Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1148

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1136 TIMESITHEUS. cratium at the Olympic and Pythian games, and was also distinguished as a brave soldier. He was one of the partisans of the Athenian Isago- RAS, when he seized the Acropolis, with the help of Cleomenes. The citadel was besieged by the Athenians, and Tiniasitheus was one of those who fell into their liands, and were put to death. Pau- sanias mentions his statue at Olympia, the work of Ageladas, the Argive. (Herod, v. 72 ; Pans. vi. 8.) [E. E.] TIMA'SIUS, FL., a distinguished general in the reign of Theodosius I. He was appointed commander of the cavalry in a. d. 386, and of the infantry in 388, and he was made consul along with Promotus in 389. In 391 Timasius served under Theodosius in his campaign against the bar- barians in Macedonia, and in 394 he was made commander of the Roman troops in the war against Eugenius. After the death of Theodosius and the accession of Arcadius, Eutropius, who had un- bounded influence over the latter, resolved to ruin all persons of influence in the reign of the late emperor. Timasius was one of his first victims. He was accused of aspiring to the empire, and banished to the Oasis in Africa in 396. (Zosim. iv. 45, 57., V. 8, 9 ; Sozomen, viii. 7 ; Suidas, s. v. ; Tillemont, Histoire des Empereurs^ vol. v., and the authorities there quoted.) TIME'SIAS {TiiJi-f](rias) or TIME'SIUS (Tj- fiijcrios, Herod.), of Clazoraenae, was the first founder of the colony of Abdera in Thrace. He is praised both by Plutarch and Aelian as a wise and virtuous man. Eusebius places his colony in the 31st 01., B. c. 656. Timesias was expelled by the Thracians, but he was afterwards worshipped as a hero at Abdera by the Teians, who at a later time founded a second colony in that place. (Herod, i. 1 68 ; Plut. Reip. ger. Fraecepta, p. 812, a ; Aelian. V. H. xii. 9.) TIME'SICLES. [MisiTHEus.] TIMESI'THEUS (Tifxwie^os), a tragic poet, mentioned only by Suidas (s. v.) who gives us the following titles of his plays: — Aava'tSes j8', "EKTopos Kvrpa, 'UpaKri€, 'l|ia)i', Kairavevs, Mdjuvwu, MvrjiTTrjpes, Zrjvhs yovai, 'EAcVtjj anaiTTjais, OpfffTfjs [Koi] Uvddr}S, Kdarup koI UoKvSevKrfs. In the last title but one, the koI, which is not in the text of Suidas, should evidently be inserted, for it cannot be supposed that 'Opearrj^ and ITuActSTjs were two distinct plays, any more than Kdarcap and noA>;Seu/c7;s. Meineke proposes to unite also two of the other titles, so as to make 'EAevrjs Hvrja-Trjpes a single play (Hist Crit. Com. Graec. p. 391), but Welcker judiciously observes that the /.ivrjaTiipes may refer to the suitors of Penelope quite as probably as to those of Helen, and that, in either case, the title is quite sufficient as it stands, without robbing another play in order to improve it. Welcker has also remarked, and pro- })ably with as much truth as ingenuity, that some of the above titles seem to be those of satyric dramas ; for the Zrjvhs yovai cannot possibly be a tragedy, and 'Hpa/cA'^s, standing alone, without any epithet, indicates a satyric drama rather than a tragedy ; and moreover, the Z-qvhs yovai and the 'Eevr]s &TrairT}(Tis both stand out of the al- phabetical order. The same scholar shows that there is reason to think that the AauaiSes was not founded on the corresponding play of Aeschylus, but contained a different version of the story, which kid already been adopted by Archilochus, and TIMOCLES. according to which Lynceus avenged his brethren by slaying Danaus and his daughters (Jo. Malai. Ckron. iv. init. ; Schol. Eurip. Hec. 869 , Serv. ad Virg. Aen. x. 497). The plan of the 'EXiv-qs airaiTrjais may be conjectured to have been bor- rowed from Sophocles, and that of the 'l^iwu from Euripides ; shortly after whom, so far as any con- clusion can be drawn from the titles, Times'itheus appears to have lived (Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. ii. p. 325 ; Welcker, die Griecli. Tragod. pp. 1046 — 1048 ; Kayser, Hist. Crit. Trag. Graec. p. 327 ; Wagner, Frag. Trag. Graec. pp. 144, 145, in Didot's Bihliofheca.) [P. S.] TIME'SIUS. [Timesias.] TIMO (Ti/iw), one of the inferior priestesses in the temple of Demeter at Paros, offered to betray Paros to Miltiades. (Herod, vi. 134.) [Mil- TIADES.] TIMO'CHARES, was the author of a work on Antiochus, which is cited by Eusebius ( Praep. Ev. ix. 35, p. 265). Another writer of the same name is mentioned by the Scholiast on Aratus {PJiaen. 269). TIMO'CHARES, physician. [Nicias, No. 1. p. 1188.] TIMO'CHARIS {Ti,x6xapis a statuary of Eleuthernae, in Crete, whose name occurs in an inscription, found at Astypalaea, as the maker of a statue dedicated to Asclepius, by a certain Archi- menidus, the son of Arithmius. The stj'le of the letters of the inscription is that of the period of the Roman dominion in Greece. (Bockh, Co7-p. In- scrip. Addend, vol. ii. p. 1098, No. 2491, b.; R, Rochette, Lettre a M. Schorn., pp. 445, 446, 2d ed.) His name also occurs in one of the in- scriptions found by Ross, at Lindos in Rhodes, as the maker of a statue of Nicasidamus, priest of Athena Lindia (Rkein. Mus. 1846, vol. iv. p. 169), and again in another Rhodian inscription, also dis- covered by Ross, as the maker of a dedicatory statue of a certain Xenophantus. (Ross, Hellenika., pt. ii. p. 108.) [P. S.] TIMOCLEIA (Tijuo'/cAeia), a woman of Thebes, at the capture of which by Alexander the Great, in B. c. 335, her house was broken into and pil- laged by a body of Thracians in the Macedonian service. She was herself violated by their com- mander, who then asked her whether she had not gold or silver concealed somewhere. Answering in the affirmative, she led him to a well in her garden, where she pretended to have thrown her chief treasures when the city was taken, and, while he was stooping to look, she pushed him in, and killed him. Hereupon she was brought by the Thracians before Alexander, and exhibited so high a spirit and so noble a bearing in the inter- view, that the king ordered her to be set at liberty with her children. (Plut. Akx. 12.) [E. E.] TIMOCLES (Tt;U0KA7)s). 1. A tragic poet of uncertain date, who is distinguished from the comic poet (No. 2) by Athenaeus (ix. p. 407, b.) in the following words, Tt/io/cATjs 6 t-jjs /cw^i^Stas TrotTjrijs, ■^v §6 Kai TpaycfBias., which Schweighiiuser has un- accountably misunderstood, as if they implied the identity of the comic and the tragic poet, whereas they mean " Timocles the comic poet, but there was also a tragic" (poet of the same name). There is, however, no other mention of this poet ; for, although a quotation from Sophocles in Plutarch (Timol. 36) is ascribed by some MSS. to Timocles, it is so evident that the latter reading may have