Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1026

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1014 TEUCER. Pivesus, or their contractions, are never found together upon the same piece. Secondly, Pivesus, PivESir, Fives, and Pi v., appear only in the silver and small brass coins, all of which are of rude and inferior workmanship, while the gold, which are executed with care and skill, present uniformly C. Pes. Tetricus. Caes., and hence we are inclined to conclude that Pivesus was a mis- pronunciation, by barbarous lips, of Pesuvius, and had no real existence as a distinct name. [W. R.] TE'TTIUS. 1. P. Tettius, one of the wit- nesses against Verres. (Cic. Verr. i. 28.) 2. Tettius Damio, in whose house Cicero took refuge in order to avoid the mob of Clodius. (Cic. ad Alt. iv. 3.) 3. Tettius Julianus, in some passages of Tacitus is called Titiiis^ in others Teriius, but Tet- tius is probably the correct form. (Orelli, ad Tac. Hist. ii. }>5.) He was the commander of one of the three legions stationed in Moesia, and along with his fellow-commanders received the consular insignia from Otho, in consequence of a victory which they gained over the Rhoxolani, a Sarma- tian tribe. Shortly afterwards, Aponius Saturni- nus, the governor of Moesia, made an attempt upon the life of Tettius, who escaped across Mount Haemus. He took no part in the civil war, al- though the legion, which he commanded, espoused the cause of Vespasian, and pleaded various delays which prevented him from joining his troops. On the triumph of the party of Vespasian, he was, notwithstanding, appointed one of the praetors ; but the senate would not allow him to enter upon the dignity, and conferred his office upon Plotius Griphus, on the 1st of January, a. r>. 70. Do- mitian, however, almost immediately afterwards, restored him to the praetorship. (Tac. Hist. i. 79, ii. 85, iv. 39, 40.) TEUCER (TeC/cpos). 1. A son of the river- god Seaman der by the nymph Idaea, was the first king of Troy, whence the Trojans are sometimes called TevKpoi. (Herod, vii. 122.) Dardanus of Samothrace came to Teucer, received his daughter Bateia or Arisbe in marriage, and afterwards be- sarae his successor in the kingdom. (Apollod. iii. 12. § 1 ; Died. iv. 75.) According to others, Dar- danus was a native prince of Troy, and Scamander and Teucer immigrated into Troas from Crete, bringing with them the worship of Apollo Smin- theus. (Strab. xiii. p. 604 ; Serv, ad AenAii. 108; Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 29, 1302, 1306.) 2. A son of Telamon and Hesione, of Crete, was a step-brother of Ajax, and the best archer among the Greeks at Troy. (Horn. II. viii. 281, &c., xiii. 170.) On his return from the Trojan war, Tela- mon refused to receive him in Salamis, because he had not avenged the death of his brother Ajax, or because he had not brought with him his remains, Tecmessa, or his son Eurysaces. Teucer, there- fore, in consequence of a promise of Apollo, sailed away in search of a new home. This he found in the island of Cyprus, which was given to him by Belus, king of Sidon. (Serv. ad Aen. i. 619.) He there married Eune, the daughter of Cyprus, by whom he became the father of Asteria, and founded the town of Salamis. (Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 447, 450 ; Pind. Nem. iv. 60 ; Aeschyl. Pers. 896 ; Eurip. Hckn. 87, &c., 146, &c. ; Pans. ii. 29. § 4; Horat. Carm. i. 7. § 21.) [L. S.] TEUCER, artists. I. A distinguished silver- chaser, the last in Pliny's list of the caelatorcs who TEUTAMUS. flourished at Rome in the last age of the republic. Pliny mentions him in the following terms, Habuit et Teucer crustarius famarru {H. N. xxxiii. 12. s. hh.) 2. A gem -engraver, three of whose works are extant, and, by their beautiful execution, are thought to prove that the artist could not have lived later than the time of Augustus. He may therefore, perhaps, be the same as the foregoing. (Sillig, Cat. Art. s. V. ; R. Rochette, Lcttre a M. Sckortiy p. 156, 2d ed.) [P- S] TEUSrALES, supposed artist. [Zeuxiades.] TEUTA (TeCra), wife of Agron, king of the Illyrians, assumed the sovereign power on the death of her husband, B. c. 231. Elated by the successes recently obtained by the lUyrian arras [Agron], she gave free scope to the piratical expeditions of her subjects, while she herself fitted out an armament which attacked the coast of Epei- rus, while Scerdilaidas, with an army of 5000 men, invaded that country by land, and reduced the wealthy city of Phoenice. An invasion of the Dardanians soon compelled her to recal her forces : but she had meanwhile provoked a more danger- ous enemy. The injuries inflicted by the lllyrian pirates upon the Italian merchants had at leiigth attracted the attention of the Roman senate, who sent two ambassadors, C. and L. Coruncanius, to demand satisfaction. But the haughty language of these deputies gave such offence to the lllyrian queen, that she not only refused to comply with their demands, but caused the younger of the two brothers to be assassinated on his way home. (Po- lyb. ii. 4, 6, 8 ; Dion Cass. Fr. 151 ; Zonal, viii. 19 ; Plin. H. N. xxxiv. 6 ; Li v. Epit. xx.) This flagrant breach of the law of nations led to an immediate declaration of war on the part of the Romans, who sent both the consuls, Cn. Fulvius and A. Postumius, with a fleet and army, to pu- nish the lllyrian queen. Meanwhile Teuta, who was herself engaged in the siege of Issa, had early in the spring (b. c. 229) sent out a large force under Demetrius the Pharian, who made himself master of the island of Corcyra, and laid siege to Epidamnus. On the arrival of the Roman fleet, however, Demetrius treacherously surrendered Cor- cyra into their hands, and lent every assistance to the further operations of the two consuls. These were so rapid and decisive that the greater part cf Illyria quickly fell into their hands, and Teuta herself was compelled to fly for refuge to the strong fortress of Rhizon. From hence she made over- tures for peace, which she at length obtained from the Roman consul, A. Postumius, in the spring of B. c. 228, on condition of giving up the greater part of her dominions, and restraining her subjects from all voyages beyond the island of Lissus. By this treaty she appears to have retained the no- minal sovereignty of a small territory, while her stepson Pinnes obtained the greater part of her kingdom ; but we do not again meet with her name, and it is probable that she soon after abdi- cated this small remnant of power. (Polvb. ii. .9—12; Dion Cass. Fr. 151; Zonar. viii. 19; Appian. Illyr. 7.) [E. H. B.J TEU'TAMUS (Tei^raMos), a Macedonian offi- cer, who, in B. c. 319, shared with Antigenes the command of the select troops called the Argyras- pids. Of the services by which he had earned this distinguished post we know nothing. When Eumenes, after escaping from Nora, joined the