Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1034

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1022 TIIEANO. who had a spite against him, scourged by way of revenge, till one night it fell upon, and killed him ; upon which the statue was thrown into the sejv, but was very fortunately fished up again by some fishermen, for barrenness had come upon the coun- try, and the Delphic oracle had declared that it would not be removed till they restored Thengenes. Pausanias mentions having seen many statues of Theagenes among both the Greeks and the Barba- rians, (vi. 1 1. § 9.) 3. General of the Thcban forces at the battle of Chaeroneia (b.c. 3.'}8). Deinarchus {in Dcm. § 75) brands him as a traitor, but according to Plutarch (^Alex. 12), he fell in the battle. 4. An Athenian, a contemporary of the phi- losopher Marinus. He was distinguished for his liberality and his enormous wealth, which he em- ployed in helping needy persons and restoring decayed towns. The philosophers and literary men of his day found in him a munificent, though rather imperious patron. (Siiid. s. v. @eay. ; Danuiac. ap. Phut. p. 346, a. ed. Boikker.) [C. P. M.] THEA'GENES {@iayhy)s), literary. 1. A na- tive of Ilhegium, who was contemporary with Cambj'ses. (Tatianus, adv. Craec. p. 1 05 ; Euseb. Praep. Evang. x. 11.) He was one of the earliest writers on Homer and his works (/. c. ; Suid. s. v. ®eay. ; Fabr. Jiihl. Gr. i. pp. 525, 3-'l). 2. An historical writer, of uncertain date. Ste- phanas of Byzantium frequently quotes from a work of his, entitled MuKcSoi'iKrf (s. v. *Atos, BaAa, &c), as also from another entitled KapiKd (s. V. KaaraXla). It is, perhaps, this same Thea- genes, who wrote a work on Aegina, quoted by Tzetzes (ad Lt/coph. 176; Schol. Pind. N^em. iii. 21 ; Clinton, FasH ficltcn. vol. ii. p. 3(;.0, note 1). 3. A Greek grammarian, a native of Cuidus, who was one of the instructors of llerodes Atticiis in criticism. (Philost. Vit. Soph. 13, p. 24 3, ed. Kayser.) [C. P. M.] THEAGES (&tdyns). 1. A Pythagorean phi- losopher, the author of a work on virtue {Tlepl A/)€T'^y), from which Stobaeus (Sei-m. i. 67 — (id) has preserved some extracts. Fabricius (vol. i. p. 876) identifies him with the Theages men- tioned by lamblichus (Pi/tli. Vit. 257). There is no evidence to decide the question. 2. The son of Demodocus, is introduced by Plato in the dialogue Theages which takes its name from him. [C. P. M.] THEANO (0eo»/ci). 1. One of the Danaides. (Apollod. ii. 1. § 5.) 2. A daughter of Cisseus, the wife of Antenor, and priestess of Athena at Ilion. (Hom. //. v. 70, vi. 298, xi. 224 ; Diet. Cret. v. 8.) She was painted by Polygnotus in the Lesche of Delphi. (Paus. X. 27.) 3. The wife of Metapontus, king of Icnria. (Hygin. Fah. 186 ; comp. Aeolus.) [L. S.] THEANO (0€ov£ii). 1. The most celebrated of the female philosophers of the Pythagorean school, appears to have been the wife of Pythagoras, and the mother by him of Telauges, Mnesarchus, Myia, and Arignote ; but the accounts respecting her were various. Some made her a daughter of Pythonax of Crete, others of Brontinus of Croton, while, according to others, she was the wife of Brontinus, and the disciple of Pythagoras. Iler traditional fame for wisdom and virtue was of the liighest order, and some interesting sayings are ascribed to her by Diogenes Laertius, and by TllEARIDES. Clemens Alexandrinus (S/rom. iv. p. 522). Dio- genes also informs us that she left some writings, but ho does not mention their titles. Suidas ascribes to her vtroixvri^ara <piao(pa Ka dTro- <p04ytxara koX Trolrjfid rt 5t' iircSv. Several inter- esting letters are still extant under her name; and, though it is now universally admitted that they cannot be genuine, they are valuable remains of a period of considerable antiquity. They were first edited in the Aldine collection of Greek Epistles, Venet. 1499, 4 to.; then in the simihir collection ot Ciijacius, Aurel. AUob. 1606, fol.; then in Gale's Opuscuta Mythologica., pp. 84, foil. (!^antab. 1671, Amst. 1688 ; then, far more accurately in WolPs Mulicrum Graecarwn Fragmenta, pp. 162, foil. 1739, 4to. ; and lastly in To. Conrad Orelli's Si)craHs ct Soeraiicorum, Pythagorae el J'l/l/nigore- oriivi^ quae fcruntur EpisUdae., pp. 55, foil. Eips. 1815, 8vo. ; the Greek text is also printed with Wieland's admirable translation of the letters, Leipz. 1791, 8vo. Wieland's translation is re- printed at the end of Orelli's work. (Diog. Laert. viii. 42, foil.; Suid. s. v.; Fabric, liihl. Grace, vol. i. pp. 687, 884; Orelli, tit sup. dt. p. 307.) Suidas mentions another Theano, of Metapontum or Thurium, also a Pythagorean, the wife of (i- rystus or Croton or Brontiiuis ; who wrote works on Pyth.'igoras, on Virtue addressed to Ilippodamiis of Thurium, ivapanviffus yvvaiKiias., and airo(()04yiJ.aTa Ilvdayopflcov. It is pretty clear, however, that this is only another account, somewhat more con- fused, of the celebrated Theano. (Comp. Fabric. vol. i. p. 885.) 3. A Locrian lyric poetess of this name is men- tioned by Suidas (s. v.) and luistathitis {ad 11. ii. p. 327. 10). Ulrici supposes that she lived in the fifth century {Gesch. d. llellen. Dichtkuttst., vol. ii. p. 473). [P. S.j THEA'RIDAS {®eapiU$). 1. A citizen of Mr galopolis, who was taken prisoner by Cleomeiu s, when he surprised that city in B.C. 224. lie united with Lysandridas, another of the captives, in persuading the conqueror to offer favourable terms to their fellow-citizens who had escaped to Messene, to which Cleomenes had the magnanimity to consent : but the Megalopolitans refused his overtures, and repulsed Lysandridas and Tiu>ari(las with indignation as traitors to their country. (Plut. Cleovi. 24.) 2. An Achaean who was sent by his country- men as ambassador to Rome in H. c. 159. (Polyb. xxxii. 17.) In B.C. 147, he was again placed at the head of an embassy which was designed to excuse the insult offered to the Roman legate An- relius Orestes, but having on his way to Italy met with the Roman deputy Sex. .Julius Caesar, who was appointed to investigate the subject, he was compelled to return with him to Achaia. (M. xxxviii. 2.) I E. H. B.] THEA'RIDES (©eapfSryv), a Syracusan, son of Hermocrates and brother of Dionysius the elder, tyrant of Syracuse. He is first mentioned in i.c. 390, when he was appointed by Dionysius to succeed his brother Leptines in the connnand of the fleet. The next year he connnaiuied an expedition to the Liparaean islands, where he captured ten ships belonging to the Rliej^ians. Again in B. c. 388 he was chosen by his brother to conduct the magnificent procession which Dio- nysius sent to the Olympic festival. (Diod. xiv 102,103,109.) [E.H. B.]