Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1184

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1172 TREMULUS. nne of the blackest. 1 1 had been assigned to Tre- bonius to keep Antonius engaged in conversation outside tlie senate-house while the other conspi- rators perpetrated the foul deed. Trebonius did not remain long at Rome after the murder of Caesar, but went as proconsul to the province of Asia. In the following year (b. c. 43) he sent a Bupply of money to M. Brutus in Macedonia, and to C. Cassius who was attempting to obtain pos- session of Syria. In the course of the same year, Dolabella, who had received from Antonius the province of Syria, appeared before Smyrna, where Trebonius was then residing, surprised the town in the night-time, and slew Trebonius in his bed. For details see Dolabella, p. 1059, b. (Dion Cass. xliv. 14, 19, xlvii. 21, 26, 29; Plut Brut. Q ; Appian, B. C. ii. 113, 117, iii. 2, 26 ; Cic. Phil, il 11, 14, xi. 1, 2, 4, xii. 10, xiii. 10, ad Fam. X. 28, ad Alt. xiv. 10, ad Fatn. xii. 12, 14, 15.) A few of Cicero's letters are addressed to this Trebonius (ad Fam. x. 28, xii. 16, xv. 20,21). The panegyrics which Cicero pronounces upon this ungrateful wretch in his letters and in the Phi- lippics are most disgusting, and the language which the orator uses on one occasion in reference to the murder of the great man to whom he owed his own life, is positively so loathsome that it deprives us of almost all pity for his own fate. Thus he writes to Trebonius {ad Fam. x. 28) : — " Quam vellera ad illas pulcherrimas epulas me Idibus jVIartiis invitasses ! reiiquiarum nihil haberemus." 12. Trebonius, a contemporary of Horace, de- tected in adultery, is otherwise unknown. (Hor. Sat. L 4. 114.) TREBO'NIUS GARUCIA'NUS, procurator of Africa at the death of Nero, A. d. 68, put to death Clodius Macer, the governor of the province, by the command of Galba. (Tac. Hist. i. 7.) TREBO'NIUS RUFFNUS. [Rufinus.] TREME'LLIA GENS, plebeian, is first men- tioned towards the end of the second Punic war, but never obtained much importance. None of its members held the consulship. They bore the sur- names of ScROFA and Flaccus : the latter cogno- men is omitted under Flaccus, and is therefore given below. TREME'LLIUS. 1. Cn. Tremellius Flac- cus, of quaestorian rank in b. c. 205, was sent on an embassy, in that year, with four colleagues, to king Attalus, and brought back with him the sacred stone, which represented the Mother of the Gods. He was plebeian aedile in B. c. 203 and praetor in 202, when he obtained Sicily as his province. (Liv. xxix. 11, xKx. 26,27.) 2. Cn. Tremellius, one of the decemvirs ia B.C. 173 for dividing certain lands in Liguria and Cisalpine Gaul among the Roman citizens and the Latin allies. (Liv. xlii. 4.) 3. Cn. Tremellius, tribune of the plebs, r c. 167. (Liv. xlv. 15.) 4. Cn. Tremellius, tribune of the plebs, B.C. 1 60, was condemned to pay a fine on account of his having insulted the pontifex maximus M. Aemi- lius Lepidus. (Liv. Epii. 47.) TRE'MULUS, Q. MA'RCIUS, a plebeian, was twice consul with the patrician P. Cornelius Arvina, the first time in B. c. 306, and the second time in B- c. 288. In his first consulship Tremulus carried on wars against the Hernici and ^.nagnini, whom he conquered with ease, and then marched to the assistance of his colleague in Samuium. On TRIARIUS. his arrival in the latter country he was unexpect- edly attacked by the Samnites, but Cornelius came to his succour, and the two armies gained a brilliant victory over the enemy. Cornelius re- mained in Samnium, but Tremulus returned to Rome, where he celebrated a triumph over the Hernici and Anagnini, and an equestrian statue was erected to him in the forum before the temple of Castor. (Liv. ix. 42, 43 ; Fasti Capit. ; Cic. Phil. vi. 5 ; Plin. H. N. xxxiv. 6.) TRIA'RIA, the wife of L. Vitellius, the brother of the emperor of that name, was distinguished for her haughtiness and cruelty. (Tac. Hist. ii. 63, 64, iii. 77.) TRIA'RIUS. 1. A rhetorician, frequently mentioned by M. Seneca. {Suas. 2, 5,Q, Controv. 1,2, et alibi.) 2. A friend of the younger Pliny, who addresses one letter to him {Ep. vi. 23). TRIA'RIUS, VALE'RIUS. 1. L. Valerius Triarius, was quaestor urbanus in b.c. 81 (Cic. Verr. i. 14), and subsequently praetor. He was propraetor in Sardinia in B. c. 77, when he re- pulsed Lepidus who had fled into that island after his unsuccessful attempt to repeal the laws of Sulla. (Ascon. in Scaur, p. 19, ed. Orelli.) Tri- arius served under LucuUus as one of his legates in the war against Mithridates, and at first gained considerable distinction by his zeal and activity. [For details, see Lucullus, p. 833.] In b. c. 68 Triarius was despatched to the assistance of Fabius, who had been intrusted with the defence of Pon- tus, while Lucullus invaded Armenia, and who was now attacked by Mithridates with overwhelm- ing numbers. Triarius compelled Mithridates to assume the defensive, and early in the following year he commenced active operations against the Pontic king. Anxious to gain the victory over Mithridates before the arrival of Lucullus, Triarius allowed himself to be attacked at a disadvantage, and was totally defeated with great slaughter. From the expression of Cicero {de Leg. Man. 9) we might conclude that every man in the army perished ; but this does not appear to have been the case. Plutarch says that seven thousand Ro- mans fell, among whom were a hundred and fifty centurions and twenty four tribunes ; and that Lucullus, who arrived a few days afterwards, was obliged to secrete Triarius from the fury of his troops. This fatal battle, which was one of the severest blows that the Roman arms had sustained for a long time, was fought near Zela, at the same spot where Caesar afterwards gained a victorv over Pharnaces. (Appian, Milh. 88, 89, 1 1 2, 120 ;* Plut. Pomp. 35 ; Dion Cass. xxxv. 10 — 12 ; Cic. de Ley. Man. 9 ; Liv. Ep. 98 ; Plin. H. N. vi. 3.) In Livy {I. c.) the praenomen of Triarius is erro- neously Caius. 2. P. Valerius Triarius, the son of the pre- ceding, accused M. Aemilius Scaurus, in B. c. 54, first of repetundae and next of ambitus. Scaurus was defended on both occasions by Cicero. (Ascon. in Scaur, p. 19 ; Cic. pro Scaur. 1. 2, ad Att. iv. 16. § 8, iv. 17. § 2, ad Q. Fr. iii. 2. § 3). For details, see Scaurus, p. 737, b. 3. C. Valerius Triarius, perhaps a brother of No. 2, was a friend of Cicero, who introduces him as one of the speakers in his dialogue De Fini- hus (i. 5), and praises his oratory in his Brutus (c. 76). His sister Valeria Paula divorced hef husband in b. c. 50, and married D. Brutus. (Gael.