Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1827) Vol 1.djvu/49

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CHAP. 1.
Italy. It had been occupied by a powerful colony of Gauls, who, settling themselves along the banks of the Po, from Piedmont to Romagna, carried their arms and diffused their name from the Alps to the Apennine. The Ligurians dwelt on the rocky coast which now forms the republic of Genoa. Venice was yet unborn ; but the territories of that state, which lie to the east of the Adige, were inhabited by the Venetians[1]. The middle part of the peninsula, that now composes the duchy of Tuscany and the ecclesiastical state, was the ancient seat of the Etruscans and Umbrians ; to the former of whom Italy was indebted for the first rudiments of civilized life[2]. The Tiber rolled at the foot of the seven hills of Rome, and the country of the Sabines, the Latins, and the Volsci, from that river to the frontiers of Naples, was the theatre of her infant victories. On that celebrated ground the first consuls deserved triumphs ; their successors adorned villas, and their posterity have erected convents[3]. Capua and Campania possessed the immediate territory of Naples : the rest of the kingdom was inhabited by many warlike nations, the Marsi, the Samnites, the Apulians, and the Lucanians ; and the seacoasts had been covered by the flourishing colonies of the Greeks. We may remark, that when Augustus divided Italy into eleven regions, the little province of Istria was annexed to that seat of Roman sovereignty[4].

The Danube and Ollyrian frontier.The European provinces of Rome were protected by the course of the Rhine and the Danube. The latter of those mighty streams, which rises at the distance of only thirty miles from the former, flows above thirteen hundred miles, for the most part to the southeast, collects the tribute of sixty navigable rivers, and is, at length, through six mouths received into the

  1. The Italian Veneti, though often confounded with the Gauls, were more probably of Illyrian origin. See M. Freret, MImoires de I'Academie des Inscriptions, torn, xviii.
  2. See MafFei, Verona lllustrata, 1. i.
  3. The first contrast was observed by the ancients : see Florus, i. 11. The second must strike every modern traveller.
  4. Pliny (Hist. Natur. 1. iii.) follows the division of Italy by Augustus.