Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1380

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1368 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES OF Coss. Q. Hortensius. Q. Caeciliiis Metellus (Creticus). War with Mithridates continued. Liicullus invades Armenia, defeats Tigranes, and takes Tigranocerta. The capitol dedicated by Q. Catulus. Cicero (aet. 38) curule aedile. His orations Pro M. Fonteio and Pro A. Caecina. Coss. L. Caeciliiis Metellus. Mart. e. Q. Marcius Rex. War with Mithridates continued. "Lucullus defeats Tigranes and Mithridates on the Arsanias, and lays siege to Nisibis. Q. Metellus proconsul conducts the war in Crete. Coss. C. Calpurnius Piso. M'. Acilius Glabrio. War with Mithridates continued. Mutiny in the army of Lucullus. He marches back to Pontus, whither Mithridates had preceded him, and had defeated C. Triarius the legate of Lucullus. The war against the pirates is committed to Cn. Pompeius by the lex Gabinia. Metellus concludes the war in Crete either in this or the fol- lowing year. L. Roscius Otho, tribune of the plebs, carried a law that the equltes should have separate seats in the theatre. M. Terentius Varro sorves under Pom- peius in the war against the pirates. Coss. M Aemilius Lepidus. L. Volcatius TuUus. War with Mithridates continued. The con- duct of it is committed to Cn. Pompeius by the Lex Manilia. He had already brought the war against the pirates to a close. He invades Armenia, and makes peace with Tigranes. Mithridates retires into the Cimmerian Bosporus. Cicero (aet. 41) praetor, delivers the ora- tions Pro Lege Manilia and Pro A. CLa- entio Coss. P. Cornelius Sulla. Non iniit. P Autronius Paetus. Non iniit. L. Aurelius Cotta. L. Manlius Torquatus. Censs. Q. Lutatius Catulus. Ahd. M. Licinius Crassus Dives. Ahd. War with Mithridates continued. Pompeius pursues Mithridates, and tights against the Albanians and Iberians. Catiline's first conspiracy. Caesar (aet. 35) is curule aedile. Birth of Q. Horatius Flaccus. Coss. L. Julius Caesar. C. Marcius Figulus. Censs. L. Aurelius Cotta. Pompeius returns from the pursuit of Mithri- dates. He makes Syria a Roman province, and winters there. Cicero's (aet. 43) oration In Toga Can- dida. Coss. M. TulH us Cicero. C. Antonius. Death of Mithridates. Pompeius subdues Phoenicia and Palestine, and takes Jeru- salem after a siege of three months. Ca- tiline's second conspiracy detected and crushed by Cicero. Birth of Augustus. 62 61 60 bQ 58 57 56 Cicero (aet. 44) delivered many ora- tions in his consulship. Those which are extant were delivered in the following order: (1.) De Lege Agraria ; (2.) Pro C. Rahirio ; (3.) In CatUinam ; (4.) Pro Murena. Coss. D. Junius Silanus. L. Licinius Murena. Defeat and death of Catiline. Pompeius re- turns to Ital}--. Caesar (aet. 38) is praetor, Cato is tribune of the people. Cicero's (aet. 45) oration Pro P. Sulla. Coss. M. Pupius Piso Calpurnianus. M. Valerius Messala Niger. Triumph of Pompeius on the 28th and 29th of September. Trial and acquittal of P. Clodius. Caesar (aet. 39), propraetor, ob- tains the province of Further Spain. Cicero's (aet. 46) oration Pro Archia. Coss. L. Afranius. Q. Caecilius Metellus Celer. Caesar's victories in Spain. He returns to Rome. His coalition with Pompeius and Crassus, usually called the First Trium- virate. Coss. C. Julius Caesar (aet. 41). M. Calpurnius Bibulus. The agrarian law of Caesar. The acts ol Pompeius in Asia ratified. Caesar receives the provinces of Cisalpine and Transal- pine Gaul and lUyricum, for five years. Cicero's (aet. 48) oration Pro L. Flacco. Birth of T. Livius the historian. Coss. L. Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus. A, Gabinius, Caesar's (aet. 42) first campaign in Gaul; he defeats the Helvetii and Ariovistus. P. Clodius is tribune of the plebs. Cicero (aet. 49) is banished. Coss. P. Cornelius Lentulus Spinther. Q. Caecilius Metellus Nepos. Caesar's (aet. 43) second campaign in Gaul. He defeats the Belgae. The superinten- dence of the annona committed to Pom- peius with extraordinary powers, for five years. Ptolemaeus Auletes comes to Rome. Cicero (aet. 50) recalled from banish- ment. Coss. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus. L. Marcius Philippus. Caesar's (aet. 44) third campaign in Gaul. He conquers the Veneti in the north-west of Gaul. Caesar met Pompeius and Crassus at Luca in April, and made arrangements for the continuance of their power. Clodius is curule aedile. Cicero's (aet. 51) orations, ( 1 .) proSeodio; (2.) In Vatinium ; (3.) De Haruspicum Re- sponsis ; (4.) De Provinciis Consularihus , (5.) Pro M. Caelio Rvfo; (6.) Pro L, Cornelio Balbo. Coss. Cn. Pompeius Magnus II. M. Licinius Crassus II. Censs. M. Valerius Messala Niger. P. Servilius Vatia Isauricus. Caesar's (aet. 45 ) fourth campaign in Gaul. He crosses the Rhine : he invades Britain. Assignment of the provinces to the tri- umvirs by the Lex Trebonia. Caesar receives the Gauls and Illyricum for five