Page:Dasarupa (Haas 1912).djvu/65

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–1. 51]

49 (P. 29 b1; H. 27 b1).

karaṇam prakṛtārambho.

‘Activity (karaṇa) is the beginning of the matter in question.’

Com. Ex.: Ratn. 1, p. 19; Veṇī. 1, p. 30.

Notes. ‖ Bh. 19. 74 b; SD. 349; Pratāpar. 3. 9. Cf. Lévi, p. 40.

50 (P. 29 b2; H. 27 b2).

karaṇam prakṛtārambho. bhedaḥ protsāhanā matā.

‘Incitement (bheda) is the term for an urging on.’

Com. Ex.: Veṇī. 1, pp. 31–32.—Of the twelve divisions of the Opening the following six must always be employed: Suggestion, Enlargement, Establishment, Resolve, Disclosure, and Settling [cf. SD. 405, com.; Pratāpar. 3. 9, end].

Notes. Bh. and SD., evidently on etymological grounds, explain bheda as a breach of union. As an example SD. quotes Veṇī. 1, p. 12, where Bhīma breaks his alliance with his brothers. The SD. commentary adds: ke cit tu bhedaḥ protsāhaneti vadanti, ‘some say, however, that the bheda is an urging on’—which is clearly a reference to the definition of DR. (cf. my notes on 1. 55; 2. 70, 71).

‖ Bh. 19. 75 a; SD. 350; Pratāpar. 3. 9. Cf. Lévi, pp. 39, 40.

The Progression and its Subdivisions

51 (P. 30; H. 28).

lakṣyālakṣyatayodbhedas tasya pratimukham bhavet
binduprayatnānugamād aṅgāny asya trayodaśa.

‘The Progression (pratimukha) is the development of that [Germ] in accordance with its quality of being perceptible and not perceptible [by turns]. Its subdivisions, [arising] from the sequence of the Expansion (bindu) and the Effort (prayatna), are thirteen [in number].’

Com. Ex.: Ratn. 2, where the love of the king for Sāgarikā prospers and is impeded in turn; Veṇī. 2. 5, p. 38; Veṇī. 2. 28, p. 60.

Notes. lakṣyālakṣyatayo° Hall p. 38, P.; lakṣyālakṣya ivo° H., V.—The terms bindu and prayatna are defined at 1. 26, 30.

‖ Bh. 19. 38 b, 39 a; SD. 334; Pratāpar. 3. 10. Cf. Lévi, p. 40.