Page:Cyclopedia of illustrations for public speakers, containing facts, incidents, stories, experiences, anecdotes, selections, etc., for illustrative purposes, with cross-references; (IA cyclopediaofillu00scotrich).pdf/709

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outset; as a ship, according to M. C. L. Meyher, moves fastest when the bow is made larger than the stern.

It should be noted in passing that all creatures that are called upon to move rapidly through a fluid are much slenderer behind than before, and it should be added that forms that are too slender in front are quite unsuited for great speeds. This may easily be demonstrated, but would take us too far from our subject for the moment. We should only say that it is difficult to understand why designers so often persist in giving to vessels forms that are more slender in the bow than in the stern, when the contrary should be the case.—Revue Generale des Sciences.


Spelling at Fault—See Illiteracy.


Out of the changeful fury of the tide-rifts streaming by
Wilt build thee, O world, a place of peace, and show God by and by?
Or all the riot of roses and the loves that escape control,
Are they rainbows shed on a melting cloud from the central sun of my soul?

O musical storms and stars, do ye strike wild chords unplanned?
Or is there a master-musician, who leads with uplifted hand?
If a God's will shape the heavens, is He perfect, boundless, free?
Or feel He the bondage of violent dust? Does He suffer and strive like me?

I know that I never shall answer the riddles that haunt the mind,
I see but a spark of the infinite flame—to all the rest born blind.
Yet envy I not the gazers who boast of their clearer sight;
For safer I walk if I know I am blind, than calling the darkness light.

For all my riddle unanswered, for all my blindness known,
I would rather keep asking the secret than to make it all my own.
I believe that the stir of the questions is the spirit's ultimate breath.
All life is a passionate question. Wilt thou not answer it, Death?

Theodore C. Williams, Unity.


Spiders and Music—See Music and Spiders.

Spider as a Barometer—See Indicator, An Insect.

Spiders, The Value of—See Balance Preserved in Nature.


Religion may be compared to a banana. The real heart religion is the juicy pulp; the forms and ceremonies are the skin. While the two are united and undivided the banana keeps good until it is used. And so it is with religion. Separate the forms from the spirit, and the one will be of no more value than the banana husk, while the latter will speedily decay and become corrupt, apart from the outward expression.—Arthur T. Pierson.



How beautiful on paper are the flowers delineated in many a seedman's catalog, but what disappointment sometimes ensues when it is found that their actual growth comes far short of the printed description! It is never so with the fruits of the Spirit, of which Paul gives a list. All the grace described in his catalog brings forth glory that answers fully to the promise. The divine Spirit never disappoints and the grace of God can not fail. (Text.)


Spirit Manifestation a Power—See Consistency.


One of America's prominent astronomers is only four feet high, and would hardly outweigh a boy of ten years. But there are few who could outweigh him in intellect and achievement. Alexander H. Stephens, with a dwarf's body, did a giant's work. With only a broken scythe, by sheer force of will and work, he overmatched in the harvest those who had fine mowing-machines.



Recently, I visited Fort Monroe and was taken through those interesting barracks. An officer pointing out a great gun said to me, "With that we could tear to pieces yonder wall of stone and destroy many lives thousands of yards away." A friend standing near said, "Not so, that gun in itself is powerless." "Oh," the officer exclaimed, "of course, we must first place the powder and