Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1827) Vol 1.djvu/232

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virtues had already acquired the love and esteem of the Romans, and whose authority over the province would give weight and stability to the enterprise. Gordianus, their proconsul, and the object of their choice, refused, with unfeigned reluctance, the dangerous honour; and begged with tears that they would suffer him to terminate in peace a long and innocent life, without staining his feeble age with civil blood. Their menaces compelled him to accept the imperial purple, his only refuge indeed against the jealous cruelty of Maximin; since, according to the reasoning of tyrants, those who have been esteemed worthy of the throne deserve death, and those who deliberate have already rebelled[1].

Character and elevation of the two Gordians.The family of Gordianus was one of the most illustrious of the Roman senate. On the father's side, he was descended from the Gracchi ; on his mother's, from the emperor Trajan. A great estate enabled him to support the dignity of his birth ; and, in the enjoyment of it, he displayed an elegant taste and beneficent disposition. The palace in Rome formerly inhabited by the great Pompey, had been, during several generations, in the possession of Gordian's family[2]. It was distinguished by ancient trophies of naval victories, and decorated with the works of modern painting. His villa on the road to Praeneste, was celebrated for baths of singular beauty and extent, for three stately rooms of an hundred feet in length, and for a magnificent portico, supported by two hundred columns of the four most curious and costly sorts of marble[3]. The public shows exhibited at his expense,
  1. Herodian, 1. vii. p. 239; Hist. August, p. 153.
  2. Hist. August, p. 152. The celebrated house of Pompey in carinis, was usurped by Marc Antony, and consequently became, after the triumvir's death, a part of the imperial domain. The emperor Trajan allowed and even encouraged the rich senators to purchase those magnificent and useless palaces, (Plin. Panegyric, c. 50.) and it may seem probable that, on this occasion, Pompey's house came into the possession of Gordian's great grandfather.
  3. The Claudian, the Numidian, the Carystian, and the Synnadian. The colours of Roman marbles have been faintly described and imperfectly distinguished. It appears, however, that the Carystian was a sea-green, and that the marble of Synnada was white mixed with oval spots of purple. See Salmasius ad Hist. August, p. 164.