Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/124

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112 PANOPTES. PANHELLE'NIUS (UaveWTJvios), i.e. the god common to, or worshipped by all the Hellenes or Greeks, occurs as a surname of the Dodonaean Zeus, whose worship had been transplanted by the Hellenes, in the emigration from Thessaly, to Aegina. Subsequently, when the name Hellenes was applied to all the Greeks, the meaning of the god's surname likewise became more extensive, and it was derived from the propitiatory sacrifice which Aeacus was said to have offered on behalf of all the Greeks, and by the command of the Delphic oracle, for the purpose of averting a famine (Paus. i. 44. § 13). On that occasion Aeacus designated Zeus as the national god of all the Greeks (Pind. Nem. V. 19 ; Herod, ix. 7 ; Aristoph. Equit. 1253 ; Plut Lycurg. 6). In Aegina there was a sanctuary of Zeus Panhellenius, which was said to have been founded by Aeacus ; and a festival, Panhellenia, was celebrated there. (Paus. i. 18. § 9 ; Miiller, Aeginet. p. 18, &c. 155, &c.) [L. S.] PANIDES (navfSrjs), a king of Chalcis on the Euripus, who is said to have given his opinion that Hesiod was superior as a poet to Homer, and hence became proverbial as a man of perverse taste and judgment. (Philostr. //t;r. xviii. 2.) [L. S.] PANODO'RUS, an Egyptian monk in the reign of the emperor Arcadius, wrote a XP^^^JP'^- (piov^ in which he found great fault with Eusebius, from whom, however, he took many of his state- ments. He is frequently mentioned by Syncellus. (Voss. de Hist Grace, p. 308, ed. Westermann ; Fabric. Bibl. Grace, vol. vii. p. 444.) PANOMPHAEUS {Tlavo}i<pMos), i. e. the au- thor of all signs and omens, occurs as a surname of Helios (Quint. Smyrn. v. 624), and of Zeus, who had a sanctuary on the Hellespont between capes Rhoeteum and Sigeum. (Horn. //. viii. 250 ; Orph. Argm. 660 ; Ov. Met. xi. 198.) [L. S.] PA'NOPE (riai/oTrr?), the name of two my- thical personages, one a daughter of Nereus and Doris (Horn. 11. xviii. 45 ; Hes. Theog. 250), and the other a daughter of Thespius. (Apollod. ii. 7. $ 8.) [L. S.] PANOPEUS (noi/OTrevs), a son of Phocus and Asteropaea, and brother of Crisus or Crissus, with whom he is said to have quarrelled even when yet in his mother's womb. He accompanied Amphi- tryon on his expedition against the Taphians or Teleboans, and took an oath by Athene and Ares not to embezzle any part of the booty. But he broke his oath, and as a punishment for it, his son Epeius became un warlike. He is also mentioned among the Calydonian hunters. (Horn. II. xxiii. 665 ; Lycophr. 935, «Scc. ; Apollod. ii. 4. § 7 ; Paus. ii. 29. § 4, x. 4. § 1 ; Ov. Met viii. 312 ; Schol. ad Eur. Orest. 33.) [L. S.] PANO'PION, URBI'NIUS, was proscribed by the triumvirs in B.C. 43, but was preserved by the extraordinary fidelity of one of his slaves who ex- changed dresses with his master, dismissed him by the back-door as the soldiers were entering the villa, then placed himself in the bed of Panopion, and allowed himself to be killed as if he were the latter. Panopion afterwards testified his gratitude by erecting a handsome monument over his slave (Val. Max. vi. 8. § 6 ; Macrob. Saturn, i. 11). A ppian calls the master Appius {B.C. iv. 44) ; and Dion Cassius (xlvii. 10) and Seneca {de Dene/ iii. 25) relate the event, but without mentioning any name. PANOPTES. [Argus.] PANSA. PANSA, a cognomen in many Roman gentes, indicated a person who had broad or splay feet. Pliny classes it with the cognomens Plancus, Plautus, Scaurus (Plin H. N. xi. 45. s. 105). PANSA. Q. APPULEI US, consul, b.c. 300, with M. Valerius Corvus V. He laid siege to Nequinum in Umbria, but was unable to take the place (Liv. x. 5, 6, 9). PANSA, C. CORE'LLIUS, consul, a.d. 122, with M'. Acilius Aviola (Fastij. PANSA, L. SE'STIUS, whose demand was re- sisted by Q. Cicero in B.C. 54 (Cic. ad Qu. Fr. ii. 11). PANSA, L. TITFNIUS, with the agnomen Saccus, one of the consular tribunes B. c. 400, and a second time in B. c. 396. (Liv. v. 12, 18 ; Fasti Capit.) PANSA, C. VI'BIUS, consul b. c. 43 with A. Hirtius. His father and grandfather also bore the praenomen Caius, as we learn from coins in which the consul is designated c. p. c. N. (see below) ; but we know nothing of the history of his family, save that his father was proscribed by Sulla (Dion Cass. xlv. 17), which was probably one reason that led Pansa to espouse the side of Caesar, of whom he was always a faithful adhe- rent, and to whom he was indebted for all the honours he obtained in the state. Pansa was tri- bune of the plebs B.C. 51, in which year he took an active part, in conjunction with M. Caelius, and some of his other colleagues, in opposing the mea- sures which the consul M. Marcellus and others of the aristocratical party were directing against Caesar. (Cic. ad Fam. viii. 8. §§ 6, 7.) Pansa was not employed by Caesar in any important military command during the civil war, but he continued to enjoy his confidence and esteem, and received from him in B. c. 46 the government of Cisalpine Gaul as successor to M. Brutus. Cicero speaks of his departure from the city at the end of December in that year to take the command of the province, and says " that he was followed by ex- traordinary good wishes on the part of all good men, because he had relieved many from misery, and had shown great good feeling and kindliness in the recent calamities." (Cic. ad Fain. xv. 17.) Pansa returned to Rome in B. c. 45 ; and in B, c. 44 Caesar nominated him and Hirtius, his colleague in the augurate, consuls for B. c. 43. From that time the name of Pansa becomes so closely con- nected with that of Hirtius, that it is impossible to relate the history of the one without giving that of the other. The reader is therefore referred to the article Hirtius, where he will find an account of the events of the years b. c. 44 and 43, till the fall of both the consuls at Mutina in the month of April in the latter year, together with references to all the ancient authorities. There is a large number of coins bearing the name of Pansa, of which we give three specimens below. The first of these has on the obverse the COIN OF C VIBIUS PANSA.