Page:Constitution of Bhutan 2008 English.pdf/27

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  1. The State shall endeavour to ensure that all the Dzongkhags are treated with equity on the basis of different needs so that the allocation of national resources results in comparable socioeconomic development.
  2. The State shall endeavour to achieve economic self-reliance and promote open and progressive economy.
  3. The State shall encourage and foster private sector development through fair market competition and prevent commercial monopolies.
  4. The State shall endeavour to promote those circumstances that would enable the citizens to secure an adequate livelihood.
  5. The State shall endeavour to ensure the right to work, vocational guidance and training and just and favourable conditions of work.
  6. The State shall endeavour to ensure the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.
  7. The State shall endeavour to ensure the right to fair and reasonable remuneration for one’s work.
  8. The State shall endeavour to provide education for the purpose of improving and increasing knowledge, values and skills of the entire population with education being directed towards the full development of the human personality.