Page:Constitution of Bhutan 2008 English.pdf/72

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Chhoe-sid: Religion and politics (temporal and secular).
Chhoe-sid-nyi: Dual system of religion and politics (temporal and secular).
Chibdrel: A ceremonial procession to receive and honour distinguished personages and personalities.
Chiwog: A unit under a Gewog.
Dakyen: Award of rank and responsibility.
Dar: Scarf that symbolizes the conferring of rank.
Drangpon: Judge or Justice of a Royal Court of Justice.
Dratshang: Monastic Body.
Dratshang Lhentshog: The Commission for the Monastic Affairs.
Druk: Bhutan.
Druk Gyalpo: The King of Bhutan.
Druk-lu: The tradition of the Drukpa Kargyu, established by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal.
Dungkhag Court: Sub-district Court.
Dzong: Fortress, which is commonly used as an administrative center and traditionally is the abode of monks.
Dzongdag: District Administrator.
Dzongkha: The National Language of Bhutan.
Dzongkhag: District.
Dzongkhag Tshogdu: District Council.
Gewog: County.
Gewog Tshogde: County Committee.
Goendey: A monastic community.
Gup: Head of a Gewog.
Gyenja: Agreement.
Jabmi: Legal Counsel.
Je Khenpo: The Chief Abbot of the Central Monastic Body of Bhutan.
Kargyu: One of the four orders of Mahayana Buddhism.

Kasho: A written order.