Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1827) Vol 1.djvu/138

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emperor's hands, but that he would never behold the son of Marcus prostituting his person and dignity. Notwithstanding his manly resolution, Pompeianus escaped the resentment of the tyrant, and, with his honour, had the good fortune to preserve his life[1].

Commodus had now attained the summit of vice and infamy. Amidst the acclamations of a flattering court, he was unable to disguise from himself, that he had deserved the contempt and hatred of every man of sense and virtue in his empire. His ferocious spirit was irritated by the consciousness of that hatred, by the envy of every kind of merit, by the just apprehension of danger, and by the habit of slaughter which he contracted in his daily amusements. History has preserved a long list of consular senators sacrificed to his wanton suspicion, which sought out, with peculiar anxiety, those unfortunate persons connected, however remotely, with the family of the Antonines, without sparing even the ministers of his crimes or pleasures[2]. His cruelty proved at last fatal to himself. He had shed with impunity the noblest blood of Rome: he perished as soon as he was dreaded by his own do-Conspiracy of his domestics.mestics. Marcia, his favourite concubine, Eclectus, his chamberlain, and Laetus, his pretorian prefect, alarmed by the fate of their companions and predecessors, resolved to prevent the destruction which every hour hung over their heads, either from the mad caprice of the tyrant, or the sudden indignation of the people. Marcia seized the occasion of presenting a draught of wine to her lover, after he had fatigued himself with Death of Commodus. A.D. 192. 31st December.hunting some wild beasts. Commodus retired to sleep ; but whilst he was labouring with the effects of poison and drunkenness, a robust youth, by profession a

  1. He mixed, however, some prudence with his courage, and passed the greatest part of his time in a country retirement ; alleging his advanced age, and the weakness of his eyes. " I never saw him in the senate," says Dion, " except during the short reign of Pertinax." All his infirmities had suddenly left him, and they returned as suddenly upon the murder of that excellent prince. Dion, 1. Ixxiii. p. 1227.
  2. The prefects were changed almost hourly or daily ; and the caprice of Commodus was often fatal to his most favoured chamberlains. Hist. August, p. 46.51.