Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1369

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ROMAN HISTORY. 1357 the Gauls and Etruscans are defeated by the Romans. Coss. C. Fabricius Luscinus. Q. Aemilius Papus. The Boii defeated : peace made with them. The Samnites revolt, but are defeated to- gether with the Lucanians and Bruttians. The Romans relieve Thurii. The Taren- tines attack a Roman fleet. Coss. L. Aemilius Barbula. Q. Marcius Philippus. Pyrrhus arrives in Italy. He came upon the invitation of the Tarentines to assist them in their war against the Romans. Coss. P. Valerius Laevinus. Ti. Coruncanius. ' Diet. Cn. Domitius Calvinus Maximus. Moff. Eq. Censs Cn. Domitius Calvinus Maximus. The Romans defeated by Pyrrhus near Hera- cleia. Coss. P. Sulpicius Saverrio. P. Decius Mus. The Romans again defeated by Pyrrhus near Asculum. Coss. C. Fabricius Luscinus II. Q. Aemilius Papus II. Pyrrhus passes over into Sicily. The Ro- mans carry on the war with success against the nations of Southern Italy, who had sided with Pyrrhus. Coss. P. Cornelius Rufinus II. C. Junius Brutus Bubulcus II. Coss. Q. Fabius Maximus Gurges II. C. Genucius Clepsina. Did. P. Cornelius Rufinus. Mag. Eq Pyrrhus returns to Italy. Coss. M'. Curius Dentatus II. L. Cornelius Lentulus. Censs. C. Fabricius Luscinus. Q. Aemilius Papus. Total defeat of Pyrrhus near Beneventum. He leaves Italy. Coss. M'. Curius Dentatus III. Ser. Cornelius Merenda. Coss. C. Claudius Canina II. C. Fabius Dorso Licinus. Mort. c. C. Fabricius Luscinus III. Embassy from Ptolemaeus Philadel{)hus to Rome. Colonics sent to Posidonia and Cosa. Coss. L. Papirins Cursor II. Sp. Carvilius Maximus II. Censs. M'. Curius Dentatus. L. Papirius Cursor. Conclusion of the war in Southern Italy. Tarentum submits. Coss. C. Quinctius Claudus. L. Genucius Clepsina. Rhegium is taken, and the soldiers of the Campanian legion, who had seized the city, are taken to Rome and put to death. Coss. C. Genucius Clepsina II. Cn. Cornelius Blasio. Coss. Q. Ogulnius Gallus. C. Fabius Pictor. Silver money first coined at Rome. B.C. 268 267 266 265 264 263 262 261 260 259 258 257 256 Coss. Ap. Claudius Crassus Rufus. P. Sempronius Sophus. The Picentines defeated and submit to the Romans. Colonies founded at Aiiminum and Beneventum. Coss. M. Atilius Regulus. L. Julius Libo. The Sallentines defeated and Brundisiura taken. Coss. N. Fabius Pictor. D. Junius Pera. The Sallentines submit. Subjugation of Italy . completed. Coss. Q. Fabius Maximus Gurges III. L. Mamilius Vitulus. Censs. Cn. Cornelius Blasio. C. Marcius Rutilus II. (Censorinus.) Coss. Ap. Claudius Caudex. M. Fulvius Flaccus. First Punic War. First year. The con- sul Claudius crosses over into Sicily, and defeats the Carthaginians and Syracusans. Gladiators exhibited for the first time at Rome. Coss. M'. Valerius Maximus (Messala). M'. Otacilius Crassus. Diet. Cn. Fulvius Maximus Centumalus. Mag. Eq. Q. Marcius Philippus. Second year of the first Punic war. The two consuls cross over into Sicily, and raise the siege of Messana. Hiero makes peace with the Romans. Coss. L. Postumius (Megellus). Q. Mamilius Vitulus. Third year of the first Punic war. The two consuls lay siege to Agrigentum, which is taken after a siege of seven months. Coss. L. Valerius Flaccus. T. Otacilius Crassus. Fourth year of the first Punic war. The Carthaginians ravage the coast of Italy. Coss. Cn. Cornelius Scipio Asina. C. Duilius. Fifth year of the first Punic war. The Romans first build a fleet. The consul Duilius gains a victory by sea over the Carthaginians. Coss. L. Cornelius Scipio. C. Aquilius Florus. Sixth year of the first Pimic war. The con- sul Cornelius attacks Sardinia and Corsica. His colleague carries on the war in Sicily. Coss. A. Atilius Calatinus. C. Sulpicius Paterculus. Censs. C. Duilius. L. Cornelius Scipio. Seventh year of the first Punic war. The two consuls carry on the war in Sicily, but without much success. Coss. C. Atilius Regulus (Serranus). Cn. Cornelius Blasio II. Diet. Q. Ogulnius Gallus. Mag. Eq. M. Laetorius Plancianus. Eighth year of the first Punic war. The consul Atilius gains a naval victory iS Tyndaris. Coss. L. Manlius Vulso Longus. Q. Caedicius. Mort. e. M. Atilius Regulus II. Ninth year of the first Punic war. The two