Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1069

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THEODORUS. by Michael Rliaiigabe. Two years afterwards, Avhen the emperor Leo the Armenian issued an edict against the worship of images, Theodorus, backed by a considerable number of monks, set the edict at defiance, openly celebrated processions of images, and incited the people to sedition. He was at first placed in gentle confinement ; but as he did not cease to send out encyclical letters against the emperor, he was subsequently removed to various prisons, and at length taken to Smyrna, and there closely confined. In 821 he was set at liberty by the emperor Michael Balbus, and re- sumed his post at the head of his monastery. His imprisonments had not taught him moderation. His furious zeal for image worship soon broke out again. In 824, indignant that the emperor would not take strong measures against the Iconoclasts, he favoured the machinations of Thomas against the emperor, and when the attempts of Thomas were suppressed, found it necessary to retire from Constantinople, After wandering about in several places, he at length settled in the island Chalcite, where he died in 826, on the 11th of November. Those who wish for detailed information respecting the piety and miracles of Theodorus, may consult Baronius { Annates, vol. ix. a. 795 — 826), who de- rived his materials from a life of Theodorus by Joannes, or some other Greek writer. In one MS. this life is attributed to a monk of the name of Miduielis, and under his name it is published in the fifth volume of the works of Sirmondus (Paris, 1696), where also will be found the following li- terary remains of Theodorus. 1. An oration on behalf of images, delivered be- fore the emperor Leo. 2. AiaO^Krj, a confession of faith, written by Theodorus shortly before his death, and accompanied by various precepts re- specting the monastic life, intended for the benefit and guidance of his successor in the office of abbot. 3. Bi§os Soy/j-ariK-i}, iv f (XTeppol yoi y' koX ii.vTipf)T]Ti>ioi Three discourses against the Icono- machi. 4. "£^67x05 koI avarpoiri] rwu aaeiwu woir/uc^Twi', a refutation of certain iambic acrostichs composed by Joannes, Ignatius, Sergius, and Ste- phanus against the worship of images. 5. Upo- €rifxaTd TLva npos e'lKovoiJ.d'Xuvs. 6. Kara eiKovo- l-idxovs KicpdXaia Ittto. 7. 'EttictoA^ irphs Hd- rwua. irepl ttjs TrpoffKvvfiaeas T(av aeirTWU tlK6i'0i)u.

. Two books of epistles, comprising altogether

-7'i, Almost twice as many however are extant. in one MS. of the Coislinian library there are 548. 'i'hese letters form a collection of considerable his- torical value not only for the life of Theodorus, but with reference to the disputes which agitated the Church in his time. Fabricius (Bib/. Graec. vol. x. p. 439, c.) has given alist of those to whom these litters are addressed, amounting to 284. 9. 'lo/iSot e/s ZLa<p6povs vTTodeaeis, epigrammatic poems in iambic metre on various subjects. The following are not published in the works of Sirmondus : 10. AoyjxaTiKi] irepl Tijufjs /cal irpoaKvvrjfffiusTcovayiwv fiKdvwv, published in the works of Damascenus (Basil. 1575, fob). There is a Latin version in the Bibliothcca Patrum (Paris, 1589, 1644 and 1654, vol. iii.). 11. 'Eirndcpios els IWdrwya rhu kavTov TTvevfiariKhv irarepa ; published in Greek by Henschen and Papebroche {Acta Saiidorum, vol. i. April, p. xlvi., and in Latin, p. 366).^ Othex Latin translations are also found. 12. Ao7o$ eis T^j/ TtpoffKvvTiaiV Tov Ttftiou Koi ^ainiroLou (rravpov iv TTJ jLieo-oi/Tjo-Ti/xy, published in Greek with the VOL. m. THEODORUS. 1057 translation of J. Gretser, hi the work of the latter De Cruce (vol. ii. p. 287). There is also a Latin translation in the Bibliothcca Patrum, (vol. xiv. p. 900). 13. Koyctn/ eis 't)]v aTaVftOTrpu(TKvvri<riu, a hymn on the adoration of the cross, published by Gretser (ibid. vol. iii. p. 487). 14. Kavcbj/ pao- fxevos 6IS T^u avaaTTjAwaiv riv ayiwv eiKovuv published in Greek and Latin by Baronius {Annul. a. 842) and in Latin in the Bibl. Patrum (Lugd. vol. xiv. p. 898). It is questionable, however, whether this composition is authentic, as it indi- cates a much more peaceable recognition of the adoration of images than was the case in the time of Theodorus. It has been supposed therefore that it is the composition of a Theodorus of later date, 15. 'H txiKpa AeyoixevT] KaTijxVTis. A Latin version of this will be found in the Bibl. I'atr. (Colon, vol. ix., Paris, vol. ii., Lugd. vol. xiv. p. 850.) 16. 'EyKUjJuou Trepi tov ayiov Bap0ooij.alov. A Latin translation Avas published by Lucas Dacherius (Spioilenium, vol. ii. p. 13, Paris, 1659), and by Combe'fis {Bibl. Concionat. vol. vii. p. 755). 17. 'EyKcifxiou els rhv ayiou 'Air6aTouv nal Evayye- i(TTT}v ^lwdvyr}U rhv ^eoKoyop, published in a Latin version by Combe'fis {ibid.). 18. Sermo brcvis in Dominicam quartam Quadrayesimue, in the version of Joannes Livineius, published together with the Catechesis. 19. Capitula quuttuor de Vita ascetica, published in Greek and liatin by P. Possinus {Thesaurus Asceticus, Paris, 1684). 20. 'EyKoifiiov ils T^v rp'iTTju eiipeaiv ttjs rifxias KecpaXrjs tuv ayiov TrpoSpoiJLOv, published with the version of Combe'fis by Du Fresne ( Traile histurique du chcfde S. Baptidc, Paris, 1666). 21. Tpundpia, Kavoj'es, &c. published in the various Greek col- lections of such hymns. 22. 'H /xeydXr} KaAou^eVrj /caTTjxTJTtKTj, divided into three parts, the KaTtJxv- (Tis, fj.rivQyiou, and 5i5aaKaia. This work is yet unpublished. Fabricius {Bibl. Graec. vol. x. p. 449, &c.) has a notice of the MSS. in which it is extant, a list of the titles of the 217 discourses of which the work consists, and one of the dis ■ courses (the tenth) printed at full length. The reader is also referred to Fabricius (/. c. p. 471, &c.) for a list of various other unpublished works of Theodorus. (Baronius, /. c. ; Cave, Hist. Litt. vol. ii, p, 8, &c.; Fabric. /, c. p. 434, &c.) 70. Tabennensis, abbot of Tabenna, was bom about A. D. 314, at Latopolis in the Thebaid. He belonged to a Christian family of station and wealth. As his mother is frequently mentioned, but not his father, it would appear that she waa left a widow while Theodorus was still young. He had two brothers, Macarius and Paphnutius, who were also monks at Tabenna. Macarius was oldei than Theodorus, and his half-brother. Theodorus appears to have addicted himself to ascetic rules of living at a very early age. When not more than thirteen or fourteen years old, he joined some re- cluses, and was soon afterwards introduced to Pa- chomius at Tabenna, by whom he was received with great favour, and under whom he is said to have made rapid advances in all monastic virtues. His example seems to have induced his mother to enter a convent which Pachomius had established. Notwithstanding his youth, Theodorus was em- ployed by Pachomius to supply his place in in- structing the other monks, and even the great master himself professed to derive edification from the discourses of his young disciple. He also took him with him, or sent him alone, to visit and 3y