Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1173

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Clyde and the Forth. After presiding at some games, at the close of which he is said to have wept bitterl3% though the cause of his sorrow is not stated, Titus went off to the country of the Sabines in very low spirits, owing to some bad Dmens. He was seized with fever at the first resting-place, and being carried from thence to a villa, in which his father had died, he ended his life there on the 13th of September, after a reign of two years and two months, and twenty days. He was in the forty-first year of his age. There were suspicions that he was poisoned by Domitian. Plutarch says that his health was damaged by the frequent use of the bath. There is a story that Domitian came before Titus was dead, and ordered him to be deserted by those about him : according to another story, he ordered him to be thrown into a vessel full of snow, under the pretext of cooling his fever. It is reported that shortly before his death, Titus lamented that he was dying so soon, and said that he had never done but one thing of which he repented. Nobody knew what this one thing was ; but there were various conjectures. Perhaps the difficulty may be best solved by sup- posing that he never uttered the words, or if he did, that he was in the delirium of his fever. Titus was succeeded by his brother Domitian. His daughter Julia Sabina was married to Flavius Sa- binus, his cousin, the son of Flavius Sabinus, the brother of Vespasian. Titus is said to have written Greek poems and tragedies : he was very familiar with Greek. He also wrote many letters in his father's name during Vespasian's life, and drew up edicta. (Suetonius, Titus Flavius Vespasianus ; Tacitus, Hist. ; Dion Cassias, Ixvi. ; Tillemont, Histoire des Einpereurs, vol. ii.) [G. L.] TLENPOLEMUS.


TITUS, one of the two supernumerary tyrants added by Trebellius Pollio to his list of the thirty [see AiiREOLUs]. He is said to have maintained his pretensions to the throne for a few days during the reign of Maximinus, and to have been put to death by the very soldiers who had forced the purple on his acceptance. There can be little doubt that he is the same person who is called Tycus by Capitolinus {Maximin. duo, c. 11), and Quartinus bv Herodian. [Quartinus.] [W. R.]

TITYUS {TiTvosX a son of Gaea, or of Zeus and Elara, the daughter of Orchomenus, was a giant in Euboea, and the father of Europa, (Hom. Od. vii. 324 ; Apollod. i. 4. $ 1 ; Schol. ad Apol- lon. Rhod. i. 181, 761 ; Pind. Pyth. iv. 81.) In- stigated by Hera (Hygin. Fab. 55), he made an assault upon Leto or Artemis, when she passed through Panopaeus to Pytho, but was killed by the arrows of Artemis or Apollo, or, according to others, Zeus killed him with a flash of lightning. (Hygin. l.c. ; Schol. ad Apollon. i. 181 ; Pans. iii. 18. § 9 ; Pind. Pyth. iv. 160 ; Horat. Carm. iv. 6. $2.) He was then cast into Tartarus, and there he lay outstretched on the ground, covering nine acres, and two vultures or snakes devoured his liver. (Hygin. l.c. ; Schol. ad Pind. 01. i. 97 ; Hom. Od. xi. 576, &c.) Hi» gigantic tomb was shown in aftertimes near Panopeus (Pans. x. 4. § 4), and his fall by the arrows of Artemis and Apollo was represented on the throne of Apollo at Amyclae. (Pans. iii. 18. § 9, x. 11. § 1, 29. § 2 ; comp. Strab. ix. p. 422 ; Virg. Aen. vi. 595 ; Ov, Met. iv. 457, Epist. ex Pont. i. 2. 41.) [L. S.]

TLEPO'LEMUS (TAtjttJa e^uos.) 1. A son of Heracles by Astyoche, the daughter of Phylas (Hom. //. ii. 658 ; Apollod. ii. 7. §§ 6, 8 ; Philostr. Her. ii. 14), or by Astydameia, the daughter of Amyntor, king of the Dolopians in Thessaly. (Pind. 01. vii. 41.) Tlepolemus was king of Argos, but after slaying his uncle Licymnius, he was obliged to take to flight, and in conformity with the com- mand of an oracle, settled in Rliodes, where he built the towns of Lindos, lalysos and Cameiros, and from whence he joined the Greeks in the Trojan war with nine ships. (Hom. //. ii. 653, &c.; Apollod. ii. 8. § 2.) At Troy he was slain by Sarpedon. (//. v. 627, &c.; Diod. iv. 58, v. 59.) His wife Philozoe instituted funeral games in commemoration of his death. (Tzetz. ad Lye, 911.) . A Trojan, a son of Damastor, who was slain by Patroclus. (Hom. //. xvi. 416.) [L.S.]

TLEPO'LEMUS (TA777ro'A€/ios), historical. 1. An Athenian general, who brought a reinforcement to Pericles in the Samian war, B. c. 440. (Thuc. i. 117.) . The son of Pythophanes, one of the kraipoi, or body-guard of Alexander the Great, was joined in the government of the Parthyaei and Hyrcanii with Amminapes, a Parthyaean, whom Alexander had appointed satrap of those provinces. At a later period Tlepolemus was appointed by Alex- ander satrap of Cararaania, which he retained on the deach of Alexander in B. c. 323, and also at the fresh division of the provinces at Triparadisua in B. c. 321. (Arrian, Anab. iii. 22, vi. 27; Diod. xviii. 3, 39.)

TLEPO'LEMUS, CORNELIUS, and HIERO, who are called by Cicero the canes venatici of Verres, were brothers, natives of Cibyra, whence they fled, under the suspicion of having pillaged the temple of Apollo, and betook themselves to Verres, who was then in Asia. From that time they became his dependants, and during his go- vernment of Sicily they performed for him the service of hunting out the works of art which ap- peared to be worth appropriating. They were both artists, Tlepolemus being a painter, and Hiero a modeller in wax. Some particulars of their mode of proceeding are given by Cicero (in Verr. iii. 28, iv. 13). Respecting another artist of this name, see Tlenpolemos. [P. S.]

TLENPOLEMOS (TVENFOVEMO^;), is the form in which the name of a maker of painted vases is inscribed twice on one of the Canino vases (Mus. Etrtisque, No. 149), and again, in connection with the name of the painter Taconides, on a vase discovered by the MM. Candelori (Gerhard, Rap- port. Volcent. p. 180), and thirdly on a recently discovered vase, now in the Museum at Berlin. (Neuerworbene Vasenbilder, No. 1597.) It has been disputed whether the true reading of the name is Tlepolemus or Tlesipolemus ; but the con-