Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1365

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ROMAN HISTORY. 1353 tator. The Gauls leave Rome, after hold- ing it seven months. VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. vi. 1.) Diet. M. Furius Camillus III. Mag. Eq. C. Servilius Ahala. Rome rebuilt. The Latins and Hernicans renounce their alliance with Rome. Rome attacked by the surrounding nations ; but Camillus gains victories over them. VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. vi. 4.) VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv, vi. 5.) The number of the Roman tribes increased from 21 to 25, by the addition of four new- tribes ; the Stellatina, I'roinentina^ Saba- tina, and Amiensis. VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. vi. 6.) Defeat of the Antiates and Etruscans. VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. vi. IL) Diet. A. Cornelius C^ossus. Mag. Eq. T. Quinctius Capitolinus. Defeat of the Volscians. A colony founded at Satricura. The patricians accuse M. Manlius Capitolinus of aspiring to royal power. VI Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. vi. 18.) Manlius is brought to trial, condemned, and put to death, VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv, vi. 21.) The Ager Pomptinus assigned to the ple- beians. A colony founded at Nepete. VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. vi. 22.) War with Praeneste. VL Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. •^-T War with Praeneste and the Volscians. VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. vi 27.) Ccnss. C. Sulpicius (Damerinus. Ahd. Sp. Postumius Regillensis Albinus. Mort. e. Diet. T. Quinctius Cincinnatus Capitolinus. Mag. Eq. A. Serapronius Atratinus. Praeneste taken by the dictator. VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. vi. 30.) VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. vi. 31.) Censs. Sp. Servilius Priscus. Q. Cloelius Siculus. VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. vi. 32.) VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. Their names are not mentioned by Livy ; but Diodorus (xv. 71.) has preserved the names of four of them. The RoGATiONES LiciNiAE proposed by C. Licinius and L, Sextius, the tribunes of the people, to improve the condition of the plebeians, and to increase their political power. C. Licinius and L, Sextius re-elected tribunes every year ; and as the patricians would not allow the Rogations to become laws, the tribunes prevented the election of all patrician magistrates during these years. VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. vi. 36.) C. Licinius and L. Sextius, who are again elected tribunes, allow consular tribunes to be chosen this year, on account of the war with Velitrae. Licinius and Sextius con- tinue to be re-elected down to B. c, 367. VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. vi. 36.) VI Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. vi. 38.) Diet. M. Furius Camillus IV. Mag. Eq. L. Aemilius Mamercinus. B.C. 367 366 365 364 363 362 361 360 359 358 Diet. P. Manlius Capitolinus. Mag. Eq. C. Licinius Calvus. VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv vi. 42.) Diet. M. Furius Camillus V. Mag.Eq. T.Quinctius Cincinnatus Capitolinus. The RoGATiONES Liciniae passed. One of the consuls was to be chosen from the ple- beians ; but a new magistracy was insti- tuted, the praetorship, which was to be confined to the patricians. Camillus, the dictator, conquers the Gauls, and dedicates a temple to Concordia to celebrate the reconciliation of the two orders. Coss. L. Aemilius Mamercinus. L. Sextius Sextinus Lateranus. Censs. A. Postumius Regillensis Albinus. C. Sulpicius Peticus. First Plebeian Consul, L. Sextius. First Praetor, L. Furius Camillus. Coss. L. Genucius Aventinensis. Q. Servilius Ahala. Pestilence at Rome. Death of Camillus. Coss. C. Sulpicius Peticus. C. Licinius Calvus Stolo. The pestilence continues. Ludi scenici first instituted. Coss. Cn. Genucius Aventinensis, L. Aemilius Mamercinus II. Diet. L. Manlius Capitolinus Imperiosus. Mag. Eq. L. Pinarius Natta. Censs. M. Fabius Ambustus. L. Furius JNIeduUinus. Coss. Q. Servilius Ahala II. L. Genucius Aventinensis II. Diet. Ap. Claudius Crassinus Regillensis. Mag. Eq. P, Cornelius Scapula. Half of the Tribuni Militum for the first time elected by the people. Earthquake at Rome. Self-devotion of Curtius, Coss. C. Sulpicius Peticus II. C. Licinius Calvus Stolo II. Diet. T. Quinctius Pennus Capitolinus Cris- pinus. Mag. Eq. Ser. Cornelius Maluginensis. Invasion of the Gauls, T. Manlius kills a Gaul in single combat, and acquires the surname of Torquatus. Coss. C. Poetelius Libo Visolus. M. Fabius Ambustus. Diet. Q. Servilius Ahala. Mag. Eq. T. Quinctius Pennus Capitolinus Crispinus. War with the Gauls and Tiburtines, who are defeated by the dictator. Coss. M. Popilius Laenas. Cn. Manlius Capitolinus Imperiosus. Coss. C. Fabius Ambustus. C. Plautius Proculus. Diet. C. Sulpicius Peticus. Mag. Eq. M. Valerius Poplicola. Plautius defeats the Hernicans, and Sulpicius the Gauls. Fabius fights unsuccessfully against the Tarquinienses. Renewal of the alliance with Latium. Lex Poetelia de am- bitu, proposed by the tribune Poetelius. The number of tribes increased from 25 to 27 by the addition of the Pomptina and Piihlilia. Coss. C. Marcius Rutilus. Cn. Manlius Capitolinus Imperiosus II.