Page:Constitution of Bhutan 2008 English.pdf/39

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  1. Candidates and political parties shall not resort to regionalism, ethnicity and religion to incite voters for electoral gain.
  2. A political party shall be registered by the Election Commission on its satisfying the qualifications and requirements set out hereinafter, that:
    1. Its members shall be Bhutanese citizens and not otherwise disqualified under this Constitution;
    2. Its membership is not based on region, sex, language, religion or social origin;
    3. It is broad-based with cross-national membership and support and is committed to national cohesion and stability;
    4. It does not accept money or any assistance other than those contributions made by its registered members, and the amount or value shall be fixed by the Election Commission;
    5. It does not receive money or any assistance from foreign sources, be it governmental, non-governmental, private organizations or from private parties or individuals;
    6. Its members shall bear true faith and allegiance to this Constitution and uphold the sovereignty, territorial integrity, security and unity of the Kingdom;
    7. It is established for the advancement of democracy and for the social, economic and political growth of Bhutan; and
    8. It has not been dissolved earlier under the provisions of section 11 of this Article.