Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1307

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XENON. Pi7id. pp. 279, &c.) and by Ulrici {Gesch. d. Hellen. Dichtk. vol. ii. Lect. 26, pp. 468, foil. ; see also Miiller, Gesch. d. Griech. Litt. vol. i. p. 291, vol. ii. p. 280.) 2. Of* Rhodes, the author of an elegant epigram upon Lysidice, in the Greek Anthology. (Brunck, Anal. vol. ii. p. 256 ; Jacobs, Anth. Grace, vol. ii. p. 233, vol. xiii. p. 963.) 3. Of Cos, a grammarian, was the first who wrote a commentary on the terms used by Hippo- crates. (Fabric. BibL Grace, vol. ii. p. 601.) [P.S.] XENO'CRITUS {p.ev6KpiTos) and EUBIUS (EijSios)., sculptors, made the white marble statue of Heracles Promachos, in his shrine at Thebes, of which city the artists were both natives. (Pans. ix. U.%i.) [P.S.] XENODA'MUS (Eew'Sa/xos,) of Cythera, a musician and lyric poet, who is mentioned by Plu- tarch (de Mus. 9, p. 1134, b.) as one of the leaders of the second school of music, which was established at Sparta by Thaletas. Some writers ascribed to him Paeans; but others, among whom wasPratinas, said that his compositions were not Paeans, but Hypor- chemes, and Plutarch adds that there was still ex- tant in his time an ode by Xenodamus, which was manifestly a hyporcheme. Athenaeus also (i. p. 15, d. e.) mentions Xenodamus and Pindar as the two chief composers of hyporchemes among the ancient lyric poets. (Fabric. Bill. Grace, vol. ii. p. 160 ; Ulrici, Gesch. d. Hellen. Dichtkunst, vol. ii. pp. 212, 223, foil., 391.) [P. S.] XENO'DICE (HewSt/cT/). 1. A daughter of Minos and Pasiphae. (Apollod. iii. 1. § 2.) 2. A daughter of Syleus, at Aulis, was slain by Heracles, together with her father, (Apollod. ii. 6. § 3.) 3. A captive Trojan woman. (Paus. x. 26. § 1.) [L. S.] XENOETAS(Eei'orTas), an Achaean in the ser- vice of Antiochus the Great, was despatched by Her- meias in command of an army against Molon. [Mo- LON, Vol. II. p. 1111.] This unusual distinction seems greatly to have elated him. He conducted him- self arrogantly towards his friends, and exhibited no small presumption and rashness in his military ope- rations. He succeeded in crossing the Tigris, but fell into the snare laid for him by Molon, who feigned a retreat, and suddenly returning surprised Xenoetas when the greater part of his forces were sunk in drunken sleep. Xenoetas was killed, and his army cut to pieces. (Polyb. v. 45—48.) [C. P. M.] XENOME'DES (Hei/o^TJSijs ), of Chios, a Greek historian, mentioned by Dionysiiis of Halicarnas- 6US along with Hellanicus and Damastes, as writers who lived a little before the Peloponnesian war. (Dionys. de Thuc. c. 5.) The fragments of his writings, quoted by the grammarians, are of a my- thological nature. (Schol. ad Aristoph. Lysistr. 447 ; Schol. Victor, ad It. xvi. 328 ; Etymol. s. v. @4yety^ where "B^vofir^brfS ought probably to be read instead of 'Evo^i'St/s ; comp. Miiller, Fragm. Hist. Grace. yaX. ii. p. 43, Paris, 1848.) X ENON (HeWi'), historical. 1. A Theban, who was sent in command of a body of troops by the Peloponnesians to Sicily, B.C. 413. (Thucyd. vii. 19.) 2. An officer in the service of Antiochus the Great, who was sent, together with Theodotus, against Molon. They retired before Molon under the shelter of the towns. (Polyb. v. 42, 43.) 3. Tyrant of Hermioue. He voluntarily abdi- XENOPHANES. 1295 cated his tyranny, and joined the Achaean league. (Polyb. ii. 44.) 4. An Achaean, a native of Patrae. He is men- tioned by Polybius as one of those who counselled the maintenance of neutrality between the Romans and Perseus (xxviii. 6). After the conclusion of the war with Perseus, when the Roman commis- sioners, Claudius and Domitius, in a meeting of the Achaean assembly denounced as partisans of Per- seus all who had been generals of the Achaeans during the war, Xenon, who had filled that oflice, ' rose to repel the charge, and offered to stand hi8 trial before either an Achaean or a Roman tribunal. He was doubtless one of the Achaeans who, upon this, were sent to Rome, professedly to take their trial, but who were detained in various Italian cities for several years. (Paus. vii. 10. § 9, &c.) 5. An Achaean, a native of Aegium, was twice despatched to Rome, in company with Telecles, on behalf of the Achaeans who were detained in Italy. (Polyb. xxxii. 7, xxxiii. 1.) It seems more likely that the same Xenon is referred to in both pas- sages, than that Xenon of Patrae should be meant in the former. In the latter case Xenon of Patrae must of course have been a different person from the Xenon mentioned by Pausanias. 6. A native of Lepreum, mentioned by Pausa- nias (vi. 15. § 1). [C. P. M.] XENON {ahwv literary. 1. Of Locri, a Pythagorean philosopher. (Fabric. BibL Grace. vol. i. p. 878.) 2. A comic poet of unknown time, only men- tioned by Dicaearchus {Vit. Grace, p. 170. s. 25, Buttmann), who quotes two lines from him. (Fa- bric. BibL Grace, vol. ii. p. 505 ; Meineke, Trm;. Com. Grace, vol. i. p. 500, vol. iv. p. bQQ., Editio Minor, p. 1184.) [P. S.] XENON, a painter, of Sicyon, disciple of Neocles, is mentioned by Pliny, in his list of those painters who were " non igtioblles qtiidcm^ in trans- cursu iamcn dieendi {H.N. xxxv. 11. s. 40. § 42). [P. S.] XENO'PHANES CBivocpd^ns), historical. 1. An Athenian, the father of Lamachus. (Thucvd. vi. 8.) 2. An Athenian, the son of Cleoraachus, sent by king Philip, the son of Demetrius, as ambassador to Hannibal, for the purpose of entering into a treaty with him. (Polyb. vii. 9.) He and his companions in attempting to make their way to Capua fell into the hands of the Romans. Xenophanes, with great coolness, told the praetor, M. Valerius Laevinus, that he was on his way to Rome, charged by king Philip with a commission to form a treaty of alli- ance with Rome. Laevinus furnished him with an escort for his journey, Avhen he of course took the opportunity to make his way to Hannibal. He was, however, again taken prisoner by the Roman ships. He again attempted to pass himself off as an ambas- sador to the Romans, but was handed over to the consul, taken to Rome, and thrown into prison. (Liv. xxiii. 33, 38.) [C. P. M.] XENO'PHANES CB^uocpdvns), of Colophon, was the son of Orthomenes, or according to others, of Dexius (Diog. Laert. ix. 18, ib. Interp.). He was mentioned in the writings of Heracleitus and Epicharmus (ib. ix. 1. &c.; Arist. Mel. iii. 5. p. 1010. 6), and had himself made mention of Thales, Epi- menides, and Pythagoras (Diog. Laert. ix. 18, i. Ill, viii. 36), and is placed in connection with the musician Lasus of Hermioue in the time of the