Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1206

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1194 TYCHE. Latin verse of the Odyssey, or at least of a portion of it, to which Ovid refers in the lines : — " Dignam Maeoniis Phaeacida condere chartis Cum te Pierides perdocuere tuae." Ovid likewise alludes to this poem in another pas- sage ( " Et qui Maeoniam Phaeacida vertit," ex Pont. iv. 16. 27), but without naming the author. (Wernsdorf, Po'a. Lat.Min. vol. iv. pp. 584, 585.) TU'TIA, mentioned in one of Cicero's letters {ad Att. xvi. 2), does not occur elsewhere, and is perhaps a false reading for Julia, and the same as the Julia spoken of ad Alt. xv. 29. TUTPLIUS, a rhetorician, whose daughter Quintilian married. (Plin. ^jd. vi. 32 ; Quintil. iii. 1. § 2], where Tutilius should be read instead of Rutilius.) [QuiNTiLiANUS, p. 635, a.] L. TU'TIUS CEREA'LIS, consul under Tra- jan A. D. 106 with L. Ceionius Coramodus Verus (Fasti). Pliny speaks of Tutius Cerealis a con- stdaris in one of his letters {Ep. ii. 11); but as the letter was written in A. d. Q9, it must refer to some other person of the same name, unless we suppose that the consul of the year 106 had held the same dignity previously. TUTOR, JU'LIUS, a Treviran, who had been placed by Vitellius in a command on the left bank of the Rhine (a. d. G9), took part in the rebellion of Classicus. After the murder of Vocula, he gained over the Roman soldiers at Colonia Agrip- pinensis and on the banks of the Upper Rhine to the oath to ilie empire of Gaul. He neglected to guard the Upper Rhine and the passes of the Alps against Cerealis ; and, on the appearance of the Roman army he was deserted by a large body of his troops. He retired to Bingium, and was there defeated. After assisting Valentinus in his attempt to renew the war [Valentinus], he joined Civilis and Classicus, with whom he fled across the Rhine. [CiviLis.] (Tac. Hist. iv. 55, 59, 70, v. 19— 22). [P. S.] TYCHE (TuxTj). 1. The personification of chance or luck, the Fortuna of the Romans, is called by Pindar {01. xii. init.) a daughter of Zeus the Liberator. She was represented with different attributes. "With a rudder, she was con- ceived as the divinity guiding and conducting the affairs of the world, and in this respect she is called one of the Moerae (Pans. vii. 26. § 3 ; Pind. Fragm. 75, ed. Heyne) ; with a ball she represents the varying unsteadiness of fortune ; with Plutos or the horn of Amalthea, she was the symbol of the plentiful gifts of fortune. (Artemid. ii. 37 ; comp. Miiller, Anc. Art and its Rem. § 398.) Tyche was worshipped at Pharae in Messenia (Pans. iv. 30. § 2) ; at Smyrna, where her statue, the work of Bupalus, held with one hand a globe on her head, and in the other carried the horn of Amalthea (iv. 30. § 4) ; in the arx of Sicyon (ii. 7. § 5) ; at Aegeira in Achaia, where she was re- presented with the horn of Amalthea and a winged Eros by her side (vii. 26. § 3 ; comp. Plut. De Fort. Rom. 4 ; Arnob. adv. Gent. vi. 25) ; in Elis (Pans. vi. 25. § 4) ; at Thebes (ix. 16. § 1) ; at Leba- deia, together with ayaQhs Salixuu (ix. 39. § 4) ; at Olympia (v. 15. § 4), and Athens. (Aelian, V.H. ix. 39 ; comp. Fortuna.) 2. A nymph, one of the playmates of Persephone. (Horn. Hymn, in Cer. 421.) 3. One of the daughters of Oceanus. (Hes. Theog.'d^O.) [L. S.J TYCHONIUS. TY'CHICUS, Q. HATE'RIUS, an architect, who is mentioned in two extant inscriptions, from which it appears that he held the office of redemp- ior operuin under the emperor Claudius, and that he constructed and adorned with marbles, at his own expense, a small temple of Hercules. (For the inscriptions themselves, see R. Rochette, Let- tre ii M. Schorn, pp. 420, 421, 2d ed.) [P. S.] TY'CHIUS (Tuxtos). 1. Of Hyle, a mythical artificer, mentioned by Homer (who calls him (TKVTor6iJ.uv ox' &pi<TTos), as the maker of Ajax's shield of seven ox-hides, covered with a plate of brass. {II. 219—223 ; Nonn. Dionys. xiii. 671.) 2. A maker of fictile vases, whose name is in- scribed on the margin of one of the large vases found at Cometo, in the following form: TV+IO^ EFOE^EN. (Gerhard, Rapport Volcenf. pp. 178, 701.) His name is also found on some vases re- cently discovered at Vulci, of which there is one in the Museum at Berlin. (Gerhard, Neuerworhe7ie antik. Denkm'dler, No. 1664 ; R .Rochette, Lettre a M. Schorn, p. 62, 2d ed.) [P. S.] TYCHON {Tvxcov). 1. A god of chance or accident, was, according to Strabo (ix. p. 408), worshipped at Athens, (Comp. Anthol. Palat. ix. ^ 334.) 2. An obscene daemon, is mentioned as a com- panion of Aphrodite and Priapus, and seems to sig- nify " the producer," or " the fructifier." (Etym. Magn. and Hesych. s.v. ; comp. Jacobs, ad Anthol. tom. viii. p. 12 ; Lobeck, Aglaoph. p. 1235.) [L. S.] TYCHO'NIUS, also written Tichonius, was an African, well versed in sacred and not ignorant of profane literature, who flourished under Theo- dosius and his sons, being contemporary with Rufinus and Augustine. Attached to the Donatists he nevertheless assailed them in his writings, and although triumphant in confuting their doctrines, refused to quit their communion. This perversity of temper calls forth the indignation of the bishop of Hippo, who while he inveighs against the author, at the same time praises his genius and eloquence, and earnestly recommends his works. Of these one only has reached us, entitled Septem Regidae or De Septem Regulis, being a code of Seven Rules for explaining Holy Scripture. It is analysed by Augustine at the conclusion of his third book De Dodrina Christiana, but will be found to contain little that is important, interesting, or even intelligible. Tychonius composed also a treatise in three books Z)e Bello intestino, on the decrees of the ancient Synods which might be quoted in defence of his party ; Commentarium in Apocalypsin, in which he expounded the vision in a sense purely spiritual ; and Eocpositio diversarum causarum in illustration of some arguments employed in defence of his sect ; but the whole of these are now lost. The Septem Regulae were first printed in the Monumenta Patrum Ortlvodoxographa of J. J. Grynaeus, fol. Basil. 1569, vol. v. p. 1352. An edition corrected from MSS. was published by Andreas Schottus, in }n& Auctuarium to the Ma^a Bibliothcca Patrum, fol. Colon. 1622, p. 152, re- printed in the Bibliotheca Patrum Max. fol. Lugd. 1677, vol. vi., and the piece will be found under its best form in the Bibliotheca Patrum of Galland, vol. viii. (fol. Venet. 1772) p. 107. (Augustin. de Doctrina Christian, iii. 30. § 42 ; Gennad. de Viris //^2«ir. 18; Galland, Proleg. ad Vol. VI H. c. ii. p. v.; Schoeneraann, Bibliotheca Patrum Latt. vol. i. cap.