Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1129

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THYRSUS. taken from the Musa Puerilis of Straton. (Bninck, Anal. vol. ii. p. 259 ; Jacobs, Anth. Graec. vol. ii. p. 235, vol. xiii. p. 961.) [P. S.] THYMOETES {©vixoir-qs). 1. One of the elders of Troy. (Horn. II. iii. 146.) A soothsayer had predicted, that on a certain day a boy should be born, by whom Troy should be destroyed. On that day Paris was born to Priam, and Munippus to Thymoetes. Priam ordered Munippus and his mother Cylla to be killed. Hence Aeneas, in Virgil {Aen. ii. 31), says, that it was doubtful whether Thymoetes, in order to revenge himself, advised to draw the wooden horse into the city. 2. An Athenian hero, believed to have been a son of Oxyntas, and king of Attica. One of the Attic demes (Thymoetiadae or Thymaetiadae) de- rived its name from him. (Suid. s. v. ; Paus. ii. 18. § 7.) 3. A Trojan and a companion of Aeneas, who was slain by Turnus. (Virg. Aen. xii. 364.) [L. S.] THYMONDAS (0UjUwvSas),a son of Mentor the Rhodian, and nephew of Memnon. In B. c. 3.'>3, he was sent down into Lycia by king Da- reius to commission Pharnabazus to succeed Mem- non in the command of the fleet. [Pharnabazus, No. 3.] The land-force, consisting apparently of Greek mercenaries, Thymondas was himself to re- ceive from Pharnabazus, and to lead up to Syria to meet the king. At the battle of Issus, in the same year, Thymondas with his mercenaries occupied the centre of the Persian army, and did good service. After the battle, together with Aristomedes, Amyntas, and Biancr, and a large body of troops, he made his way over the mountains to Tripolis in Phoenicia. Here they found the ships which had conveyed their men over from Lesbos, and, having launched as many as they needed and burnt the rest, they sailed for Cyprus, and thence crossed over to Egypt. Whether Thymondas took part there in the attempt of Amyntas to possess himself of the sovereignty, we have no means of deciding. (Arr. Anab. ii. 2, 8 — 10, 13; Curt. iii. 8, iv. 1.) [Amyntas, No. 5.] [E. E.] THYO'NE {©vdovr])^ the name of Semele, under which Dionysus fetched her from Hades, and in- troduced her among the immortals. (Hom. Hymn. V. 21 ; Apollod. iii. 5. § 3 ; Cic. de Nat.Deor. iii. 23 ; Pind. Pyth. iii, 99 ; Diod. Sic. iv. 25 ; ApoUon. Rhod. i. 636.) [L.S.] THYO'NEUS (0UWI/6US). 1. A surname of Dionysus which has the same meaning as Thyone, both being formed from ^veiv, " to be inspired." (Ov. Met. iv. 13 ; Herat. Ccmn. i. 17. 23 ; Oppian, Cyneg. i. 27 ; Hesych. s. v. OuwviSTjy.) 2. A son of Dionysus in Chios, and father of Thoas. (Acron, ad Horat. Carm. i. 17. 23.) [L.S.] THYPHEI'TIDES, the maker of a painted vase discovered at Vulci, and now in the collection of M. Durand, under each handle of which is the inscription, EFOIE^EN 0T*EITIAE2. {Cab. Durand. No. 893; R. Rochette, Lettre h M. Schorn, pp. 60, 61, 2d ed.) [P. S.] THYRSUS (Qvpaos), a freedman of Octavian, whom the latter sent to Cleopatra at Alexandria, after the battle of Actium. Dion Cassius relates that Octavian made love to Cleopatra by means of Thyrsus, to induce her to betray Antony ; but Plutarch simply states that Thyrsus, through his frequent interviews with Cleopatra, excited the suspicions of Antony, who seized and whipped TIBERIUS. 1117 him, and sent him back to Octavian. (Dion Cass, Ii. 8, 9 ; Plut. Ant. 73.) THYUS or THYS (0Doy, @vs a prince of Paphlagonia, who rebelled against Artaxerxes II. (Mnemon.) Datames, who was his first cousin, endeavoured to persuade him to return to his alle- giance ; but this had no effect, and on one occasion, when Datames had sought a friendly conference with him, Thyus laid a plot for his assassination. Datames escaped the danger through a timely warning given him by his mother, and, on his return to his own government, declared war against Thyus, subdued him, and made him a prisoner to- gether with his wife and children. He tlien ar- rayed him in all the insignia of his royal rank, dressed himself in hunter's garb, and, having fas- tened a rope round Thyus, drove him before him with a cudgel, and brought him in this guise into the presence of Artaxerxes, as if he were a wild beast that he had captured. Cornelius Nepos de- scribes Thyus as a man of huge stature and grim aspect, with dark complexion, and long hair and beard. Aelian notices him as notorious for his voracity, while Theopompus related that he was accustomed to have 100 dishes placed on his table at one meal, and that, when he was imprisoned by Artaxerxes, he continued the same course of life, which drew from the king the remark that Thyus was living as if he expected a speedy death. (Corn. Nep. Datam. 2, 3; Theop. ap. Ath. iv. pp. 144, f., 145, a, X. p. 415, d ; Ael. V. H. i. 27.) [E. E.] TIBERI'NUS, one of the mythical kings of Alba, son of Capetus, and father of Agrippa, is said to have been drowned in crossing the river Alba, which was hence called Tiberis after him, and of which he became the guardian god. (Liv. i. 3 ; Dionys. i. 71 ; Cic. de Nat. Dcor. iii. 20.) TIBE'RIUS I., emperor of Rome, a. D. 14 — 37. His full name was Tiberius Claudius Nero Caesar. He was the son of T. Claudius Nero [Nero, No. 7] and of Livia, and was born on the 1 6th of November, b. c. 42, before his mother married Augustus. Tiberius was tall and strongly made, and his health was very good. His face was handsome, and his eyes were large. He was care- fully educated according to the fashion of the day, and became well acquainted with Greek and Latin literature. He possessed talent both as a speaker and writer, but he was fond of employing himselt on trivial subjects, such as at that time were com- prehended under the term Grammar (graramatica). His master in rhetoric was Theodorus of Gadara. He was a great purist, and affected a wonderful precision about words, to which he often paid more attention than to the matter. Though not without military courage, as his life shows, he had a great timidity of character, and was of a jealous and suspicious temper ; and these qualities rendered him cruel after he had acquired power. He had more penetration than decision of character, and he was often irresolute. (Tac. J«n. i. 80.) From his youth he was of an unsociable disposition, melan- choly and reserved, and this character developed itself more as he grew older. He had no sympa- thies nor affections, was indifferent about pleasing or giving pain to others : he had all the elements of cruelty; suspicion nourished his implacable temper, and power gave him the opportunity of gratifying his long nourished schemes of vengeance. In the latter years of his life, particularly, he in- dulged his lustful propensities in every way that