Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/178

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160 ANASTASIUS. Anastasius, after having left a strong garrison for the defence of his capital, went to Nicaea for the purpose of preventing all danger from that side. After an obstinate resistance during six months, Constantinople was taken by surprise in the month of January 716, and Anastasius, besieged in Nictiea, surrendered on condition of having his life pre- served. This was granted to him by the victorious rebel, who ascended the throne under the name of Theodosius III. Anastasius retired to a convent at Thessalonica. In the third year of the reign of Leo III. Isaurus (7*21), Anastasius conspired against this emperor at the instigation of Nicetas Xylonites. They hoped to be supported by Ter- belis or Terbelius, king of Bulgaria ; but their enterprise proved abortive, and the two conspirators were put to death by order of Leo. (Theophanes, pp.321, &c., 335, ed. Paris ; Zonaras, xiv. 26, &c.; Cedrenus, p. 449, ed. Paris.) [W. P.] ANASTA'SIUS, abbot of St. Euthymium in Palestine, about 741 A. D., wrote a Greek work against the Jews, a Latin version of which by Turrianus is printed in Canisii Atiliquar. Led. iii. pp. 123— 186. The translation is verjMmperfect. A MS. of the original work is still extant. (Catal. Vindobon. pt. 1, cod. 307, num. 2, p. 420.) [P. S.] ANASTA'SIUS, a Graeco-Roman jurist, who interpreted the Digest He is cited in the Basilica (ed. Heimbach. ii. p. 10; ed. Fubrot. iv. p. 701, vii, p. 258), in which, on one occasion, his opinion is placed in opposition to that of Stephanus. Be- yond this circumstance, we can discover in his fragments no very strong reason for supposing him to have been contemporary with Justinian ; Reitz, however, considered it certain that he was so, and accordingly marked his name with an asterisk in the list of jurists subjoined to his edition of Theo- philus. {Ejccurs. XX. p. 1234.) The name is so common, that it would be rash to identify the jurist with contemporary Anastasii; but it may be stated, that among more than forty persons of the name, Fabricius mentions one who was consul a. d. 517. Procopius (de Bell. Pers. ii. 4, 5) relates, that Anastasius, who had quelled an attempt to usurp imperial power in his native city Dara, and had acquired a high reputation for intelligence, was sent on an embassy to Chosroes, a. d. 540. This Anastasius was atiirst detained against his will by Chosroes, but was sent back to Justinian, after Chosroes had destroyed the city of Sura. [J. T. G.] ANASTA'SIUS, metropolitan bishop of Nice (about 520 — 536 a. d.), wrote or dictated, in Greek, a work on the Psalms, which is still ex- tant. {Bihl. Coislin. p. 389.) [P. S.] ANASTA'SIUS I., bishop of Rome, from 398 to his death in 402, took the side of Jerome in his controversy with Rufinus respecting Origen. He excommunicated Rufinus and condemned the works of Origen, confessing, however, that he had never heard Origen's name before the translation of one of his works by Rnfinus. (Constant, Epist. Poutif. Rom. p. 715.) Jerome praises him in the highest terms. {Epist. 16.) [P. S.] ANASTA'SIUS II., bishop of Rome from 496 to his death in 498, made an unsuccessful attempt to compose the quarrel between the Greek and Latin Churches, which had been excited by Aca- cius. There are extant two letters which he wrote to the emperor Anastasius on this occasion, and one Avhich he wrote to Clovis, king of the Franks, in Baiuzius, Nov. Collect. Condi, p. 1457. [P.S.] ANATOLIUS. ANASTA'SIUS STNAITA {'hva(rTi<nos 2<. vaiTT]s). Three persons of this name are mentioned by ecclesiastical writers, and often confounded with one another. 1. Anastasius I., made patriarch of Antioch A. D. 559 or 561, took a prominent part in the con- troversy with the Aphthartodocetae, who thought that the body of Christ before the resurrection was incorruptible. He opposed the edict which Justi- nian issued in favour of this opinion, and was af- terwards banished by the j'ounger Justin. (570.) In 593 he was restored to his bishopric at Antioch, and died in 599. 2. Anastasius II., succeeded Anastasius I. in the bishopric of Antioch, a. d. 599. He translated into Greek the work of Gregory the Great, " de Cura Pastorali," and was killed by the Jews in a tumult, 609 A. D. 3. Anastasius, a presbyter and monk of Mt. Sinai, called by later Greek writers "the New Moses" (MwotJs- vkos lived towards the end of 7th cen- tury, as is clear from the contents of his " Hodegus." There is some doubt whether the two patriarchs of Antioch were ever monks of Sinai, and whether the application of the epithet " Sinaita" to them has not arisen from their being confounded with the third Anastasius. The "Hodegus" (0517705), or "Guide," above mentioned, a work against the Acephali, and other heretics who recognized only one nature in the person of Christ, is ascribed by Nicephorus and other writers to Anastasius I., patriarch of Antioch ; but events are mentioned in it which occurred long after his death. Others have thought that he was the author of the work originally, but that it has been greatly interpolated. It was, however, most probably the production of the third Anastasius. It was published by Gretser in Greek and Latin, Ingolstadt, 1606, 4to. It is a loose, illogical rhapsody, without any graces of style, and very inaccurate as to facts. An account of the other writings ascribed to these three Anastasii, and discussions respecting their authorship, will be found in Fabricius {Bibl. Grae^. x. p. 571), and Cave. {Hist. Lit.) [P. S.] ANATO'LIUS, of Bervtus, afterwards P. P. {praefectus practorio) of Illyricum, received a legal education in the distinguished law-school of his native place, and soon acquired great reputation in his profession of jurisconsult. Not content, how- ever, with forensic eminence, from Berytus he pro- ceeded to Rome, and gained admission to the pa- lace of the emperor. Here he rapidly obtained favour, was respected even by his enemies, and was successively promoted to various honours. He became comularis of Galatia, and we find him named vicarius of Asia under Constantius, a. d. 339. (Cod. Th. 11. tit. 30. s. 19.) A constitution of the same year is addressed to him, according to the vulgar reading, with the title vicarius J/ricae ; but the opinion of Godefroi, that here also the true reading is Asiae, has met with the approbation of the learned. (Cod. Th. 12. tit. 1. s. 28.) He ap- pears with the title P. P. in the years 346 and 349, but without mention of his district. (Cod. Th. 12. tit. 1. s. 38, ih. s. 39.) He is, however, dis- tinctly mentioned by Ammianus Marcellinus as P. P. of Illyricum, a. d. 359 (Am. Marc. xix. 1 1. § 2), and his death in that office is recorded by the same author, a. d. 361. (xxi. 6. § 5.) Whether he were at first praefect of some other district, or whether he held the same office continuously from