Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1294

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1282 VOLUMNIUS. demned. The patricians in revenge charged Vol- scius with falsehood ; and in b. c. 459 the quaestors accused him before the comitia of the curiae or the centuries, of having borne false witness against Kaeso, but the tribunes prevented them from pro- secuting the charge. In the following year, b. c. 458, L. Cincinnatus, the father of Kaeso, was ap- pointed dictator, and presided in the comitia for the trial of Volscius. The tribunes dared not offer any further opposition, and Volscius was obliged to go into exile. (Liv. iii. 13, 24, 25, 29 ; Dionys. x. 7 ; Niebuhr, Hist, of Rome, vol. ii. pp. 289, 298.) VOLTE I A GENS, known chiefly from coins, of which we have a considerable number. Some bearthename of L. voLTEius strabo [Strabo] ; and others have on them m. volteius m. f. Of the latter a specimen is annexed : the obverse re- presents the head of .Jupiter, the reverse a temple with four columns. (Eckhel, vol. v. p. 344.) COIN OP M. VOLTEIUS. VOLTEIUS or VULTEIUS. 1. L. Vol- TEius, a friend of L. Metellus, who was propraetor of Sicily, B.C. 70. (Cic. Verr. iii. QQ.) 2. A tribune of the soldiers in Caesar's army, B. c. 48. (Flor. iv. 2. § 33.) 3. Volteius Menas, a praeco mentioned by Horace {Epist. i. 7, 55, foil.). T. VOLTU'RCIUS, or VULTU'RCIUS, of Crotona, one of Catiline's conspirators, was sent by Lentulus to accompany the ambassadors of the Allobroges to Catiline. Arrested along with the ambassadors on the Mulvian bridge, and brought before the senate by Cicero, Volturcius turned in- former upon obtaining the promise of pardon, and after giving his evidence was amply rewarded by the senate. (Sail. Cat. 44, 45, 47, 50 ; Cic. Cat. iii. 2, 4, iv. 3 ; Appian, B. C ii. 4.) VOLU'MNIA. 1. The wife of Coriolanus. [CORIOLANUS.] 2. The freedwoman of Volumnius Eutrapelus, and the mistress of Antony, is better known under her name of Cytheris. [Cytheris.] VOLU'MNIA GENS, patrician and plebeian. It was of great antiquity, for the wife of Corio- lanus belonged to it, and one of its members, P. Volumnius Gallus, held the consulship as early as B.C. 461, but it never attained much importance. The Volumnii bore the cognomens of Gallus with the agnomen Amintinus., and of Flam ma with the agnomen Violens. A few persons of the name are mentioned without any suniame. [Volumnius.] VOLU'MNIUS. 1. M. Volumnius, slain by Catiline, at the time of Sulla. (Ascon. in Tog. Cand. p. 84, ed. Orelli.) 2. P. Volumnius, a judex on the trial of CIu- entius. (Cic. pro Cluent. 70.) 3. L. Volumnius, a senator with whom Cicero was intimate (Cic. ad Fam. vii. 32 ; comp. Varr. R. R. ii. 4), is perhaps the same as the Volumnius Flaccus, who was a friend of D. Brutus. (Cic. ad Fam. xi. 12, 18.) VOLUSIUS. 4. Volumnius, or more correctly Volnius, the author of some Tuscan tragedies, [Volnius.] 5. P. Volumnius, described by Plutarch as a philosopher, accompanied M. Brutus in his cam- paign against the triumvirs, and wrote an account of the prodigies which appeared before the death of Brutus, probably in a life of the latter. (Plut. Brut. 48.) 6. Volumnius Eutrapelus. [Eutrape- lus.] VOLU'PIA, the personification of sensual pleasure among the Romans, who was honoured with a temple near the porta Romanula. (Plin. Epist. viii. 20, //. N. iii. 5 ; Varro, De Ling. Lat. V. 164 ; Macrob. Sat. i. 10 ; August. De Civ. Dei, iv. 8.) She is also called Voluptas. (Cic. De Nat. Deor. ii. 23.) [L. S.] VOLUSE'NUS QUADRA'TUS. [Quad- ratus.] VOLUSIA'NUS, the son of the emperor Tre- bonianus Gallus, upon whose elevation in A. d. 251 he was styled Caesar and Piineeps Juveii- tutis. The year following he held the office of consul, and was invested with the title of Au- gustus. As far as we can gather from the scanty notices of historians, his character resembled that of his father, along with whom he perished at Interamna in A. d. 253 or 254. [Gallus Tre- BONIANUS.] The names borne by this prince, as collected from medals and descriptions, appear to have been C. ViBius Volusianus Trebonianus AsiNius Gallus Veldumnianus or Vendum- NiANUS (Aurel. Vict, de .Caes. 30, Epit. 30 ; Eutrop. ix. 5 ; Zosim. i. 24 ; Zonar. xii. 21 ; Eckhel, vol. vii. p. 369.) [W. R.] COIN of VOLUSIANUS. VOLU'SIUS. 1. An hanispex in the cohora of Verres. (Cic. Verr. iii, 11, 21.) 2. Q, VoLUSius, a pupil of Cicero in oratory, accompanied Cicero to Cilicia, where he held some office under him. (Cic. ad Fam. v. 10, 20, ad Att, v. 21.) In one passage {ad Att. v. 11) he is called Cn. Volusius, for there can be little doubt that this Cneius is the same person who is elsewhere called Marcus. 3. M. Volusius, is mentioned by Cicero B.C. 49 (ad Fam. xvi, 12). He is probably th<| same as the M. Volusius who was pl(;beian aedil^ in B. c. 43, and was proscribed by the triumvi but escaped by assuming the disguise of a prit of Isis. (Val. Max. vii. 3. § 8 ; Appian, B. iv. 47.) L. VOLU'SIUS MAECIA'NUS, a juris was in the consilium of Antoninus Pius. (Capitc Antonin. Pius, c. 12.) Among the many illus trious men Avho formed the character of Marcus Aurelius, was Maecianus : Aurolins was one of his auditores. {Cvi to. Antonin. Philosoph. c.Z.) A rescript of the Divi Fratres (Dig. 37. tit. 14. s. 17), speaks of him in these terms : " Volisiua Maecianus amicus noster, &c." Marcus in his Twv ets kavrSv