) 3. A Naiad, the wife of Erichthonius and mother of Pandion. (ApoUod. iii. 14. § 6 ; comp. iii. 15. § 1, where she is called Praxithea.) [L. S.] PASSIE'NUS CRISPUS. [Crispus, p. 892, b.] PASSIE'NUS PAULUS. [Paulus.] PASSIE'NUS RUFUS. [Rufus.] PASSIE'NUS, VIBIUS, proconsul of Africa, under Gallienus, assisted Celsus in aspiring to the throne. (Trebell. Pollio, Trig. Tyr. 29.) PASTOR. 1. A distinguished Roman eques, whose son Caligula put to death, and invited his father on the same day to a banquet (Senec. de Ira, iii. 33 ; comp. Suet. Cal. 27). Seneca does not mention his gentile name, but he was probably the father of No. 2, more especially as it is stated by Seneca that he had another son. 2. Julius P astor, was defended by the younger Pliny in the court of the Centumviri, in the reign of Domitian (Plin. Ep. i. 18, comp. iv. 24. § 1). This is the same Pastor of whom Martial begs a present (ix. 23). 3. AiETius Pastor, a rhetorician mentioned by the elder Seijeca {Controv. 3), probably belonged to the same family. 4. Pastor, consul in a. d. 163, with Q. Mus- tius Priscus, may have been a descendant of one of the preceding persons. PATAECI (JlcLTaiKoi), Phoenician divinities whose dwarfish figures were attached to Phoe- nician ships. (Herod, iii. 37 ; Suid. and Hesych. 8. V.) [L. S.] PATAECUS (noToiKos), a Greek writer, who said that he possessed the soul of Aesop, and from whom there is a long tale quoted by Plutarch, on the authority of Hermippus, respecting an interview between Thales and Solon. (Plut. Sol. 6). PATAREUS (naropei/s), a surname of Apollo, derived from the Lycian town of Patara, where he had an oracle, and where, according to Servius (ad Aen. iv. 143), the god used to spend the six winter months in every year. (Hor. Carm. iii. 4. 64 ; Lvcoph. 920 ; Herod, i. 162 ; Strab. xiv. p. 665, &c. ; Pans. ix. 41. § 1.) [L. S.] PATELLA or PATELLA'NA, a Roman divinity, or perhaps, only a surname of Ops, by which she was described as unfolding or opening the stem of the corn plant, so that the ears might be able to shoot forth. (August. De Civ. Dei, iv. 8 ; Amob. Adv. Gent. iv. 1.) [L. S.] PATELLA'RII DII, divinities to whom sacri- fices were offered in dishes (patellae), were per- haps no others than the Lares. (Plaut. Cistell. ii. 1. 45 ; Ov. Fast. ii. 634.) [L. S.] PATE'RCULUS, ALBI'NIUS. [Albinius, No. 1.] PATERCULUS. PATE'RCULUS, C. SULPI'CIUS, consui B. c. 258 with A. Atilius Calatinus in the first Punic war. (Pol. i. 24.) He obtained Sicily as his province, together with his colleague Atilius, but the latter took the chief management of the war, and is therefore spoken of by some writers as the sole commander in Sicily. Paterculus never- theless obtained a triumph on his return to Rome, as we learn from the triumphal Fasti. The history of the consulship of Paterculus and his colleague is given under Calatinus. PATE'RCULUS, C. VELLEIUS, a Roman historian, contemporary with Augustus and Tibe- rius. He is not mentioned by any ancient writer, with the exception of a solitary passage of Priscian, but his own work supplies us with the leading events of his life. He was descended from one of the most distinguished Campanian families. Decius Magius, the leader of the Roman party at Capua in the second Punic war, was one of his ancestors ; and Minatius Magius, who did such good service to the Romans in the Social war (b. c. 90), and who was rewarded in consequence with the Roman franchise and the election of two of his sons to the praetorship, Avas the atavus of the historian. The grandfather of Paterculus put an end to his life at Naples, since he was unable, through age and in- firmities, to accompany Claudius Nero, the father of the emperor Tiberius, in his flight from Italy in B. c. 40. His father held a high command in the army, in which he was succeeded by his son, as is mentioned below, and his uncle Capito was a member of the senate, and is mentioned as a sup- porter of the accusation against C. Cassius Lon- ginus under the Lex Pedia, on account of the latter being one of Caesai's murderers. The family of Paterculus, therefore, seems to have been one of wealth, respectability, and influence. Velleius Paterculus was probably born about B. c. 1 9, the year in which Virgil died. He adopted the profession of arms ; and, soon after he had entered the army, he accompanied C. Caesar in his expedition to the East, and was present with the latter at his interview with the Parthian king, in A. D. 2. Two years afterwards, a. d. 4, he served under Tiberius in Germany, succeeding his father in the rank of Praefectus Equitum, having previously filled in succession the offices of tribune of the soldiers and tribune of the camp. For the next eight years Paterculus served under Tiberius, either as praefectus or legatus, in the various cam- paigns of the latter in Germany, Pannonia, and Dalmatia, and, by his activity and ability, gained the favour of the future emperor. He was accord- ingly promoted to the quaestorship, and in A. D. 6, when he was quaestor elect, he conducted to Tibe- rius the forces which had been lately levied in the city. In his quaestorship in the following year, A. D. 7, he was excused from drawing lots for a province, and continued to serve as legatus under Tiberius. He accompanied his commander on his return to Rome in a. d. 12, and mentions with pride that he and his brother Magius Celer took a prominent part in the triumphal procession of Tiberius, and were decorated with military honours. Two years afterwards, A. p. 14, the names of Vel- leius and his brother were put down by Augustus for the praetorship ; but as that emperor died before the comitia were held, they were elected to this dignity at the commencement of the reign of Tiberius. We have no further particulars of the